Package | Description |
de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki |
ELKI framework "Environment for Developing KDD-Applications Supported by Index-Structures"
KDDTask is the main class of the ELKI-Framework
for command-line interaction. |
de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.algorithm.outlier.subspace |
Subspace outlier detection methods.
de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.application.jsmap |
JavaScript based map client - server architecture.
| |
Basic classes for different data types, database object types and label types.
de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.database |
ELKI database layer - loading, storing, indexing and accessing data
de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.database.relation |
Relations, materialized and virtual (views).
de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.evaluation |
Functionality for the evaluation of algorithms.
de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.evaluation.clustering |
Evaluation of clustering results.
de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.evaluation.clustering.pairsegments |
Pair-segment analysis of multiple clusterings.
de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.evaluation.histogram |
Functionality for the evaluation of algorithms using histograms.
de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.evaluation.index |
Simple index evaluation methods
de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.evaluation.outlier |
Evaluate an outlier score using a misclassification based cost model.
de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.evaluation.similaritymatrix |
Render a distance matrix to visualize a clustering-distance-combination.
de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.result |
Result types, representation and handling
de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.result.optics |
Result classes for OPTICS.
de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.result.outlier |
Outlier result classes
de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.visualization |
Visualization package of ELKI.
de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.visualization.gui |
Package to provide a visualization GUI.
de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.visualization.gui.overview |
Classes for managing the overview plot.
de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.visualization.projections |
Visualization projections
de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.visualization.projector |
Projectors are responsible for finding appropriate projections for data relations.
de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.visualization.visualizers |
Visualizers for various results
de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.visualization.visualizers.histogram |
Visualizers based on 1D projected histograms.
de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.visualization.visualizers.optics |
Visualizers that do work on OPTICS plots
de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.visualization.visualizers.pairsegments |
Visualizers for inspecting cluster differences using pair counting segments.
de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.visualization.visualizers.parallel |
Visualizers based on parallel coordinates.
de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.visualization.visualizers.parallel.cluster |
Visualizers for clustering results based on parallel coordinates.
de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.visualization.visualizers.parallel.index |
Visualizers for index structure based on parallel coordinates.
de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.visualization.visualizers.parallel.selection |
Visualizers for object selection based on parallel projections.
de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.visualization.visualizers.scatterplot |
Visualizers based on scatterplots.
de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.visualization.visualizers.scatterplot.cluster |
Visualizers for clustering results based on 2D projections.
de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.visualization.visualizers.scatterplot.density |
Visualizers for data set density in a scatterplot projection.
de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.visualization.visualizers.scatterplot.index |
Visualizers for index structures based on 2D projections.
de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.visualization.visualizers.scatterplot.outlier |
Visualizers for outlier scores based on 2D projections.
de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.visualization.visualizers.scatterplot.selection |
Visualizers for object selection based on 2D projections.
de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.visualization.visualizers.visunproj |
Visualizers that do not use a particular projection.
de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.workflow |
Work flow packages, e.g. following the usual KDD model, closely related to CRISP-DM
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
private HierarchicalResult |
The result object.
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
protected static class |
Proxy class that converts a model result to an actual SOD score result.
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
private HierarchicalResult |
The result tree we serve.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
JSONResultHandler.processNewResult(HierarchicalResult baseResult,
Result newResult) |
Constructor and Description |
JSONWebServer(int port,
HierarchicalResult result)
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
Clustering<M extends Model>
Result class for clusterings.
Modifier and Type | Interface and Description |
interface |
Database specifies the requirements for any database implementation.
interface |
Database API with updates.
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
Abstract base class for database API implementations.
class |
Provides a mapping for associations based on a Hashtable and functions to get
the next usable ID for insertion, making IDs reusable after deletion of the
class |
A proxy database to use e.g. for projections and partitions.
class |
This database class uses array-based storage and thus does not allow for
dynamic insert, delete and update operations.
