Package | Description |
de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.algorithm.clustering |
Clustering algorithms
Clustering algorithms are supposed to implement the
Algorithm -Interface. |
de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.algorithm.clustering.correlation |
Correlation clustering algorithms
| |
Basic classes for different data types, database object types and label types.
| |
Cluster models classes for various algorithms.
| |
Data type information, also used for type restrictions.
de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.distance.distancefunction |
Distance functions for use within ELKI.
de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.distance.distancefunction.colorhistogram |
Distance functions using correlations.
de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.distance.distancefunction.correlation |
Distance functions using correlations.
de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.distance.similarityfunction.kernel |
Kernel functions.
de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.math |
Mathematical operations and utilities used throughout the framework.
de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.math.linearalgebra |
Linear Algebra package provides classes and computational methods for operations on matrices.
de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.math.linearalgebra.pca |
Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and Eigenvector processing.
de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.math.statistics |
Statistical tests and methods.
de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.utilities |
Utility and helper classes - commonly used data structures, output formatting, exceptions, ...
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected double |
EM.assignProbabilitiesToInstances(Relation<V> database,
List<Double> normDistrFactor,
List<V> means,
List<Matrix> invCovMatr,
List<Double> clusterWeights,
WritableDataStore<double[]> probClusterIGivenX)
Assigns the current probability values to the instances in the database and
compute the expectation value of the current mixture of distributions.
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
(package private) Matrix |
The matrix defining the subspace of this cluster.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
private Matrix |
CASH.determineBasis(double[] alpha)
Determines a basis defining a subspace described by the specified alpha
private Matrix |
ORCLUS.findBasis(Relation<V> database,
DistanceQuery<V,DoubleDistance> distFunc,
ORCLUS.ORCLUSCluster cluster,
int dim)
Finds the basis of the subspace of dimensionality
dim for the
specified cluster. |
private Matrix |
CASH.runDerivator(Relation<ParameterizationFunction> relation,
int dim,
CASHInterval interval,
ModifiableDBIDs ids)
Runs the derivator on the specified interval and assigns all points having
a distance less then the standard deviation of the derivator model to the
model to this model.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
private MaterializedRelation<ParameterizationFunction> |
CASH.buildDB(int dim,
Matrix basis,
DBIDs ids,
Relation<ParameterizationFunction> relation)
Builds a dim-1 dimensional database where the objects are projected into
the specified subspace.
private ParameterizationFunction |
CASH.project(Matrix basis,
ParameterizationFunction f)
Projects the specified parameterization function into the subspace
described by the given basis.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Matrix |
Returns a Matrix representing in one row and
getDimensionality() columns the values of this NumberVector of
V. |
Matrix |
SparseFloatVector.getRowVector() |
Matrix |
FloatVector.getRowVector() |
Matrix |
IntegerVector.getRowVector() |
Matrix |
DoubleVector.getRowVector() |
Matrix |
OneDimensionalDoubleVector.getRowVector() |
Matrix |
Returns a Matrix representing in one row and
getDimensionality() columns the values of this BitVector as
double values. |
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
private Matrix |
Cluster covariance matrix
private Matrix |
The similarity matrix of the pca.
private Matrix |
The strong eigenvectors of the hyperplane induced by the correlation.
private Matrix |
The weak eigenvectors of the hyperplane induced by the correlation.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Matrix |
CorrelationAnalysisSolution.dataProjections(V p)
Returns the data vectors after projection.
Matrix |
EMModel.getCovarianceMatrix() |
Matrix |
Returns the similarity matrix of the pca.
Matrix |
Returns a copy of the strong eigenvectors.
Matrix |
Returns a copy of the weak eigenvectors.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
EMModel.setCovarianceMatrix(Matrix covarianceMatrix) |
Constructor and Description |
CorrelationAnalysisSolution(LinearEquationSystem solution,
Relation<V> db,
Matrix strongEigenvectors,
Matrix weakEigenvectors,
Matrix similarityMatrix,
Vector centroid)
Provides a new CorrelationAnalysisSolution holding the specified matrix.
CorrelationAnalysisSolution(LinearEquationSystem solution,
Relation<V> db,
Matrix strongEigenvectors,
Matrix weakEigenvectors,
Matrix similarityMatrix,
Vector centroid,
NumberFormat nf)
Provides a new CorrelationAnalysisSolution holding the specified matrix and
number format.
