Package | Description |
de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.algorithm |
Algorithms suitable as a task for the
KDDTask main routine. |
de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.algorithm.clustering |
Clustering algorithms.
de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.algorithm.clustering.correlation |
Correlation clustering algorithms
| |
Helper classes for the
CASH algorithm. |
de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.algorithm.clustering.kmeans |
K-means clustering and variations.
de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.algorithm.outlier |
Outlier detection algorithms
| |
Basic classes for different data types, database object types and label types.
| |
Cluster models classes for various algorithms.
| |
Spatial data types - interfaces and utilities.
| |
Generator using a distribution model specified in an XML configuration file.
| |
Data type information, also used for type restrictions.
de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.datasource |
Data normalization (and reconstitution) of data sets.
de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.distance.distancefunction.correlation |
Distance functions using correlations.
de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.evaluation.outlier |
Evaluate an outlier score using a misclassification based cost model.
de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.math |
Mathematical operations and utilities used throughout the framework.
de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.math.geometry |
Algorithms from computational geometry.
de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.math.linearalgebra |
Linear Algebra package provides classes and computational methods for operations on matrices.
de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.math.statistics |
Statistical tests and methods.
de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.result.textwriter.writers |
Serialization handlers for individual data types.
de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.utilities |
Utility and helper classes - commonly used data structures, output formatting, exceptions, ...
de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.visualization.projections |
Visualization projections
de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.visualization.svg |
Base SVG functionality (generation, markers, thumbnails, export, ...).
de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.visualization.visualizers.scatterplot.cluster |
Visualizers for clustering results based on 2D projections.
de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.visualization.visualizers.scatterplot.outlier |
Visualizers for outlier scores based on 2D projections.
de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.visualization.visualizers.scatterplot.selection |
Visualizers for object selection based on 2D projections.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
CorrelationAnalysisSolution<V> |
DependencyDerivator.generateModel(Relation<V> db,
DBIDs ids,
Vector centroid)
Runs the pca on the given set of IDs and for the given centroid.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected double |
EM.assignProbabilitiesToInstances(Relation<V> database,
double[] normDistrFactor,
List<Vector> means,
List<Matrix> invCovMatr,
double[] clusterWeights,
WritableDataStore<double[]> probClusterIGivenX)
Assigns the current probability values to the instances in the database and
compute the expectation value of the current mixture of distributions.
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
(package private) Vector |
Origin vector
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
private double |
LMCLUS.deviation(Vector delta,
Matrix beta)
Deviation from a manifold described by beta.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
private Matrix |
LMCLUS.generateOrthonormalBasis(List<Vector> vectors)
This Method generates an orthonormal basis from a set of Vectors.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Vector |
Get the actual vector used.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected List<Vector> |
AbstractKMeans.means(List<? extends ModifiableDBIDs> clusters,
List<? extends NumberVector<?>> means,
Relation<V> database)
Returns the mean vectors of the given clusters in the given database.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected void |
AbstractKMeans.incrementalUpdateMean(Vector mean,
V vec,
int newsize,
double op)
Compute an incremental update for the mean.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected boolean |
AbstractKMeans.macQueenIterate(Relation<V> relation,
List<Vector> means,
List<ModifiableDBIDs> clusters)
Perform a MacQueen style iteration.
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
(package private) Vector |
Center vector
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Vector |
Return center vector
Constructor and Description |
ALOCI.Node(int code,
Vector center,
int count,
int level,
List<ALOCI.Node> children)
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static Vector |
VectorUtil.computeMedoid(Relation<? extends NumberVector<?>> relation,
DBIDs sample)
Compute medoid for a given subset.
Vector |
Returns a Vector representing in one column and
getDimensionality() rows the values of this NumberVector of V. |
Vector |
SparseFloatVector.getColumnVector() |
Vector |
FloatVector.getColumnVector() |
Vector |
SparseDoubleVector.getColumnVector() |
Vector |
IntegerVector.getColumnVector() |
Vector |
DoubleVector.getColumnVector() |
Vector |
OneDimensionalDoubleVector.getColumnVector() |
Vector |
Returns a Vector representing in one column and
getDimensionality() rows the values of this BitVector as
double values. |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static double |
VectorUtil.angle(NumberVector<?> v1,
NumberVector<?> v2,
Vector o)
Compute the angle between two vectors.
Constructor and Description |
DoubleVector(Vector columnMatrix)
Expects a matrix of one column.