Modifier and Type | Interface and Description |
interface |
An object representation from a database
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
Representation adapter that uses toString() to produce a string
class |
Pseudo-representation that is the object ID itself.
class |
Represents a single representation.
class |
Projected relation view (non-materialized)
class |
A virtual partitioning of the database.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected void |
AutomaticEvaluation.autoEvaluateClusterings(HierarchicalResult baseResult,
Result newResult) |
protected void |
AutomaticEvaluation.autoEvaluateOutliers(HierarchicalResult baseResult,
Result newResult) |
void |
NoAutomaticEvaluation.processNewResult(HierarchicalResult baseResult,
Result newResult) |
void |
AutomaticEvaluation.processNewResult(HierarchicalResult baseResult,
Result newResult) |
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
static class |
Result object for outlier score judgements.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
EvaluateClustering.processNewResult(HierarchicalResult baseResult,
Result result) |
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
Creates segments of two or more clusterings.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
ClusterPairSegmentAnalysis.processNewResult(HierarchicalResult baseResult,
Result result)
Perform clusterings evaluation
Constructor and Description |
Segments(List<Clustering<?>> clusterings,
HierarchicalResult baseResult)
Initialize segments.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
ComputeOutlierHistogram.processNewResult(HierarchicalResult baseResult,
Result result) |
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
Result class.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
IndexPurity.processNewResult(HierarchicalResult baseResult,
Result newResult) |
void |
IndexStatistics.processNewResult(HierarchicalResult baseResult,
Result result) |
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
Result object for outlier score judgements.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
OutlierROCCurve.processNewResult(HierarchicalResult baseResult,
Result result) |
void |
JudgeOutlierScores.processNewResult(HierarchicalResult baseResult,
Result result) |
void |
OutlierThresholdClustering.processNewResult(HierarchicalResult baseResult,
Result newResult) |
void |
OutlierPrecisionRecallCurve.processNewResult(HierarchicalResult baseResult,
Result result) |
void |
OutlierSmROCCurve.processNewResult(HierarchicalResult baseResult,
Result result) |
void |
OutlierPrecisionAtKCurve.processNewResult(HierarchicalResult baseResult,
Result result) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
ComputeSimilarityMatrixImage.processNewResult(HierarchicalResult baseResult,
Result result) |
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
Abstract class for a result object with hierarchy
class |
Result class for Apriori Algorithm.
class |
Basic class for a result.
class |
Simple 'collection' type of result.
class |
Histogram result.
class |
KNNDistanceOrderResult<D extends Distance<D>>
Wraps a list containing the knn distances.
class |
OrderingFromDataStore<T extends Comparable<T>>
Result class providing an ordering backed by a hashmap.
class |
Result used in passing the reference points to the visualizers.
class |
Class to keep shared scales across visualizers.
class |
Result that keeps track of settings that were used in generating this
particular result.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static void |
ResultUtil.addChildResult(HierarchicalResult parent,
Result child)
Add a child result.
void |
LogResultStructureResultHandler.processNewResult(HierarchicalResult baseResult,
Result newResult) |
void |
ResultProcessor.processNewResult(HierarchicalResult baseResult,
Result newResult)
Process a result.
void |
ResultWriter.processNewResult(HierarchicalResult baseresult,
Result result) |
void |
DiscardResultHandler.processNewResult(HierarchicalResult baseResult,
Result newResult) |
void |
KMLOutputHandler.processNewResult(HierarchicalResult baseResult,
Result newResult) |
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
ClusterOrderResult<D extends Distance<D>>
Class to store the result of an ordering clustering algorithm such as OPTICS.
(package private) class |
Result containing the predecessor ID.
(package private) class |
Result containing the reachability distances.
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
Wrap a typical Outlier result, keeping direct references to the main result
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
(package private) HierarchicalResult |
Base result
private HierarchicalResult |
The full result object
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
HierarchicalResult |
Get the full result object
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
VisualizerContext |
VisualizerParameterizer.newContext(HierarchicalResult result)
Make a new visualization context
private void |
VisualizerContext.processNewResult(HierarchicalResult baseResult,
Result newResult)
Process a particular result.
