Uses of Class

Packages that use Vector Basic classes for different data types, database object types and label types. Cluster models classes for various algorithms. Spatial data types - interfaces and utilities. Generator using a distribution model specified in an XML configuration file. Data type information, also used for type restrictions. 
de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.datasource Data normalization (and reconstitution) of data sets. 
de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.evaluation.outlier Evaluate an outlier score using a misclassification based cost model. 
de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.evaluation.paircounting Evaluation of clustering results via pair counting. 
de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.math Mathematical operations and utilities used throughout the framework. 
de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.math.linearalgebra Linear Algebra package provides classes and computational methods for operations on matrices. 
de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.math.statistics Statistical tests and methods. 
de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.result.textwriter.writers Serialization handlers for individual data types. 
de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.utilities Utility and helper classes - commonly used data structures, output formatting, exceptions, ... 
de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.visualization.projections Visualization projections 
de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.visualization.svg Base SVG functionality (generation, markers, thumbnails, export, ...). 
de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.visualization.visualizers.vis2d Visualizers based on 2D projections. 

Uses of Vector in

Methods in that return Vector
 Vector NumberVector.getColumnVector()
          Returns a Vector representing in one column and getDimensionality() rows the values of this NumberVector of V.
 Vector SparseFloatVector.getColumnVector()
 Vector FloatVector.getColumnVector()
 Vector IntegerVector.getColumnVector()
 Vector DoubleVector.getColumnVector()
 Vector OneDimensionalDoubleVector.getColumnVector()
 Vector BitVector.getColumnVector()
          Returns a Vector representing in one column and getDimensionality() rows the values of this BitVector as double values.

Methods in with parameters of type Vector
 DoubleVector ParameterizationFunction.newInstance(Vector values)
 V NumberVector.newInstance(Vector values)
          Returns a new NumberVector of N for the given values.
 SparseFloatVector SparseFloatVector.newInstance(Vector values)
 FloatVector FloatVector.newInstance(Vector values)
 IntegerVector IntegerVector.newInstance(Vector values)
 DoubleVector DoubleVector.newInstance(Vector values)
 OneDimensionalDoubleVector OneDimensionalDoubleVector.newInstance(Vector values)
 BitVector BitVector.newInstance(Vector values)

Constructors in with parameters of type Vector
DoubleVector(Vector columnMatrix)
          Expects a matrix of one column.
FloatVector(Vector columnMatrix)
          Expects a matrix of one column.
IntegerVector(Vector values)
          Provides an IntegerVector consisting of the given double vectors values.
ParameterizationFunction(Vector columnMatrix)
          Provides a new parameterization function describing all lines in a d-dimensional feature space intersecting in one point p.

Uses of Vector in

Fields in declared as Vector
private  Vector CorrelationAnalysisSolution.centroid
          The centroid if the objects belonging to the hyperplane induced by the correlation.

Methods in that return Vector
 Vector CorrelationAnalysisSolution.dataVector(V p)
          Returns the data vectors after projection.
 Vector CorrelationAnalysisSolution.errorVector(V p)
          Returns the error vectors after projection.
 Vector CorrelationAnalysisSolution.getCentroid()
          Returns the centroid of this model.

Methods in with parameters of type Vector
private  double CorrelationAnalysisSolution.distance(Vector p)
          Returns the distance of Matrix p from the hyperplane underlying this solution.

Constructors in with parameters of type Vector
CorrelationAnalysisSolution(LinearEquationSystem solution, Relation<V> db, Matrix strongEigenvectors, Matrix weakEigenvectors, Matrix similarityMatrix, Vector centroid)
          Provides a new CorrelationAnalysisSolution holding the specified matrix.
CorrelationAnalysisSolution(LinearEquationSystem solution, Relation<V> db, Matrix strongEigenvectors, Matrix weakEigenvectors, Matrix similarityMatrix, Vector centroid, NumberFormat nf)
          Provides a new CorrelationAnalysisSolution holding the specified matrix and number format.

Uses of Vector in

Fields in with type parameters of type Vector
private  List<Vector> Polygon.points
          The actual points

Methods in that return Vector
 Vector Polygon.get(int idx)
          Get a vector by index.