FloatVector(Vector columnMatrix)
Expects a matrix of one column.
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
private Vector |
The centroid if the objects belonging to the hyperplane induced by the
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Vector |
CorrelationAnalysisSolution.dataVector(V p)
Returns the data vectors after projection.
Vector |
CorrelationAnalysisSolution.errorVector(V p)
Returns the error vectors after projection.
Vector |
Returns the centroid of this model.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
private double |
CorrelationAnalysisSolution.distance(Vector p)
Returns the distance of Matrix p from the hyperplane underlying this
Constructor and Description |
CorrelationAnalysisSolution(LinearEquationSystem solution,
Relation<V> db,
Matrix strongEigenvectors,
Matrix weakEigenvectors,
Matrix similarityMatrix,
Vector centroid)
Provides a new CorrelationAnalysisSolution holding the specified matrix.
CorrelationAnalysisSolution(LinearEquationSystem solution,
Relation<V> db,
Matrix strongEigenvectors,
Matrix weakEigenvectors,
Matrix similarityMatrix,
Vector centroid,
NumberFormat nf)
Provides a new CorrelationAnalysisSolution holding the specified matrix and
number format.
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
private List<Vector> |
The actual points
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Vector |
Polygon.get(int idx)
Get a vector by index.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ListIterator<Vector> |
Return an iterator that iterates the list backwards.
Iterator<Vector> |
Polygon.iterator() |
ListIterator<Vector> |
Get a list iterator.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
boolean |
Polygon.containsPoint2D(Vector v)
Point in polygon test, based on
by W.
Constructor and Description |
Polygon(List<Vector> points)
Polygon(List<Vector> points,
double minx,
double maxx,
double miny,
double maxy) |
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
private Vector |
GeneratorSingleCluster.clipmax |
private Vector |
Clipping vectors.
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
List<Vector> |
Cluster points
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Vector |
Return a copy of the 'clipping maximum' vector
Vector |
Return a copy of the 'clipping minimum' vector.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
List<Vector> |
GeneratorSingleCluster.generate(int count)
Generate the given number of additional points.
List<Vector> |
GeneratorStatic.generate(int count)
"Generate" new cluster points.
List<Vector> |
GeneratorInterface.generate(int count)
Generate a specified number of points
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
GeneratorSingleCluster.addTranslation(Vector v)
Add a translation to the generator
double |
GeneratorSingleCluster.getDensity(Vector p)
Compute density for cluster model at given vector p-
double |
GeneratorStatic.getDensity(Vector p) |
double |
GeneratorInterface.getDensity(Vector p)
Get the density of the given vector
void |
GeneratorSingleCluster.setClipping(Vector min,
Vector max)
Set a clipping box. min needs to be smaller than max in each component.
private boolean |
GeneratorSingleCluster.testClipping(Vector p)
Test if a point is to be clipped
Constructor and Description |
GeneratorStatic(String name,
List<Vector> points)
Construct generator using given name and points
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
static SimpleTypeInformation<Vector> |
Vector type.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
private Vector |
GeneratorXMLDatabaseConnection.parseVector(String s)
Parse a string into a vector.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
private void |
GeneratorXMLDatabaseConnection.processElementPoint(List<Vector> points,
Node cur)
Parse a 'point' element (point vector for a static cluster)
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
private void |
PCABasedCorrelationDistanceFunction.Instance.adjust(Matrix v,
Matrix e_czech,
Vector vector,
int corrDim)
Inserts the specified vector into the given orthonormal matrix
v at column corrDim . |
Constructor and Description |
JudgeOutlierScores.ScoreResult(Collection<Vector> col)
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static double |
MathUtil.angle(Vector v1,
Vector v2)
Compute the angle between two vectors.
static double |
MathUtil.angle(Vector v1,
Vector v2,
Vector o)
Compute the angle between two vectors.
static double |
MathUtil.mahalanobisDistance(Matrix weightMatrix,
Vector o1_minus_o2)
Compute the Mahalanobis distance using the given weight matrix.