EMModel(V mean,
Matrix covarianceMatrix)
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
static SimpleTypeInformation<Matrix> |
Matrix type.
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
protected Matrix |
The weight matrix.
Constructor and Description |
WeightedDistanceFunction(Matrix weightMatrix)
Provides the Weighted distance for feature vectors.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static Matrix |
RGBHistogramQuadraticDistanceFunction.computeWeightMatrix(int bpp)
Compute weight matrix for a RGB color histogram
static Matrix |
HSBHistogramQuadraticDistanceFunction.computeWeightMatrix(int quanth,
int quants,
int quantb)
Compute the weight matrix for HSB similarity.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
private void |
PCABasedCorrelationDistanceFunction.Instance.adjust(Matrix v,
Matrix e_czech,
Matrix vector,
int corrDim)
Inserts the specified vector into the given orthonormal matrix
v at column corrDim . |
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
(package private) Matrix |
The kernel matrix
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static Matrix |
KernelMatrix.centerKernelMatrix(KernelMatrix kernelMatrix)
Centers the Kernel Matrix in Feature Space according to Smola et.
static Matrix |
KernelMatrix.centerMatrix(Matrix matrix)
Centers the matrix in feature space according to Smola et.
Matrix |
Get the kernel matrix.
Matrix |
KernelMatrix.getSubColumn(int i,
List<Integer> ids)
Returns the ith kernel matrix column for all objects in ids
Matrix |
KernelMatrix.getSubMatrix(Collection<Integer> ids)
Returns a sub kernel matrix for all objects in ids
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static Matrix |
KernelMatrix.centerMatrix(Matrix matrix)
Centers the matrix in feature space according to Smola et.
Constructor and Description |
KernelMatrix(Matrix matrix)
Makes a new kernel matrix from matrix (with data copying).
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static double |
MathUtil.mahalanobisDistance(Matrix weightMatrix,
Vector o1_minus_o2)
Compute the Mahalanobis distance using the given weight matrix
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
private Matrix |
the inverse transformation
private Matrix |
The similarity matrix
private Matrix |
The transformation matrix of dim+1 x dim+1 for homogeneous coordinates
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Matrix |
Matrix.appendColumns(Matrix columns)
Returns a matrix which consists of this matrix and the specified columns.
Matrix |
Matrix.cheatToAvoidSingularity(double constant)
Adds a given value to the diagonal entries if the entry is smaller than the
Matrix |
Clone the Matrix object.
Matrix |
Completes this d x c basis of a subspace of R^d to a d x d basis of R^d,
i.e. appends c-d columns to this basis.
Matrix |
Completes this d x c basis of a subspace of R^d to a d x d basis of R^d,
i.e. appends c-d columns to this basis.
static Matrix |
Matrix.constructWithCopy(double[][] A)
Construct a matrix from a copy of a 2-D array.
Matrix |
Make a deep copy of a matrix.
Matrix |
Obtain the covariance matrix according to the population statistics: n
degrees of freedom.
Matrix |
Obtain the covariance matrix according to the sample statistics: (n-1)
degrees of freedom.
static Matrix |
Matrix.diagonal(double[] diagonal)
Returns a quadratic Matrix consisting of zeros and of the given values on
the diagonal.
static Matrix |
Matrix.diagonal(Vector diagonal)
Returns a quadratic Matrix consisting of zeros and of the given values on
the diagonal.
Matrix |
Returns the sorted eigenvectors.
Matrix |
SortedEigenPairs.eigenVectors(int n)
Returns the first
n sorted eigenvectors as a matrix. |
Matrix |
Returns a matrix derived by Gauss-Jordan-elimination using RationalNumbers
for the transformations.
Matrix |
Matrix.getColumn(int j)
Returns the
j th column of this matrix. |
Matrix |
Return the block diagonal eigenvalue matrix
Matrix |
Return the Householder vectors
Matrix |
Get a copy of the inverse matrix
Matrix |
Return lower triangular factor
Matrix |
Return triangular factor.
Matrix |
Matrix.getMatrix(int[] r,
int[] c)
Get a submatrix.
Matrix |
Matrix.getMatrix(int[] r,
int j0,
int j1)
Get a submatrix.
Matrix |
Matrix.getMatrix(int i0,
int i1,
int[] c)
Get a submatrix.
Matrix |
Matrix.getMatrix(int i0,
int i1,
int j0,
int j1)
Get a submatrix.