void |
ExportVisualizations.processNewResult(HierarchicalResult baseResult,
Result newResult) |
Constructor and Description |
VisualizerContext(HierarchicalResult result,
StyleLibrary stylelib,
Collection<ProjectorFactory> projectors,
Collection<VisFactory> factories)
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
private HierarchicalResult |
Result to visualize
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
ResultVisualizer.processNewResult(HierarchicalResult top,
Result result) |
Constructor and Description |
ResultWindow(String title,
HierarchicalResult result,
VisualizerContext context,
boolean single)
Constructor and Description |
OverviewPlot(HierarchicalResult result,
VisualizerContext context,
boolean single)
Modifier and Type | Interface and Description |
interface |
Full vector space projections.
interface |
Base interface used for projections in the ELKI visualizers.
interface |
Interface for projections that have a specialization to only compute the first component.
interface |
Projections that have specialized methods to only compute the first two
dimensions of the projection.
interface |
Projection to parallel coordinates that allows reordering and inversion of
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
Abstract base class for full projections.
class |
Abstract base projection class.
class |
Abstract base class for "simple" projections.
class |
Affine projections are the most general class.
class |
OPTICSProjection<D extends Distance<D>>
OPTICS projection.
class |
Dimension-selecting 1D projection.
class |
Dimension-selecting 2D projection.
class |
Simple parallel projection
Scaled space: reordered, scaled and inverted.
Modifier and Type | Interface and Description |
interface |
A projector is responsible for adding projections to the visualization.
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
HistogramProjector<V extends NumberVector<?>>
ScatterPlotProjector is responsible for producing a set of scatterplot
class |
OPTICSProjector<D extends Distance<D>>
Projection for OPTICS plots.
class |
ParallelPlotProjector<V extends NumberVector<?>>
ParallelPlotProjector is responsible for producing a parallel axes
class |
ScatterPlotProjector<V extends NumberVector<?>>
ScatterPlotProjector is responsible for producing a set of scatterplot
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
ParallelPlotFactory.processNewResult(HierarchicalResult baseResult,
Result newResult) |
void |
HistogramFactory.processNewResult(HierarchicalResult baseResult,
Result newResult) |
void |
OPTICSProjectorFactory.processNewResult(HierarchicalResult baseResult,
Result newResult) |
void |
ScatterPlotFactory.processNewResult(HierarchicalResult baseResult,
Result newResult) |
void |
ProjectorFactory.processNewResult(HierarchicalResult baseResult,
Result newResult)
Add projections for the given result (tree) to the result tree.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static VisualizerContext |
VisualizerUtil.getContext(HierarchicalResult baseResult)
Find the visualizer context in a result tree.
void |
VisFactory.processNewResult(HierarchicalResult baseResult,
Result newResult)
Add visualizers for the given result (tree) to the context.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
ColoredHistogramVisualizer.processNewResult(HierarchicalResult baseResult,
Result result) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
OPTICSPlotCutVisualization.processNewResult(HierarchicalResult baseResult,
Result result) |
void |
OPTICSSteepAreaVisualization.processNewResult(HierarchicalResult baseResult,
Result result) |
void |
OPTICSPlotVisualizer.processNewResult(HierarchicalResult baseResult,
Result result) |
void |
OPTICSPlotSelectionVisualization.processNewResult(HierarchicalResult baseResult,
Result result) |
void |
OPTICSClusterVisualization.processNewResult(HierarchicalResult baseResult,
Result result) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
CircleSegmentsVisualizer.processNewResult(HierarchicalResult baseResult,
Result result) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
LineVisualization.processNewResult(HierarchicalResult baseResult,
Result result) |
void |
AxisVisibilityVisualization.processNewResult(HierarchicalResult baseResult,
Result result) |
void |
ParallelAxisVisualization.processNewResult(HierarchicalResult baseResult,
Result result) |
void |
AxisReorderVisualization.processNewResult(HierarchicalResult baseResult,
Result result) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
ClusterOutlineVisualization.processNewResult(HierarchicalResult baseResult,
Result result) |
void |
ClusterParallelMeanVisualization.processNewResult(HierarchicalResult baseResult,