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
Vector |
Center vector
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
private List<Vector> |
private List<Vector> |
The current set of points
private List<Vector> |
The current set of points.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
GrahamScanConvexHull2D.add(Vector point)
Add a single point to the list (this does not compute the hull!)
void |
SweepHullDelaunay2D.add(Vector point)
Add a single point to the list (this does not compute or update the
private double |
GrahamScanConvexHull2D.getRX(Vector a,
Vector origin)
Get the relative X coordinate to the origin.
private double |
GrahamScanConvexHull2D.getRY(Vector a,
Vector origin)
Get the relative Y coordinate to the origin.
boolean |
SweepHullDelaunay2D.Triangle.inCircle(Vector opp)
Test whether a point is within the circumference circle.
private boolean |
GrahamScanConvexHull2D.isConvex(Vector a,
Vector b,
Vector c)
Simple convexity test.
protected int |
GrahamScanConvexHull2D.isLeft(Vector a,
Vector b,
Vector o)
Test whether a point is left of the other wrt. the origin.
(package private) boolean |
SweepHullDelaunay2D.leftOf(Vector a,
Vector b,
Vector d)
Test if the vector AD is right of AB.
private double |
GrahamScanConvexHull2D.mdist(Vector a,
Vector b)
Manhattan distance.
static double |
SweepHullDelaunay2D.quadraticEuclidean(Vector v1,
Vector v2)
Squared euclidean distance. 2d.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
(package private) boolean |
SweepHullDelaunay2D.Triangle.isClockwise(List<Vector> points)
Verify that the triangle is clockwise
(package private) void |
SweepHullDelaunay2D.Triangle.makeClockwise(List<Vector> points)
Make the triangle clockwise
private void |
AlphaShape.processNeighbor(List<Vector> cur,
BitSet used,
int i,
int ab,
int b) |
(package private) boolean |
SweepHullDelaunay2D.Triangle.updateCircumcircle(List<Vector> points)
Recompute the location and squared radius of circumcircle.
Constructor and Description |
AlphaShape(List<Vector> points,
double alpha) |
SweepHullDelaunay2D(List<Vector> points)
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
Class to compute the centroid of some data.
class |
Centroid only using a subset of dimensions.
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
private Vector |
The eigenvector as a matrix.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Vector |
AffineTransformation.apply(Vector v)
Apply the transformation onto a vector
Vector |
AffineTransformation.applyInverse(Vector v)
Apply the inverse transformation onto a vector
Vector |
AffineTransformation.applyRelative(Vector v)
Apply the transformation onto a vector
Vector |
AffineTransformation.applyRelativeInverse(Vector v)
Apply the inverse transformation onto a vector
Vector |
Vector.clone() |
Vector |
Returns a copy of this vector.
Vector |
Vector.cross3D(Vector other)
Cross product for 3d vectors, i.e.
Vector |
Matrix.getCol(int j)
Returns the
j th column of this matrix as vector. |
Vector |
Vector.getColumnVector() |
Vector |
Returns the eigenvector.
Vector |
Get the mean as vector.
Vector |
Matrix.getRow(int i)
Returns the
i th row of this matrix as vector. |
Vector |
AffineTransformation.homogeneRelativeVector(Vector v)
Transform a relative vector into homogeneous coordinates.
Vector |
AffineTransformation.homogeneVector(Vector v)
Transform an absolute vector into homogeneous coordinates.
Vector |
Vector.minus(Vector v)
Returns this vector minus the specified vector v.
Vector |
Vector.minusEquals(double d)
Subtract a constant value from all dimensions.
Vector |
Vector.minusEquals(Vector b)
a = a - b.
Vector |
Vector.minusTimes(Vector v,
double s)
Returns this vector minus the specified vector v times s.
Vector |
Vector.minusTimesEquals(Vector b,
double s)
a = a - s * b.
Vector |
Normalizes this vector to the length of 1.0.
Vector | v)
Returns a new vector which is the result of this vector plus the specified
Vector |
Vector.plusEquals(double d)
Add a constant value to all dimensions.
Vector |
Vector.plusEquals(Vector b)
a = a + b.
Vector |
Vector.plusTimes(Vector v,
double s)
Returns a new vector which is the result of this vector plus the specified
vector times the given factor.
Vector |
Vector.plusTimesEquals(Vector b,
double s)
a = a + s * b.
Vector |
Vector.projection(Matrix v)
Projects this row vector into the subspace formed by the specified matrix
static Vector |
Vector.randomNormalizedVector(int dimensionality)
Returns a randomly created vector of length 1.0.
Vector |
Rotate vector by 90 degrees.
Vector |
Vector.set(int i,
double value)
Sets the value at the specified row.
Vector |
Vector.times(double s)
Returns a new vector which is the result of this vector multiplied by the
specified scalar.