Matrix |
Generate and return the (economy-sized) orthogonal factor
Matrix |
Return the upper triangular factor
Matrix |
Matrix.getRow(int i)
Returns the
i th row of this matrix. |
Matrix |
Return the diagonal matrix of singular values
Matrix |
Get a copy of the transformation matrix
Matrix |
Return upper triangular factor
Matrix |
Return the left singular vectors
Matrix |
Return the right singular vectors
Matrix |
Return the eigenvector matrix
static Matrix |
Matrix.identity(int m,
int n)
Generate identity matrix
Matrix |
Matrix.increment(int i,
int j,
double s)
Increments a single element.
Matrix |
Matrix inverse or pseudoinverse
Matrix |
Obtain the covariance matrix according to the population statistics: n
degrees of freedom.
Matrix |
Obtain the covariance matrix according to the sample statistics: (n-1)
degrees of freedom.
Matrix |
Matrix.minus(Matrix B)
C = A - B
Matrix |
Matrix.minusEquals(Matrix B)
A = A - B
Matrix |
Matrix.minusTimes(Matrix B,
double s)
C = A - s * B
Matrix |
Matrix.minusTimesEquals(Matrix B,
double s)
A = A - s * B
Matrix |
Returns an orthonormalization of this matrix.
Matrix | B)
C = A + B
Matrix |
Matrix.plusEquals(Matrix B)
A = A + B
Matrix |
Matrix.plusTimes(Matrix B,
double s)
C = A + s * B
Matrix |
Matrix.plusTimesEquals(Matrix B,
double s)
A = A + s * B
static Matrix |
Matrix.random(int m,
int n)
Generate matrix with random elements
static Matrix | input)
Read a matrix from a stream.
Matrix |
SortedEigenPairs.reverseEigenVectors(int n)
Returns the last
n sorted eigenvectors as a matrix. |
Matrix |
Matrix.set(int i,
int j,
double s)
Set a single element.
Matrix |
SubspaceProjectionResult.similarityMatrix() |
Matrix |
Projection matrix
Matrix |
Matrix.solve(Matrix B)
Solve A*X = B
Matrix |
LUDecomposition.solve(Matrix B)
Solve A*X = B
Matrix |
CholeskyDecomposition.solve(Matrix B)
Solve A*X = B
Matrix |
QRDecomposition.solve(Matrix B)
Least squares solution of A*X = B
Matrix |
Matrix.solveTranspose(Matrix B)
Solve X*A = B, which is also A'*X' = B'
Matrix |
Matrix.times(double s)
Multiply a matrix by a scalar, C = s*A
Matrix |
Matrix.times(Matrix B)
Linear algebraic matrix multiplication, A * B
Matrix |
Vector.times(Matrix B)
Linear algebraic matrix multiplication, A * B
Matrix |
Matrix.timesEquals(double s)
Multiply a matrix by a scalar in place, A = s*A
Matrix |
Matrix.timesTranspose(Matrix B)
Linear algebraic matrix multiplication, A * B^T
Matrix |
Vector.timesTranspose(Matrix B)
Linear algebraic matrix multiplication, A * B^T
Matrix |
Matrix transpose.
Matrix |
Matrix transpose.
Matrix |
Vector.transpose() |
Matrix |
Matrix.transposeTimes(Matrix B)
Linear algebraic matrix multiplication, AT * B
Matrix |
Vector.transposeTimes(Matrix B)
Linear algebraic matrix multiplication, AT * B
Matrix |
Matrix.transposeTimesTranspose(Matrix B)
Linear algebraic matrix multiplication, A^T * B^T.
static Matrix |
Matrix.unitMatrix(int dim)
Returns the unit matrix of the specified dimension.
static Matrix |
Matrix.zeroMatrix(int dim)
Returns the zero matrix of the specified dimension.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
AffineTransformation.addMatrix(Matrix m)
Add a matrix operation to the matrix.
Matrix |
Matrix.appendColumns(Matrix columns)
Returns a matrix which consists of this matrix and the specified columns.
double |
Matrix.distanceCov(Matrix B)
distanceCov returns distance of two Matrices A and B, i.e. the root of the
sum of the squared distances Aij-Bij.
boolean |
Matrix.linearlyIndependent(Matrix columnMatrix)
Returns true if the specified column matrix
a is linearly
independent to the columns of this matrix. |
static Centroid |
Centroid.make(Matrix mat)
Static Constructor from an existing matrix columns.
static CovarianceMatrix |
CovarianceMatrix.make(Matrix mat)
Static Constructor.