Result result) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
RTreeParallelVisualization.processNewResult(HierarchicalResult baseResult,
Result result) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
SelectionToolAxisRangeVisualization.processNewResult(HierarchicalResult baseResult,
Result result) |
void |
SelectionAxisRangeVisualization.processNewResult(HierarchicalResult baseResult,
Result result) |
void |
SelectionLineVisualization.processNewResult(HierarchicalResult baseResult,
Result result) |
void |
SelectionToolLineVisualization.processNewResult(HierarchicalResult baseResult,
Result result) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
AxisVisualization.processNewResult(HierarchicalResult baseResult,
Result result) |
void |
TooltipScoreVisualization.processNewResult(HierarchicalResult baseResult,
Result result) |
void |
PolygonVisualization.processNewResult(HierarchicalResult baseResult,
Result result) |
void |
ToolBox2DVisualization.processNewResult(HierarchicalResult baseResult,
Result result) |
void |
MarkerVisualization.processNewResult(HierarchicalResult baseResult,
Result result) |
void |
TooltipStringVisualization.processNewResult(HierarchicalResult baseResult,
Result result) |
void |
ReferencePointsVisualization.processNewResult(HierarchicalResult baseResult,
Result result) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
ClusterMeanVisualization.processNewResult(HierarchicalResult baseResult,
Result result) |
void |
ClusterHullVisualization.processNewResult(HierarchicalResult baseResult,
Result result) |
void |
EMClusterVisualization.processNewResult(HierarchicalResult baseResult,
Result result) |
void |
ClusterOrderVisualization.processNewResult(HierarchicalResult baseResult,
Result result) |
void |
VoronoiVisualization.processNewResult(HierarchicalResult baseResult,
Result result) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
DensityEstimationOverlay.processNewResult(HierarchicalResult baseResult,
Result result) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
TreeMBRVisualization.processNewResult(HierarchicalResult baseResult,
Result result) |
void |
TreeSphereVisualization.processNewResult(HierarchicalResult baseResult,
Result result) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
BubbleVisualization.processNewResult(HierarchicalResult baseResult,
Result result) |
void |
COPVectorVisualization.processNewResult(HierarchicalResult baseResult,
Result result) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
MoveObjectsToolVisualization.processNewResult(HierarchicalResult baseResult,
Result result) |
void |
SelectionConvexHullVisualization.processNewResult(HierarchicalResult baseResult,
Result result) |
void |
SelectionDotVisualization.processNewResult(HierarchicalResult baseResult,
Result result) |
void |
SelectionToolCubeVisualization.processNewResult(HierarchicalResult baseResult,
Result result) |
void |
SelectionCubeVisualization.processNewResult(HierarchicalResult baseResult,
Result result) |
void |
DistanceFunctionVisualization.processNewResult(HierarchicalResult baseResult,
Result result) |
void |
SelectionToolDotVisualization.processNewResult(HierarchicalResult baseResult,
Result result) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
SettingsVisualization.processNewResult(HierarchicalResult baseResult,
Result newResult) |
void |
XYCurveVisualization.processNewResult(HierarchicalResult baseResult,
Result result) |
void |
HistogramVisualization.processNewResult(HierarchicalResult baseResult,
Result newResult) |
void |
SimilarityMatrixVisualizer.processNewResult(HierarchicalResult baseResult,
Result result) |
void |
ClusterEvaluationVisualization.processNewResult(HierarchicalResult baseResult,
Result newResult) |
void |
LabelVisualization.processNewResult(HierarchicalResult baseResult,
Result newResult) |
void |
KeyVisualization.processNewResult(HierarchicalResult baseResult,
Result newResult) |
void |
PixmapVisualizer.processNewResult(HierarchicalResult baseResult,
Result result) |
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
private HierarchicalResult |
private HierarchicalResult |
The result we last processed.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
HierarchicalResult |
EvaluationStep.getResult() |
HierarchicalResult |
Get the algorithm result.
HierarchicalResult |
AlgorithmStep.runAlgorithms(Database database)
Run algorithms.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
EvaluationStep.runEvaluators(HierarchicalResult r,
Database db) |
void |
OutputStep.runResultHandlers(HierarchicalResult result)
Run the result handlers.
Constructor and Description |
EvaluationStep.Evaluation(HierarchicalResult baseResult,
List<Evaluator> evaluators)