Vector |
Matrix.times(Vector B)
Linear algebraic matrix multiplication, A * B
Vector |
Vector.timesEquals(double s)
Multiply a matrix by a scalar in place, A = s*A.
Vector |
Matrix.transposeTimes(Vector B)
Linear algebraic matrix multiplication, AT * B
Vector |
AffineTransformation.unhomogeneRelativeVector(Vector v)
Project an homogeneous vector back into the original space.
Vector |
AffineTransformation.unhomogeneVector(Vector v)
Project an homogeneous vector back into the original space.
static Vector |
Vector.unitVector(int dimensionality,
int i)
Returns the ith unit vector of the specified dimensionality.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
AffineTransformation.addTranslation(Vector v)
Add a translation operation to the matrix
Vector |
AffineTransformation.apply(Vector v)
Apply the transformation onto a vector
Vector |
AffineTransformation.applyInverse(Vector v)
Apply the inverse transformation onto a vector
Vector |
AffineTransformation.applyRelative(Vector v)
Apply the transformation onto a vector
Vector |
AffineTransformation.applyRelativeInverse(Vector v)
Apply the inverse transformation onto a vector
Vector |
Vector.cross3D(Vector other)
Cross product for 3d vectors, i.e.
static Matrix |
Matrix.diagonal(Vector diagonal)
Returns a quadratic Matrix consisting of zeros and of the given values on
the diagonal.
Vector |
AffineTransformation.homogeneRelativeVector(Vector v)
Transform a relative vector into homogeneous coordinates.
Vector |
AffineTransformation.homogeneVector(Vector v)
Transform an absolute vector into homogeneous coordinates.
Vector |
Vector.minus(Vector v)
Returns this vector minus the specified vector v.
Vector |
Vector.minusEquals(Vector b)
a = a - b.
Vector |
Vector.minusTimes(Vector v,
double s)
Returns this vector minus the specified vector v times s.
Vector |
Vector.minusTimesEquals(Vector b,
double s)
a = a - s * b.
Vector | v)
Returns a new vector which is the result of this vector plus the specified
Vector |
Vector.plusEquals(Vector b)
a = a + b.
Vector |
Vector.plusTimes(Vector v,
double s)
Returns a new vector which is the result of this vector plus the specified
vector times the given factor.
Vector |
Vector.plusTimesEquals(Vector b,
double s)
a = a + s * b.
void |
Centroid.put(Vector val)
Add a single value with weight 1.0.
void |
CovarianceMatrix.put(Vector val)
Add a single value with weight 1.0.
void |
Centroid.put(Vector val,
double weight)
Add data with a given weight.
void |
CovarianceMatrix.put(Vector val,
double weight)
Add data with a given weight.
void |
Matrix.setCol(int j,
Vector column)
Sets the
j th column of this matrix to the specified column. |
void |
Matrix.setRow(int j,
Vector row)
Sets the
j th row of this matrix to the specified vector. |
Vector |
Matrix.times(Vector B)
Linear algebraic matrix multiplication, A * B
Matrix |
Vector.timesTranspose(Vector B)
Linear algebraic matrix multiplication, A * B^T.
Vector |
Matrix.transposeTimes(Vector B)
Linear algebraic matrix multiplication, AT * B
double |
Vector.transposeTimes(Vector B)
Linear algebraic matrix multiplication, AT * B.
double |
Vector.transposeTimesTimes(Matrix B,
Vector c)
Linear algebraic matrix multiplication, aT * B * c.
Vector |
AffineTransformation.unhomogeneRelativeVector(Vector v)
Project an homogeneous vector back into the original space.
Vector |
AffineTransformation.unhomogeneVector(Vector v)
Project an homogeneous vector back into the original space.
Constructor and Description |
EigenPair(Vector eigenvector,
double eigenvalue)
Creates a new EigenPair object.