Methods in that return types with arguments of type Vector
 ListIterator<Vector> Polygon.descendingIterator()
          Return an iterator that iterates the list backwards.
 Iterator<Vector> Polygon.iterator()
 ListIterator<Vector> Polygon.listIterator()
          Get a list iterator.

Methods in with parameters of type Vector
 boolean Polygon.containsPoint2D(Vector v)
          Point in polygon test, based on by W.

Constructor parameters in with type arguments of type Vector
Polygon(List<Vector> points)
Polygon(List<Vector> points, double minx, double maxx, double miny, double maxy)

Uses of Vector in

Fields in declared as Vector
private  Vector GeneratorSingleCluster.clipmax
private  Vector GeneratorSingleCluster.clipmin
          Clipping vectors.

Fields in with type parameters of type Vector
 LinkedList<Vector> GeneratorSingleCluster.points
          The generated cluster points.
 LinkedList<Vector> GeneratorStatic.points
          Cluster points

Methods in that return Vector
 Vector GeneratorSingleCluster.getClipmax()
          Return a copy of the 'clipping maximum' vector
 Vector GeneratorSingleCluster.getClipmin()
          Return a copy of the 'clipping minimum' vector.

Methods in that return types with arguments of type Vector
 LinkedList<Vector> GeneratorSingleCluster.generate(int count)
          Generate the given number of additional points.
 List<Vector> GeneratorStatic.generate(int count)
          "Generate" new cluster points.
 List<Vector> GeneratorInterface.generate(int count)
          Generate a specified number of points
 LinkedList<Vector> GeneratorSingleCluster.getPoints()
          Return the list of points (no copy)
 List<Vector> GeneratorStatic.getPoints()
          Get cluster points
 List<Vector> GeneratorInterface.getPoints()
          Get points.

Methods in with parameters of type Vector
 void GeneratorSingleCluster.addTranslation(Vector v)
          Add a translation to the generator
 double GeneratorSingleCluster.getDensity(Vector p)
          Compute density for cluster model at given vector p-
 double GeneratorStatic.getDensity(Vector p)
          Get density at a given coordinate.
 double GeneratorInterface.getDensity(Vector p)
          Get the density of the given vector
 void GeneratorSingleCluster.setClipping(Vector min, Vector max)
          Set a clipping box. min needs to be smaller than max in each component.
private  boolean GeneratorSingleCluster.testClipping(Vector p)
          Test if a point is to be clipped

Method parameters in with type arguments of type Vector
 void GeneratorSingleCluster.setPoints(LinkedList<Vector> points)
          Set the list of points in the cluster

Constructor parameters in with type arguments of type Vector
GeneratorStatic(String name, LinkedList<Vector> points)
          Construct generator using given name and points

Uses of Vector in

Fields in with type parameters of type Vector
static SimpleTypeInformation<Vector> TypeUtil.VECTOR
          Vector type.

Uses of Vector in de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.datasource

Methods in de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.datasource that return Vector
private  Vector GeneratorXMLDatabaseConnection.parseVector(String s)
          Parse a string into a vector.

Method parameters in de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.datasource with type arguments of type Vector
private  void GeneratorXMLDatabaseConnection.processElementPoint(LinkedList<Vector> points, Node cur)
          Parse a 'point' element (point vector for a static cluster)

Uses of Vector in de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.evaluation.outlier

Constructor parameters in de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.evaluation.outlier with type arguments of type Vector
JudgeOutlierScores.ScoreResult(Collection<Vector> col)

Uses of Vector in de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.evaluation.paircounting

Constructor parameters in de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.evaluation.paircounting with type arguments of type Vector
EvaluatePairCountingFMeasure.ScoreResult(Collection<Vector> col)

Uses of Vector in de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.math

Fields in de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.math with type parameters of type Vector
private  List<Vector> ConvexHull2D.points
          The current set of points

