Packages that use Matrix | |
de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.algorithm.clustering | Clustering algorithms
Clustering algorithms are supposed to implement the Algorithm -Interface. |
de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.algorithm.clustering.correlation | Correlation clustering algorithms |
de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.data | Basic classes for different data types, database object types and label types. |
de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.data.model | Cluster models classes for various algorithms. |
de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.data.type | Data type information, also used for type restrictions. |
de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.distance.distancefunction | Distance functions for use within ELKI. |
de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.distance.distancefunction.colorhistogram | Distance functions using correlations. |
de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.distance.distancefunction.correlation | Distance functions using correlations. |
de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.distance.similarityfunction.kernel | Kernel functions. |
de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.math | Mathematical operations and utilities used throughout the framework. |
de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.math.linearalgebra | Linear Algebra package provides classes and computational methods for operations on matrices. |
de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.math.linearalgebra.pca | Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and Eigenvector processing. |
de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.math.statistics | Statistical tests and methods. |
de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.utilities | Utility and helper classes - commonly used data structures, output formatting, exceptions, ... |
Uses of Matrix in de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.algorithm.clustering |
Method parameters in de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.algorithm.clustering with type arguments of type Matrix | |
protected double |
EM.assignProbabilitiesToInstances(Relation<V> database,
List<Double> normDistrFactor,
List<V> means,
List<Matrix> invCovMatr,
List<Double> clusterWeights,
WritableDataStore<double[]> probClusterIGivenX)
Assigns the current probability values to the instances in the database and compute the expectation value of the current mixture of distributions. |
Uses of Matrix in de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.algorithm.clustering.correlation |
Fields in de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.algorithm.clustering.correlation declared as Matrix | |
(package private) Matrix |
The matrix defining the subspace of this cluster. |
Methods in de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.algorithm.clustering.correlation that return Matrix | |
private Matrix |
CASH.determineBasis(double[] alpha)
Determines a basis defining a subspace described by the specified alpha values. |
private Matrix |
ORCLUS.findBasis(Relation<V> database,
DistanceQuery<V,DoubleDistance> distFunc,
ORCLUS.ORCLUSCluster cluster,
int dim)
Finds the basis of the subspace of dimensionality dim for the
specified cluster. |
private Matrix |
CASH.runDerivator(Relation<ParameterizationFunction> relation,
int dim,
CASHInterval interval,
ModifiableDBIDs ids)
Runs the derivator on the specified interval and assigns all points having a distance less then the standard deviation of the derivator model to the model to this model. |
Methods in de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.algorithm.clustering.correlation with parameters of type Matrix | |
private MaterializedRelation<ParameterizationFunction> |
CASH.buildDB(int dim,
Matrix basis,
DBIDs ids,
Relation<ParameterizationFunction> relation)
Builds a dim-1 dimensional database where the objects are projected into the specified subspace. |
private ParameterizationFunction |
CASH.project(Matrix basis,
ParameterizationFunction f)
Projects the specified parameterization function into the subspace described by the given basis. |