Matrix |
Matrix.minus(Matrix B)
C = A - B
Matrix |
Matrix.minusEquals(Matrix B)
A = A - B
Matrix |
Matrix.minusTimes(Matrix B,
double s)
C = A - s * B
Matrix |
Matrix.minusTimesEquals(Matrix B,
double s)
A = A - s * B
Matrix | B)
C = A + B
Matrix |
Matrix.plusEquals(Matrix B)
A = A + B
Matrix |
Matrix.plusTimes(Matrix B,
double s)
C = A + s * B
Matrix |
Matrix.plusTimesEquals(Matrix B,
double s)
A = A + s * B
Vector |
Vector.projection(Matrix v)
Projects this row vector into the subspace formed by the specified matrix
double |
Matrix.scalarProduct(int colA,
Matrix B,
int colB)
Returns the scalar product of the colA column of this and the colB column
of B.
void |
Matrix.setColumn(int j,
Matrix column)
Sets the
j th column of this matrix to the specified column. |
void |
Matrix.setMatrix(int[] r,
int[] c,
Matrix X)
Set a submatrix.
void |
Matrix.setMatrix(int[] r,
int j0,
int j1,
Matrix X)
Set a submatrix.
void |
Matrix.setMatrix(int i0,
int i1,
int[] c,
Matrix X)
Set a submatrix.
void |
Matrix.setMatrix(int i0,
int i1,
int j0,
int j1,
Matrix X)
Set a submatrix.
void |
Matrix.setRow(int j,
Matrix row)
Sets the
j th row of this matrix to the specified vector. |
Matrix |
Matrix.solve(Matrix B)
Solve A*X = B
Matrix |
LUDecomposition.solve(Matrix B)
Solve A*X = B
Matrix |
CholeskyDecomposition.solve(Matrix B)
Solve A*X = B
Matrix |
QRDecomposition.solve(Matrix B)
Least squares solution of A*X = B
Matrix |
Matrix.solveTranspose(Matrix B)
Solve X*A = B, which is also A'*X' = B'
Matrix |
Matrix.times(Matrix B)
Linear algebraic matrix multiplication, A * B
Matrix |
Vector.times(Matrix B)
Linear algebraic matrix multiplication, A * B
Matrix |
Matrix.timesTranspose(Matrix B)
Linear algebraic matrix multiplication, A * B^T
Matrix |
Vector.timesTranspose(Matrix B)
Linear algebraic matrix multiplication, A * B^T
Matrix |
Matrix.transposeTimes(Matrix B)
Linear algebraic matrix multiplication, AT * B
Matrix |
Vector.transposeTimes(Matrix B)
Linear algebraic matrix multiplication, AT * B
Matrix |
Matrix.transposeTimesTranspose(Matrix B)
Linear algebraic matrix multiplication, A^T * B^T.
Constructor and Description |
AffineTransformation(int dim,
Matrix trans,
Matrix inv)
Trivial constructor with all fields, mostly for cloning
CholeskyDecomposition(Matrix Arg)
Cholesky algorithm for symmetric and positive definite matrix.
EigenvalueDecomposition(Matrix Arg)
Check for symmetry, then construct the eigenvalue decomposition
LUDecomposition(Matrix A)
LU Decomposition
Matrix(Matrix mat)
Constructor, cloning an existing matrix.
QRDecomposition(Matrix A)
QR Decomposition, computed by Householder reflections.
SingularValueDecomposition(Matrix Arg)
Construct the singular value decomposition
SubspaceProjectionResult(int correlationDimensionality,
Matrix similarityMat)
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
private Matrix |
The diagonal matrix of adapted strong eigenvalues: eigenvectors *
private Matrix |
The selection matrix of the strong eigenvectors.
private Matrix |
The selection matrix of the weak eigenvectors.
private Matrix |
The eigenvectors in decreasing order to their corresponding eigenvalues.
private Matrix |
The dissimilarity matrix.
private Matrix |
The similarity matrix.
private Matrix |
The strong eigenvectors to their corresponding filtered eigenvalues.
private Matrix |
The weak eigenvectors to their corresponding filtered eigenvalues.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Matrix |
Returns a copy of the adapted strong eigenvectors.
Matrix |
Returns a copy of the dissimilarity matrix (M_czech) of this LocalPCA.
Matrix |
Returns a copy of the matrix of eigenvectors of the object to which this
PCA belongs to.