Methods in de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.math with parameters of type Vector
 void ConvexHull2D.add(Vector point)
          Add a single point to the list (this does not compute the hull!)
static double MathUtil.cosineSimilarity(Vector v1, Vector v2)
          Compute the cosine similarity for two vectors.
private  double ConvexHull2D.getRX(Vector a, Vector origin)
          Get the relative X coordinate to the origin.
private  double ConvexHull2D.getRY(Vector a, Vector origin)
          Get the relative Y coordinate to the origin.
private  boolean ConvexHull2D.isConvex(Vector a, Vector b, Vector c)
          Simple convexity test.
protected  boolean ConvexHull2D.isLeft(Vector a, Vector b, Vector o)
          Test whether a point is left of the other wrt. the origin.
static double MathUtil.mahalanobisDistance(Matrix weightMatrix, Vector o1_minus_o2)
          Compute the Mahalanobis distance using the given weight matrix
private  double ConvexHull2D.mdist(Vector a, Vector b)
          Manhattan distance.

Uses of Vector in de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.math.linearalgebra

Subclasses of Vector in de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.math.linearalgebra
 class Centroid
          Class to compute the centroid of some data.
 class ProjectedCentroid
          Centroid only using a subset of dimensions.

Fields in de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.math.linearalgebra declared as Vector
private  Vector EigenPair.eigenvector
          The eigenvector as a matrix.

Methods in de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.math.linearalgebra that return Vector
 Vector AffineTransformation.apply(Vector v)
          Apply the transformation onto a vector
 Vector AffineTransformation.applyInverse(Vector v)
          Apply the inverse transformation onto a vector
 Vector AffineTransformation.applyRelative(Vector v)
          Apply the transformation onto a vector
 Vector AffineTransformation.applyRelativeInverse(Vector v)
          Apply the inverse transformation onto a vector
 Vector Vector.clone()
          Clone the Vector object.
 Vector Vector.copy()
          Returns a copy of this vector.
 Vector Matrix.getColumnVector(int j)
          Returns the jth column of this matrix as vector.
 Vector MatrixLike.getColumnVector(int i)
          Returns the ith column of this matrix as vector.
 Vector Vector.getColumnVector(int i)
 Vector EigenPair.getEigenvector()
          Returns the eigenvector.
 Vector CovarianceMatrix.getMeanVector()
          Get the mean as vector.
 Vector Matrix.getRowVector(int i)
          Returns the ith row of this matrix as vector.
 Vector AffineTransformation.homogeneRelativeVector(Vector v)
          Transform a relative vector into homogeneous coordinates.
 Vector AffineTransformation.homogeneVector(Vector v)
          Transform an absolute vector into homogeneous coordinates.
 Vector Vector.increment(int i, int j, double s)
 Vector Vector.inverseVector()
          Inverts every element of the vector.
 Vector Vector.minus(Vector v)
          Returns this vector minus the specified vector v.
 Vector Vector.minusEquals(double d)
          Subtract a constant value from all dimensions.
 Vector Vector.minusEquals(Vector B)
          A = A - B
 Vector Vector.minusTimes(Vector v, double s)
          Returns this vector minus the specified vector v times s.
 Vector Vector.minusTimesEquals(Vector B, double s)
          A = A - s * B
 Vector Vector.normalize()
          Normalizes this vector to the length of 1.0.
 Vector v)
          Returns a new vector which is the result of this vector plus the specified vector.
 Vector Vector.plusEquals(double d)
          Add a constant value to all dimensions.
 Vector Vector.plusEquals(Vector B)
          A = A + B
 Vector Vector.plusTimes(Vector v, double s)
          Returns a new vector which is the result of this vector plus the specified vector times the given factor.
 Vector Vector.plusTimesEquals(Vector B, double s)
          A = A + s * B
 Vector Vector.projection(Matrix v)
          Projects this row vector into the subspace formed by the specified matrix v.
static Vector Vector.randomNormalizedVector(int dimensionality)
          Returns a randomly created vector of length 1.0
 Vector Vector.set(int i, double value)
          Sets the value at the specified row.
 Vector Vector.set(int i, int j, double s)
 Vector Vector.sqrtVector()
          Square roots every element of the vector.
 Vector Vector.times(double s)
          Returns a new vector which is the result of this vector multiplied by the specified scalar.
 Vector Matrix.times(Vector B)
          Linear algebraic matrix multiplication, A * B
 Vector Vector.timesEquals(double s)
          Multiply a matrix by a scalar in place, A = s*A
 Vector Matrix.transposeTimes(Vector B)
          Linear algebraic matrix multiplication, AT * B
 Vector AffineTransformation.unhomogeneRelativeVector(Vector v)
          Project an homogeneous vector back into the original space.
 Vector AffineTransformation.unhomogeneVector(Vector v)
          Project an homogeneous vector back into the original space.
static Vector Vector.unitVector(int dimensionality, int i)
          Returns the ith unit vector of the specified dimensionality.