Uses of Matrix in de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.data |
Methods in de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.data that return Matrix | |
Matrix |
Returns a Matrix representing in one row and getDimensionality() columns the values of this NumberVector of
V. |
Matrix |
Matrix |
Matrix |
Matrix |
Matrix |
Matrix |
Returns a Matrix representing in one row and getDimensionality() columns the values of this BitVector as
double values. |
Uses of Matrix in de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.data.model |
Fields in de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.data.model declared as Matrix | |
private Matrix |
Cluster covariance matrix |
private Matrix |
The similarity matrix of the pca. |
private Matrix |
The strong eigenvectors of the hyperplane induced by the correlation. |
private Matrix |
The weak eigenvectors of the hyperplane induced by the correlation. |
Methods in de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.data.model that return Matrix | |
Matrix |
CorrelationAnalysisSolution.dataProjections(V p)
Returns the data vectors after projection. |
Matrix |
Matrix |
Returns the similarity matrix of the pca. |
Matrix |
Returns a copy of the strong eigenvectors. |
Matrix |
Returns a copy of the weak eigenvectors. |
Methods in de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.data.model with parameters of type Matrix | |
void |
EMModel.setCovarianceMatrix(Matrix covarianceMatrix)
Constructors in de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.data.model with parameters of type Matrix | |
CorrelationAnalysisSolution(LinearEquationSystem solution,
Relation<V> db,
Matrix strongEigenvectors,
Matrix weakEigenvectors,
Matrix similarityMatrix,
Vector centroid)
Provides a new CorrelationAnalysisSolution holding the specified matrix. |
CorrelationAnalysisSolution(LinearEquationSystem solution,
Relation<V> db,
Matrix strongEigenvectors,
Matrix weakEigenvectors,
Matrix similarityMatrix,
Vector centroid,
NumberFormat nf)
Provides a new CorrelationAnalysisSolution holding the specified matrix and number format. |
EMModel(V mean,
Matrix covarianceMatrix)
Constructor. |
Uses of Matrix in de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.data.type |
Fields in de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.data.type with type parameters of type Matrix | |
static SimpleTypeInformation<Matrix> |
Matrix type. |
Uses of Matrix in de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.distance.distancefunction |
Fields in de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.distance.distancefunction declared as Matrix | |
protected Matrix |
The weight matrix. |
Constructors in de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.distance.distancefunction with parameters of type Matrix | |
WeightedDistanceFunction(Matrix weightMatrix)
Provides the Weighted distance for feature vectors. |
Uses of Matrix in de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.distance.distancefunction.colorhistogram |
Methods in de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.distance.distancefunction.colorhistogram that return Matrix | |
static Matrix |
RGBHistogramQuadraticDistanceFunction.computeWeightMatrix(int bpp)
Compute weight matrix for a RGB color histogram |
static Matrix |
HSBHistogramQuadraticDistanceFunction.computeWeightMatrix(int quanth,
int quants,
int quantb)
Compute the weight matrix for HSB similarity. |
Uses of Matrix in de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.distance.distancefunction.correlation |
Methods in de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.distance.distancefunction.correlation with parameters of type Matrix | |
private void |
PCABasedCorrelationDistanceFunction.Instance.adjust(Matrix v,
Matrix e_czech,
Matrix vector,
int corrDim)
Inserts the specified vector into the given orthonormal matrix v at column corrDim . |
Uses of Matrix in de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.distance.similarityfunction.kernel |
Fields in de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.distance.similarityfunction.kernel declared as Matrix | |
(package private) Matrix |
The kernel matrix |