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
private Vector |
The (p+1 x 1) - vector holding the estimated b-values (b0, b1, ..., bp)^T.
private Vector |
The (n x 1) - vector holding the estimated residuals (e1, ..., en)^T.
private Vector |
The (n x 1) - vector holding the y-values (y1, ..., yn)^T.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Vector |
Returns the estimated coefficients
Vector |
Returns the estimated residuals
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
private static Matrix |
PolynomialRegression.xMatrix(Vector x,
int p) |
Constructor and Description |
MultipleLinearRegression(Vector y,
Matrix x)
Provides a new multiple linear regression model with the specified
PolynomialRegression(Vector y,
Vector x,
int p)
Provides a new polynomial regression model with the specified parameters.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
TextWriterVector.write(TextWriterStream out,
String label,
Vector v)
Serialize an object into the inline section.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static String |
FormatUtil.format(Vector m)
Returns String-representation of Vector.
static String |
FormatUtil.format(Vector v,
int w,
int d)
Returns a string representation of this matrix.
static String |
FormatUtil.format(Vector m,
NumberFormat nf)
returns String-representation of Vector.
static String |
FormatUtil.format(Vector v,
String pre)
Returns a string representation of this matrix.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected abstract Vector |
AbstractSimpleProjection.dearrange(Vector v)
Undo the rearrangement of components
protected Vector |
Simple1D.dearrange(Vector v) |
protected Vector |
Simple2D.dearrange(Vector v) |
protected Vector |
AbstractSimpleProjection.flipSecondEquals(Vector v)
Flip the y axis.
Vector |
AbstractFullProjection.projectDataToRenderSpace(NumberVector<?> data)
Project a data vector from data space to rendering space.
Vector |
FullProjection.projectDataToRenderSpace(NumberVector<?> data)
Project a data vector from data space to rendering space.
Vector |
AbstractFullProjection.projectDataToRenderSpace(Vector data)
Project a data vector from data space to rendering space.
Vector |
FullProjection.projectDataToRenderSpace(Vector data)
Project a data vector from data space to rendering space.
Vector |
AbstractFullProjection.projectDataToScaledSpace(NumberVector<?> data)
Project a data vector from data space to scaled space.
Vector |
FullProjection.projectDataToScaledSpace(NumberVector<?> data)
Project a data vector from data space to scaled space.
Vector |
AbstractFullProjection.projectDataToScaledSpace(Vector data)
Project a data vector from data space to scaled space.
Vector |
FullProjection.projectDataToScaledSpace(Vector data)
Project a data vector from data space to scaled space.
Vector |
AbstractFullProjection.projectRelativeDataToRenderSpace(NumberVector<?> data)
Project a relative data vector from data space to rendering space.
Vector |
FullProjection.projectRelativeDataToRenderSpace(NumberVector<?> data)
Project a relative data vector from data space to rendering space.
Vector |
AbstractFullProjection.projectRelativeDataToRenderSpace(Vector data)
Project a relative data vector from data space to rendering space.
Vector |
FullProjection.projectRelativeDataToRenderSpace(Vector data)
Project a relative data vector from data space to rendering space.
Vector |
AbstractFullProjection.projectRelativeDataToScaledSpace(NumberVector<?> data)
Project a relative data vector from data space to scaled space.
Vector |
FullProjection.projectRelativeDataToScaledSpace(NumberVector<?> data)
Project a relative data vector from data space to scaled space.
Vector |
AbstractFullProjection.projectRelativeDataToScaledSpace(Vector data)
Project a relative data vector from data space to scaled space.
Vector |
FullProjection.projectRelativeDataToScaledSpace(Vector data)
Project a relative data vector from data space to scaled space.
Vector |
AbstractSimpleProjection.projectRelativeRenderToScaled(Vector v) |
Vector |
AffineProjection.projectRelativeRenderToScaled(Vector v)
Project a relative vector from rendering space to scaled space.
Vector |
FullProjection.projectRelativeRenderToScaled(Vector v)
Project a relative vector from rendering space to scaled space.
Vector |
AbstractSimpleProjection.projectRelativeScaledToRender(Vector v) |
Vector |
AffineProjection.projectRelativeScaledToRender(Vector v)
Project a relative vector from scaled space to rendering space.
Vector |
FullProjection.projectRelativeScaledToRender(Vector v)
Project a relative vector from scaled space to rendering space.
Vector |
AbstractSimpleProjection.projectRenderToScaled(Vector v) |
Vector |
AffineProjection.projectRenderToScaled(Vector v)
Project a vector from rendering space to scaled space.
Vector |
FullProjection.projectRenderToScaled(Vector v)
Project a vector from rendering space to scaled space.
Vector |
AbstractSimpleProjection.projectScaledToRender(Vector v) |
Vector |
AffineProjection.projectScaledToRender(Vector v)
Project a vector from scaled space to rendering space.