Matrix |
Returns a copy of the matrix of strong eigenvectors after passing the eigen
pair filter.
Matrix |
Returns a copy of the matrix of weak eigenvectors after passing the eigen
pair filter.
Matrix |
AbstractCovarianceMatrixBuilder.processDatabase(Relation<? extends V> database) |
Matrix |
CovarianceMatrixBuilder.processDatabase(Relation<? extends V> database)
Compute Covariance Matrix for a complete database
Matrix |
StandardCovarianceMatrixBuilder.processDatabase(Relation<? extends V> database)
Compute Covariance Matrix for a complete database
Matrix |
WeightedCovarianceMatrixBuilder.processIds(DBIDs ids,
Relation<? extends V> database)
Weighted Covariance Matrix for a set of IDs.
abstract Matrix |
AbstractCovarianceMatrixBuilder.processIds(DBIDs ids,
Relation<? extends V> database) |
Matrix |
CovarianceMatrixBuilder.processIds(DBIDs ids,
Relation<? extends V> database)
Compute Covariance Matrix for a collection of database IDs
Matrix |
StandardCovarianceMatrixBuilder.processIds(DBIDs ids,
Relation<? extends V> database)
Compute Covariance Matrix for a collection of database IDs
<D extends NumberDistance<?,?>> |
AbstractCovarianceMatrixBuilder.processQueryResults(Collection<DistanceResultPair<D>> results,
Relation<? extends V> database) |
<D extends NumberDistance<?,?>> |
CovarianceMatrixBuilder.processQueryResults(Collection<DistanceResultPair<D>> results,
Relation<? extends V> database)
Compute Covariance Matrix for a QueryResult Collection
By default it will just collect the ids and run processIds
<D extends NumberDistance<?,?>> |
WeightedCovarianceMatrixBuilder.processQueryResults(Collection<DistanceResultPair<D>> results,
Relation<? extends V> database,
int k)
Compute Covariance Matrix for a QueryResult Collection
By default it will just collect the ids and run processIds
<D extends NumberDistance<?,?>> |
AbstractCovarianceMatrixBuilder.processQueryResults(Collection<DistanceResultPair<D>> results,
Relation<? extends V> database,
int k) |
<D extends NumberDistance<?,?>> |
CovarianceMatrixBuilder.processQueryResults(Collection<DistanceResultPair<D>> results,
Relation<? extends V> database,
int k)
Compute Covariance Matrix for a QueryResult Collection
By default it will just collect the ids and run processIds
Matrix |
Returns a copy of the selection matrix of the strong eigenvectors (E_czech)
of this LocalPCA.
Matrix |
Returns a copy of the selection matrix of the weak eigenvectors (E_hat) of
the object to which this PCA belongs to.
Matrix |
Returns a copy of the similarity matrix (M_hat) of this LocalPCA.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
PCAResult |
PCARunner.processCovarMatrix(Matrix covarMatrix)
Process an existing covariance Matrix
PCAFilteredResult |
PCAFilteredRunner.processCovarMatrix(Matrix covarMatrix)
Process an existing Covariance Matrix
Constructor and Description |
PCAResult(double[] eigenvalues,
Matrix eigenvectors,
SortedEigenPairs eigenPairs)
Build a PCA result object.
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
private Matrix |
The (n x p+1)-matrix holding the x-values, where the i-th row has the form
(1 x1i ... x1p).
private Matrix |
Holds the matrix (x'x)^-1.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
private static Matrix |
PolynomialRegression.xMatrix(Vector x,
int p) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
double |
MultipleLinearRegression.estimateY(Matrix x)
Perform an estimation of y on the specified matrix.
Constructor and Description |
MultipleLinearRegression(Vector y,
Matrix x)
Provides a new multiple linear regression model with the specified
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static Matrix |
DatabaseUtil.covarianceMatrix(Matrix data)
Determines the d x d covariance matrix of the given n x d data matrix.
static <V extends NumberVector<? extends V,?>> |
DatabaseUtil.covarianceMatrix(Relation<? extends V> database,
DBIDs ids)
Determines the covariance matrix of the objects stored in the given
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static Matrix |
DatabaseUtil.covarianceMatrix(Matrix data)
Determines the d x d covariance matrix of the given n x d data matrix.
static String |
FormatUtil.format(Matrix m)
returns String-representation of Matrix.
static String |
FormatUtil.format(Matrix m,
NumberFormat nf)
returns String-representation of Matrix.