Methods in de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.distance.similarityfunction.kernel that return Matrix | |
static Matrix |
KernelMatrix.centerKernelMatrix(KernelMatrix kernelMatrix)
Centers the Kernel Matrix in Feature Space according to Smola et. |
static Matrix |
KernelMatrix.centerMatrix(Matrix matrix)
Centers the matrix in feature space according to Smola et. |
Matrix |
Get the kernel matrix. |
Matrix |
KernelMatrix.getSubColumn(int i,
List<Integer> ids)
Returns the ith kernel matrix column for all objects in ids |
Matrix |
KernelMatrix.getSubMatrix(Collection<Integer> ids)
Returns a sub kernel matrix for all objects in ids |
Methods in de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.distance.similarityfunction.kernel with parameters of type Matrix | |
static Matrix |
KernelMatrix.centerMatrix(Matrix matrix)
Centers the matrix in feature space according to Smola et. |
Constructors in de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.distance.similarityfunction.kernel with parameters of type Matrix | |
KernelMatrix(Matrix matrix)
Makes a new kernel matrix from matrix (with data copying). |
Uses of Matrix in de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.math |
Methods in de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.math with parameters of type Matrix | |
static double |
MathUtil.mahalanobisDistance(Matrix weightMatrix,
Vector o1_minus_o2)
Compute the Mahalanobis distance using the given weight matrix |
Uses of Matrix in de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.math.linearalgebra |
Fields in de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.math.linearalgebra declared as Matrix | |
private Matrix |
the inverse transformation |
private Matrix |
The similarity matrix |
private Matrix |
The transformation matrix of dim+1 x dim+1 for homogeneous coordinates |
Methods in de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.math.linearalgebra that return Matrix | |
Matrix |
Matrix.appendColumns(Matrix columns)
Returns a matrix which consists of this matrix and the specified columns. |
Matrix |
Matrix.cheatToAvoidSingularity(double constant)
Adds a given value to the diagonal entries if the entry is smaller than the constant. |
Matrix |
Clone the Matrix object. |
Matrix |
Completes this d x c basis of a subspace of R^d to a d x d basis of R^d, i.e. appends c-d columns to this basis. |
Matrix |
Completes this d x c basis of a subspace of R^d to a d x d basis of R^d, i.e. appends c-d columns to this basis. |
static Matrix |
Matrix.constructWithCopy(double[][] A)
Construct a matrix from a copy of a 2-D array. |
Matrix |
Make a deep copy of a matrix. |
Matrix |
Obtain the covariance matrix according to the population statistics: n degrees of freedom. |
Matrix |
Obtain the covariance matrix according to the sample statistics: (n-1) degrees of freedom. |
static Matrix |
Matrix.diagonal(double[] diagonal)
Returns a quadratic Matrix consisting of zeros and of the given values on the diagonal. |
static Matrix |
Matrix.diagonal(Vector diagonal)
Returns a quadratic Matrix consisting of zeros and of the given values on the diagonal. |
Matrix |
Returns the sorted eigenvectors. |
Matrix |
SortedEigenPairs.eigenVectors(int n)
Returns the first n sorted eigenvectors as a matrix. |
Matrix |
Returns a matrix derived by Gauss-Jordan-elimination using RationalNumbers for the transformations. |
Matrix |
Matrix.getColumn(int j)
Returns the j th column of this matrix. |
Matrix |
Return the block diagonal eigenvalue matrix |
Matrix |
Return the Householder vectors |
Matrix |
Get a copy of the inverse matrix |
Matrix |
Return lower triangular factor |
Matrix |
Return triangular factor. |
Matrix |
Matrix.getMatrix(int[] r,
int[] c)
Get a submatrix. |
Matrix |
Matrix.getMatrix(int[] r,
int j0,
int j1)
Get a submatrix. |
Matrix |
Matrix.getMatrix(int i0,
int i1,
int[] c)
Get a submatrix. |
Matrix |
Matrix.getMatrix(int i0,
int i1,
int j0,
int j1)
Get a submatrix. |
Matrix |
Generate and return the (economy-sized) orthogonal factor |
Matrix |
Return the upper triangular factor |
Matrix |
Matrix.getRow(int i)
Returns the i th row of this matrix. |
Matrix |
Return the diagonal matrix of singular values |
Matrix |
Get a copy of the transformation matrix |