Vector |
FullProjection.projectScaledToRender(Vector v)
Project a vector from scaled space to rendering space.
protected abstract Vector |
AbstractSimpleProjection.rearrange(Vector v)
Method to rearrange components
protected Vector |
Simple1D.rearrange(Vector v) |
protected Vector |
Simple2D.rearrange(Vector v) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected abstract Vector |
AbstractSimpleProjection.dearrange(Vector v)
Undo the rearrangement of components
protected Vector |
Simple1D.dearrange(Vector v) |
protected Vector |
Simple2D.dearrange(Vector v) |
double |
Simple1D.fastProjectDataToRenderSpace(Vector data) |
double |
Projection1D.fastProjectDataToRenderSpace(Vector data)
Project a data vector from data space to rendering space.
double |
Simple1D.fastProjectRelativeDataToRenderSpace(Vector data) |
double |
Projection1D.fastProjectRelativeDataToRenderSpace(Vector data)
Project a data vector from data space to rendering space.
double |
Simple1D.fastProjectRelativeScaledToRender(Vector v) |
double |
Projection1D.fastProjectRelativeScaledToRender(Vector v)
Project a vector from scaled space to rendering space.
double |
Simple1D.fastProjectScaledToRender(Vector v) |
double |
Projection1D.fastProjectScaledToRender(Vector v)
Project a vector from scaled space to rendering space.
protected Vector |
AbstractSimpleProjection.flipSecondEquals(Vector v)
Flip the y axis.
Vector |
AbstractFullProjection.projectDataToRenderSpace(Vector data)
Project a data vector from data space to rendering space.
Vector |
FullProjection.projectDataToRenderSpace(Vector data)
Project a data vector from data space to rendering space.
Vector |
AbstractFullProjection.projectDataToScaledSpace(Vector data)
Project a data vector from data space to scaled space.
Vector |
FullProjection.projectDataToScaledSpace(Vector data)
Project a data vector from data space to scaled space.
Vector |
AbstractFullProjection.projectRelativeDataToRenderSpace(Vector data)
Project a relative data vector from data space to rendering space.
Vector |
FullProjection.projectRelativeDataToRenderSpace(Vector data)
Project a relative data vector from data space to rendering space.
Vector |
AbstractFullProjection.projectRelativeDataToScaledSpace(Vector data)
Project a relative data vector from data space to scaled space.
Vector |
FullProjection.projectRelativeDataToScaledSpace(Vector data)
Project a relative data vector from data space to scaled space.
<NV extends NumberVector<?>> |
AbstractFullProjection.projectRelativeRenderToDataSpace(Vector v,
NumberVector.Factory<NV,?> prototype)
Project a relative vector from rendering space to data space.
<NV extends NumberVector<?>> |
FullProjection.projectRelativeRenderToDataSpace(Vector v,
NumberVector.Factory<NV,?> prototype)
Project a relative vector from rendering space to data space.
Vector |
AbstractSimpleProjection.projectRelativeRenderToScaled(Vector v) |
Vector |
AffineProjection.projectRelativeRenderToScaled(Vector v)
Project a relative vector from rendering space to scaled space.
Vector |
FullProjection.projectRelativeRenderToScaled(Vector v)
Project a relative vector from rendering space to scaled space.
<NV extends NumberVector<?>> |
AbstractFullProjection.projectRelativeScaledToDataSpace(Vector v,
NumberVector.Factory<NV,?> prototype)
Project a relative vector from scaled space to data space.
<NV extends NumberVector<?>> |
FullProjection.projectRelativeScaledToDataSpace(Vector v,
NumberVector.Factory<NV,?> prototype)
Project a relative vector from scaled space to data space.
Vector |
AbstractSimpleProjection.projectRelativeScaledToRender(Vector v) |
Vector |
AffineProjection.projectRelativeScaledToRender(Vector v)
Project a relative vector from scaled space to rendering space.
Vector |
FullProjection.projectRelativeScaledToRender(Vector v)
Project a relative vector from scaled space to rendering space.
<NV extends NumberVector<?>> |
AbstractFullProjection.projectRenderToDataSpace(Vector v,
NumberVector.Factory<NV,?> prototype)
Project a vector from rendering space to data space.
<NV extends NumberVector<?>> |
FullProjection.projectRenderToDataSpace(Vector v,
NumberVector.Factory<NV,?> prototype)
Project a vector from rendering space to data space.
Vector |
AbstractSimpleProjection.projectRenderToScaled(Vector v) |
Vector |
AffineProjection.projectRenderToScaled(Vector v)
Project a vector from rendering space to scaled space.
