See: Description
Class | Description |
AggregatingHistogram<T,D> |
Class for the typical case of an aggregating (e.g. counting, averaging)
AggregatingHistogram.Adapter<T,D> |
Adapter class for an AggregatingHistogram
ConvexHull2D |
Classes to compute the convex hull of a set of points in 2D, using the
classic Grahams scan.
DoubleMinMax |
Class to find the minimum and maximum double values in data.
FlexiHistogram<T,D> |
Histogram with flexible size, guaranteed to be in [bin, 2*bin[
FlexiHistogram.Adapter<T,D> |
Adapter interface to specify bin creation, data caching and combination.
MathUtil |
A collection of math related utility functions.
Mean |
Compute the mean using a numerically stable online algorithm.
MeanVariance |
Do some simple statistics (mean, variance) using a numerically stable online
MinMax<T extends Comparable<? super T>> |
Class to find the minimum and maximum double values in data.
ReplacingHistogram<T> |
Class to manage a simple Histogram.
ReplacingHistogram.Adapter<T> |
Interface to plug in a data type T.
Mathematical operations and utilities used throughout the framework.