Matrix |
Return upper triangular factor |
Matrix |
Return the left singular vectors |
Matrix |
Return the right singular vectors |
Matrix |
Return the eigenvector matrix |
static Matrix |
Matrix.identity(int m,
int n)
Generate identity matrix |
Matrix |
Matrix.increment(int i,
int j,
double s)
Increments a single element. |
Matrix |
Matrix inverse or pseudoinverse |
Matrix |
Obtain the covariance matrix according to the population statistics: n degrees of freedom. |
Matrix |
Obtain the covariance matrix according to the sample statistics: (n-1) degrees of freedom. |
Matrix |
Matrix.minus(Matrix B)
C = A - B |
Matrix |
Matrix.minusEquals(Matrix B)
A = A - B |
Matrix |
Matrix.minusTimes(Matrix B,
double s)
C = A - s * B |
Matrix |
Matrix.minusTimesEquals(Matrix B,
double s)
A = A - s * B |
Matrix |
Returns an orthonormalization of this matrix. |
Matrix |
Matrix.plus(Matrix B)
C = A + B |
Matrix |
Matrix.plusEquals(Matrix B)
A = A + B |
Matrix |
Matrix.plusTimes(Matrix B,
double s)
C = A + s * B |
Matrix |
Matrix.plusTimesEquals(Matrix B,
double s)
A = A + s * B |
static Matrix |
Matrix.random(int m,
int n)
Generate matrix with random elements |
static Matrix |
Matrix.read(BufferedReader input)
Read a matrix from a stream. |
Matrix |
SortedEigenPairs.reverseEigenVectors(int n)
Returns the last n sorted eigenvectors as a matrix. |
Matrix |
Matrix.set(int i,
int j,
double s)
Set a single element. |
Matrix |
Matrix |
Projection matrix |
Matrix |
Matrix.solve(Matrix B)
Solve A*X = B |
Matrix |
LUDecomposition.solve(Matrix B)
Solve A*X = B |
Matrix |
CholeskyDecomposition.solve(Matrix B)
Solve A*X = B |
Matrix |
QRDecomposition.solve(Matrix B)
Least squares solution of A*X = B |
Matrix |
Matrix.solveTranspose(Matrix B)
Solve X*A = B, which is also A'*X' = B' |
Matrix |
Matrix.times(double s)
Multiply a matrix by a scalar, C = s*A |
Matrix |
Matrix.times(Matrix B)
Linear algebraic matrix multiplication, A * B |
Matrix |
Vector.times(Matrix B)
Linear algebraic matrix multiplication, A * B |
Matrix |
Matrix.timesEquals(double s)
Multiply a matrix by a scalar in place, A = s*A |
Matrix |
Matrix.timesTranspose(Matrix B)
Linear algebraic matrix multiplication, A * B^T |
Matrix |
Vector.timesTranspose(Matrix B)
Linear algebraic matrix multiplication, A * B^T |
Matrix |
Matrix transpose. |
Matrix |
Matrix transpose. |
Matrix |
Matrix |
Matrix.transposeTimes(Matrix B)
Linear algebraic matrix multiplication, AT * B |
Matrix |
Vector.transposeTimes(Matrix B)
Linear algebraic matrix multiplication, AT * B |
Matrix |
Matrix.transposeTimesTranspose(Matrix B)
Linear algebraic matrix multiplication, A^T * B^T. |
static Matrix |
Matrix.unitMatrix(int dim)
Returns the unit matrix of the specified dimension. |
static Matrix |
Matrix.zeroMatrix(int dim)
Returns the zero matrix of the specified dimension. |
Methods in de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.math.linearalgebra with parameters of type Matrix | |
void |
AffineTransformation.addMatrix(Matrix m)
Add a matrix operation to the matrix. |
Matrix |
Matrix.appendColumns(Matrix columns)
Returns a matrix which consists of this matrix and the specified columns. |
double |
Matrix.distanceCov(Matrix B)
distanceCov returns distance of two Matrices A and B, i.e. the root of the sum of the squared distances Aij-Bij. |
boolean |
Matrix.linearlyIndependent(Matrix columnMatrix)
Returns true if the specified column matrix a is linearly
independent to the columns of this matrix. |
static Centroid |
Centroid.make(Matrix mat)
Static Constructor from an existing matrix columns. |
static CovarianceMatrix |
CovarianceMatrix.make(Matrix mat)
Static Constructor. |
Matrix |
Matrix.minus(Matrix B)
C = A - B |
Matrix |
Matrix.minusEquals(Matrix B)
A = A - B |
Matrix |
Matrix.minusTimes(Matrix B,
double s)
C = A - s * B |
Matrix |
Matrix.minusTimesEquals(Matrix B,
double s)
A = A - s * B |
Matrix |
Matrix.plus(Matrix B)
C = A + B |
Matrix |
Matrix.plusEquals(Matrix B)
A = A + B |
Matrix |
Matrix.plusTimes(Matrix B,
double s)
C = A + s * B |
Matrix |
Matrix.plusTimesEquals(Matrix B,
double s)
A = A + s * B |
Vector |
Vector.projection(Matrix v)
Projects this row vector into the subspace formed by the specified matrix v. |