Vector |
FullProjection.projectRenderToScaled(Vector v)
Project a vector from rendering space to scaled space.
<NV extends NumberVector<?>> |
AbstractFullProjection.projectScaledToDataSpace(Vector v,
NumberVector.Factory<NV,?> factory)
Project a vector from scaled space to data space.
<NV extends NumberVector<?>> |
FullProjection.projectScaledToDataSpace(Vector v,
NumberVector.Factory<NV,?> factory)
Project a vector from scaled space to data space.
Vector |
AbstractSimpleProjection.projectScaledToRender(Vector v) |
Vector |
AffineProjection.projectScaledToRender(Vector v)
Project a vector from scaled space to rendering space.
Vector |
FullProjection.projectScaledToRender(Vector v)
Project a vector from scaled space to rendering space.
protected abstract Vector |
AbstractSimpleProjection.rearrange(Vector v)
Method to rearrange components
protected Vector |
Simple1D.rearrange(Vector v) |
protected Vector |
Simple2D.rearrange(Vector v) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
SVGPath |
SVGPath.cubicTo(Vector c1xy,
Vector c2xy,
Vector xy)
Cubic Bezier line to the given coordinates.
SVGPath |
SVGPath.drawTo(Vector xy)
Draw a line given a series of coordinates.
SVGPath |
SVGPath.ellipticalArc(Vector rxy,
double ar,
double la,
double sp,
Vector xy)
Elliptical arc curve to the given coordinates.
SVGPath |
SVGPath.lineTo(Vector xy)
Draw a line to the given coordinates.
SVGPath |
SVGPath.moveTo(Vector xy)
Move to the given coordinates.
SVGPath |
SVGPath.quadTo(Vector c1xy,
Vector xy)
Quadratic Bezier line to the given coordinates.
SVGPath |
SVGPath.relativeCubicTo(Vector c1xy,
Vector c2xy,
Vector xy)
Cubic Bezier line to the given relative coordinates.
SVGPath |
SVGPath.relativeEllipticalArc(Vector rxy,
double ar,
double la,
double sp,
Vector xy)
Elliptical arc curve to the given relative coordinates.
SVGPath |
SVGPath.relativeLineTo(Vector xy)
Draw a line to the given relative coordinates.
SVGPath |
SVGPath.relativeMoveTo(Vector xy)
Move to the given relative coordinates.
SVGPath |
SVGPath.relativeQuadTo(Vector c1xy,
Vector xy)
Quadratic Bezier line to the given relative coordinates.
SVGPath |
SVGPath.relativeSmoothCubicTo(Vector c2xy,
Vector xy)
Smooth Cubic Bezier line to the given relative coordinates.
SVGPath |
SVGPath.relativeSmoothQuadTo(Vector xy)
Smooth quadratic Bezier line to the given relative coordinates.
SVGPath |
SVGPath.smoothCubicTo(Vector c2xy,
Vector xy)
Smooth Cubic Bezier line to the given coordinates.
SVGPath |
SVGPath.smoothQuadTo(Vector xy)
Smooth quadratic Bezier line to the given coordinates.
Constructor and Description |
SVGPath(Iterable<Vector> vectors)
Constructor from a vector collection (e.g. a polygon)
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
private void |
EMClusterVisualization.Instance.drawArc(SVGPath path,
Vector cent,
Vector pre,
Vector nex,
Vector oPrev,
Vector oNext,
double scale)
Draw an arc to simulate the hyper ellipse.
protected void |
EMClusterVisualization.Instance.drawHullArc(int cnum,
Vector cent,
Polygon chres) |
protected void |
EMClusterVisualization.Instance.drawHullLines(int cnum,
Vector cent,
Polygon chres) |
protected void |
EMClusterVisualization.Instance.drawSphere2D(int cnum,
Vector cent,
Vector[] pc) |
protected void |
EMClusterVisualization.Instance.drawSphere2D(int cnum,
Vector cent,
Vector[] pc) |
protected Polygon |
EMClusterVisualization.Instance.makeHull(Vector[] pc) |
protected Polygon |
EMClusterVisualization.Instance.makeHullComplex(Vector[] pc) |
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
protected Relation<Vector> |
The outlier result to visualize
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
private void |
MoveObjectsToolVisualization.Instance.updateDB(DBIDs dbids,
Vector movingVector)
Updates the objects with the given DBIDs It will be moved depending on
the given Vector