Methods in de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.math.linearalgebra with parameters of type Vector
 void AffineTransformation.addTranslation(Vector v)
          Add a translation operation to the matrix
 Vector AffineTransformation.apply(Vector v)
          Apply the transformation onto a vector
 Vector AffineTransformation.applyInverse(Vector v)
          Apply the inverse transformation onto a vector
 Vector AffineTransformation.applyRelative(Vector v)
          Apply the transformation onto a vector
 Vector AffineTransformation.applyRelativeInverse(Vector v)
          Apply the inverse transformation onto a vector
private  void Vector.checkDimensions(Vector v)
          Check if this.getDimensionality() == v.getDimensionality().
static Matrix Matrix.diagonal(Vector diagonal)
          Returns a quadratic Matrix consisting of zeros and of the given values on the diagonal.
 Vector AffineTransformation.homogeneRelativeVector(Vector v)
          Transform a relative vector into homogeneous coordinates.
 Vector AffineTransformation.homogeneVector(Vector v)
          Transform an absolute vector into homogeneous coordinates.
 Vector Vector.minus(Vector v)
          Returns this vector minus the specified vector v.
 Vector Vector.minusEquals(Vector B)
          A = A - B
 Vector Vector.minusTimes(Vector v, double s)
          Returns this vector minus the specified vector v times s.
 Vector Vector.minusTimesEquals(Vector B, double s)
          A = A - s * B
 Vector v)
          Returns a new vector which is the result of this vector plus the specified vector.
 Vector Vector.plusEquals(Vector B)
          A = A + B
 Vector Vector.plusTimes(Vector v, double s)
          Returns a new vector which is the result of this vector plus the specified vector times the given factor.
 Vector Vector.plusTimesEquals(Vector B, double s)
          A = A + s * B
 void Centroid.put(Vector val)
          Add a single value with weight 1.0
 void CovarianceMatrix.put(Vector val)
          Add a single value with weight 1.0
 void Centroid.put(Vector val, double weight)
          Add data with a given weight.
 void CovarianceMatrix.put(Vector val, double weight)
          Add data with a given weight.
 double Matrix.scalarProduct(int colA, Vector B)
          Returns the scalar product of the colA column of this and the colB column of B.
 double Vector.scalarProduct(Vector v)
          Returns the scalar product of this vector and the specified vector v.
 void Matrix.setColumnVector(int j, Vector column)
          Sets the jth column of this matrix to the specified column.
 void Matrix.setRowVector(int j, Vector row)
          Sets the jth row of this matrix to the specified vector.
 Vector Matrix.times(Vector B)
          Linear algebraic matrix multiplication, A * B
 Vector Matrix.transposeTimes(Vector B)
          Linear algebraic matrix multiplication, AT * B
 double Vector.transposeTimes(Vector B)
          Linear algebraic matrix multiplication, AT * B
 Vector AffineTransformation.unhomogeneRelativeVector(Vector v)
          Project an homogeneous vector back into the original space.
 Vector AffineTransformation.unhomogeneVector(Vector v)
          Project an homogeneous vector back into the original space.

Constructors in de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.math.linearalgebra with parameters of type Vector
EigenPair(Vector eigenvector, double eigenvalue)
          Creates a new EigenPair object.

Uses of Vector in de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.math.statistics

Fields in de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.math.statistics declared as Vector
private  Vector MultipleLinearRegression.b
          The (p+1 x 1) - vector holding the estimated b-values (b0, b1, ..., bp)^T.
private  Vector MultipleLinearRegression.e
          The (n x 1) - vector holding the estimated residuals (e1, ..., en)^T.
private  Vector MultipleLinearRegression.y
          The (n x 1) - vector holding the y-values (y1, ..., yn)^T.