double |
Matrix.scalarProduct(int colA,
Matrix B,
int colB)
Returns the scalar product of the colA column of this and the colB column of B. |
void |
Matrix.setColumn(int j,
Matrix column)
Sets the j th column of this matrix to the specified column. |
void |
Matrix.setMatrix(int[] r,
int[] c,
Matrix X)
Set a submatrix. |
void |
Matrix.setMatrix(int[] r,
int j0,
int j1,
Matrix X)
Set a submatrix. |
void |
Matrix.setMatrix(int i0,
int i1,
int[] c,
Matrix X)
Set a submatrix. |
void |
Matrix.setMatrix(int i0,
int i1,
int j0,
int j1,
Matrix X)
Set a submatrix. |
void |
Matrix.setRow(int j,
Matrix row)
Sets the j th row of this matrix to the specified vector. |
Matrix |
Matrix.solve(Matrix B)
Solve A*X = B |
Matrix |
LUDecomposition.solve(Matrix B)
Solve A*X = B |
Matrix |
CholeskyDecomposition.solve(Matrix B)
Solve A*X = B |
Matrix |
QRDecomposition.solve(Matrix B)
Least squares solution of A*X = B |
Matrix |
Matrix.solveTranspose(Matrix B)
Solve X*A = B, which is also A'*X' = B' |
Matrix |
Matrix.times(Matrix B)
Linear algebraic matrix multiplication, A * B |
Matrix |
Vector.times(Matrix B)
Linear algebraic matrix multiplication, A * B |
Matrix |
Matrix.timesTranspose(Matrix B)
Linear algebraic matrix multiplication, A * B^T |
Matrix |
Vector.timesTranspose(Matrix B)
Linear algebraic matrix multiplication, A * B^T |
Matrix |
Matrix.transposeTimes(Matrix B)
Linear algebraic matrix multiplication, AT * B |
Matrix |
Vector.transposeTimes(Matrix B)
Linear algebraic matrix multiplication, AT * B |
Matrix |
Matrix.transposeTimesTranspose(Matrix B)
Linear algebraic matrix multiplication, A^T * B^T. |
Constructors in de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.math.linearalgebra with parameters of type Matrix | |
AffineTransformation(int dim,
Matrix trans,
Matrix inv)
Trivial constructor with all fields, mostly for cloning |
CholeskyDecomposition(Matrix Arg)
Cholesky algorithm for symmetric and positive definite matrix. |
EigenvalueDecomposition(Matrix Arg)
Check for symmetry, then construct the eigenvalue decomposition |
LUDecomposition(Matrix A)
LU Decomposition |
Matrix(Matrix mat)
Constructor, cloning an existing matrix. |
QRDecomposition(Matrix A)
QR Decomposition, computed by Householder reflections. |
SingularValueDecomposition(Matrix Arg)
Construct the singular value decomposition |
SubspaceProjectionResult(int correlationDimensionality,
Matrix similarityMat)
Constructor. |
Uses of Matrix in de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.math.linearalgebra.pca |
Fields in de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.math.linearalgebra.pca declared as Matrix | |
private Matrix |
The diagonal matrix of adapted strong eigenvalues: eigenvectors * e_czech. |
private Matrix |
The selection matrix of the strong eigenvectors. |
private Matrix |
The selection matrix of the weak eigenvectors. |
private Matrix |
The eigenvectors in decreasing order to their corresponding eigenvalues. |
private Matrix |
The dissimilarity matrix. |
private Matrix |
The similarity matrix. |
private Matrix |
The strong eigenvectors to their corresponding filtered eigenvalues. |
private Matrix |
The weak eigenvectors to their corresponding filtered eigenvalues. |
Methods in de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.math.linearalgebra.pca that return Matrix | ||
Matrix |
Returns a copy of the adapted strong eigenvectors. |
Matrix |
Returns a copy of the dissimilarity matrix (M_czech) of this LocalPCA. |
Matrix |
Returns a copy of the matrix of eigenvectors of the object to which this PCA belongs to. |
Matrix |
Returns a copy of the matrix of strong eigenvectors after passing the eigen pair filter. |
Matrix |
Returns a copy of the matrix of weak eigenvectors after passing the eigen pair filter. |
Matrix |
AbstractCovarianceMatrixBuilder.processDatabase(Relation<? extends V> database)
Matrix |
CovarianceMatrixBuilder.processDatabase(Relation<? extends V> database)
Compute Covariance Matrix for a complete database |
Matrix |
StandardCovarianceMatrixBuilder.processDatabase(Relation<? extends V> database)
Compute Covariance Matrix for a complete database |
Matrix |
WeightedCovarianceMatrixBuilder.processIds(DBIDs ids,
Relation<? extends V> database)
Weighted Covariance Matrix for a set of IDs. |
abstract Matrix |
AbstractCovarianceMatrixBuilder.processIds(DBIDs ids,
Relation<? extends V> database)
Matrix |
CovarianceMatrixBuilder.processIds(DBIDs ids,
Relation<? extends V> database)
Compute Covariance Matrix for a collection of database IDs |
Matrix |
StandardCovarianceMatrixBuilder.processIds(DBIDs ids,
Relation<? extends V> database)
Compute Covariance Matrix for a collection of database IDs |
AbstractCovarianceMatrixBuilder.processQueryResults(Collection<DistanceResultPair<D>> results,
Relation<? extends V> database)
CovarianceMatrixBuilder.processQueryResults(Collection<DistanceResultPair<D>> results,
Relation<? extends V> database)
Compute Covariance Matrix for a QueryResult Collection By default it will just collect the ids and run processIds |
WeightedCovarianceMatrixBuilder.processQueryResults(Collection<DistanceResultPair<D>> results,
Relation<? extends V> database,
int k)
Compute Covariance Matrix for a QueryResult Collection By default it will just collect the ids and run processIds |
AbstractCovarianceMatrixBuilder.processQueryResults(Collection<DistanceResultPair<D>> results,
Relation<? extends V> database,
int k)
CovarianceMatrixBuilder.processQueryResults(Collection<DistanceResultPair<D>> results,
Relation<? extends V> database,
int k)
Compute Covariance Matrix for a QueryResult Collection By default it will just collect the ids and run processIds |
Matrix |
Returns a copy of the selection matrix of the strong eigenvectors (E_czech) of this LocalPCA. |
Matrix |
Returns a copy of the selection matrix of the weak eigenvectors (E_hat) of the object to which this PCA belongs to. |
Matrix |
Returns a copy of the similarity matrix (M_hat) of this LocalPCA. |
Methods in de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.math.linearalgebra.pca with parameters of type Matrix | |
PCAResult |
PCARunner.processCovarMatrix(Matrix covarMatrix)
Process an existing covariance Matrix |
PCAFilteredResult |
PCAFilteredRunner.processCovarMatrix(Matrix covarMatrix)
Process an existing Covariance Matrix |
Constructors in de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.math.linearalgebra.pca with parameters of type Matrix | |
PCAResult(double[] eigenvalues,
Matrix eigenvectors,
SortedEigenPairs eigenPairs)
Build a PCA result object. |
Uses of Matrix in de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.math.statistics |
Fields in de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.math.statistics declared as Matrix | |
private Matrix |
The (n x p+1)-matrix holding the x-values, where the i-th row has the form (1 x1i ... x1p). |
private Matrix |
Holds the matrix (x'x)^-1. |
Methods in de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.math.statistics that return Matrix | |
private static Matrix |
PolynomialRegression.xMatrix(Vector x,
int p)
Methods in de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.math.statistics with parameters of type Matrix | |
double |
MultipleLinearRegression.estimateY(Matrix x)
Perform an estimation of y on the specified matrix. |
Constructors in de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.math.statistics with parameters of type Matrix | |
MultipleLinearRegression(Vector y,
Matrix x)
Provides a new multiple linear regression model with the specified parameters. |
Uses of Matrix in de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.utilities |
Methods in de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.utilities that return Matrix | ||
static Matrix |
DatabaseUtil.covarianceMatrix(Matrix data)
Determines the d x d covariance matrix of the given n x d data matrix. |
DatabaseUtil.covarianceMatrix(Relation<? extends V> database,
DBIDs ids)
Determines the covariance matrix of the objects stored in the given database. |
Methods in de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.utilities with parameters of type Matrix | |
static Matrix |
DatabaseUtil.covarianceMatrix(Matrix data)
Determines the d x d covariance matrix of the given n x d data matrix. |
static String |
FormatUtil.format(Matrix m)
returns String-representation of Matrix. |
static String |
FormatUtil.format(Matrix m,
NumberFormat nf)
returns String-representation of Matrix. |