Methods in de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.math.statistics that return Vector
 Vector MultipleLinearRegression.getEstimatedCoefficients()
          Returns the estimated coefficients
 Vector MultipleLinearRegression.getEstimatedResiduals()
          Returns the estimated residuals

Methods in de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.math.statistics with parameters of type Vector
private static Matrix PolynomialRegression.xMatrix(Vector x, int p)

Constructors in de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.math.statistics with parameters of type Vector
MultipleLinearRegression(Vector y, Matrix x)
          Provides a new multiple linear regression model with the specified parameters.
PolynomialRegression(Vector y, Vector x, int p)
          Provides a new polynomial regression model with the specified parameters.

Uses of Vector in de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.result.textwriter.writers

Methods in de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.result.textwriter.writers with parameters of type Vector
 void TextWriterVector.write(TextWriterStream out, String label, Vector v)
          Serialize an object into the inline section.

Uses of Vector in de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.utilities

Methods in de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.utilities with parameters of type Vector
static String FormatUtil.format(Vector m)
          Returns String-representation of Vector.
static String FormatUtil.format(Vector m, NumberFormat nf)
          returns String-representation of Vector.

Uses of Vector in de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.visualization.projections

Methods in de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.visualization.projections that return Vector
protected abstract  Vector AbstractSimpleProjection.dearrange(Vector v)
          Undo the rearrangement of components
protected  Vector Simple1D.dearrange(Vector v)
protected  Vector Simple2D.dearrange(Vector v)
protected  Vector AbstractSimpleProjection.flipSecondEquals(Vector v)
          Flip the y axis.
 Vector AbstractProjection.projectDataToRenderSpace(NumberVector<?,?> data)
          Project a data vector from data space to rendering space.
 Vector Projection.projectDataToRenderSpace(NumberVector<?,?> data)
          Project a data vector from data space to rendering space.
 Vector AbstractProjection.projectDataToRenderSpace(Vector data)
          Project a data vector from data space to rendering space.
 Vector Projection.projectDataToRenderSpace(Vector data)
          Project a data vector from data space to rendering space.
 Vector AbstractProjection.projectDataToScaledSpace(NumberVector<?,?> data)
          Project a data vector from data space to scaled space.
 Vector Projection.projectDataToScaledSpace(NumberVector<?,?> data)
          Project a data vector from data space to scaled space.
 Vector AbstractProjection.projectDataToScaledSpace(Vector data)
          Project a data vector from data space to scaled space.
 Vector Projection.projectDataToScaledSpace(Vector data)
          Project a data vector from data space to scaled space.
 Vector AbstractProjection.projectRelativeDataToRenderSpace(NumberVector<?,?> data)
          Project a relative data vector from data space to rendering space.
 Vector Projection.projectRelativeDataToRenderSpace(NumberVector<?,?> data)
          Project a relative data vector from data space to rendering space.
 Vector AbstractProjection.projectRelativeDataToRenderSpace(Vector data)
          Project a relative data vector from data space to rendering space.
 Vector Projection.projectRelativeDataToRenderSpace(Vector data)
          Project a relative data vector from data space to rendering space.
 Vector AbstractProjection.projectRelativeDataToScaledSpace(NumberVector<?,?> data)
          Project a relative data vector from data space to scaled space.
 Vector Projection.projectRelativeDataToScaledSpace(NumberVector<?,?> data)
          Project a relative data vector from data space to scaled space.
 Vector AbstractProjection.projectRelativeDataToScaledSpace(Vector data)
          Project a relative data vector from data space to scaled space.
 Vector Projection.projectRelativeDataToScaledSpace(Vector data)
          Project a relative data vector from data space to scaled space.
 Vector AbstractSimpleProjection.projectRelativeRenderToScaled(Vector v)
 Vector AffineProjection.projectRelativeRenderToScaled(Vector v)
          Project a relative vector from rendering space to scaled space.
 Vector Projection.projectRelativeRenderToScaled(Vector v)
          Project a relative vector from rendering space to scaled space.
 Vector AbstractSimpleProjection.projectRelativeScaledToRender(Vector v)
 Vector AffineProjection.projectRelativeScaledToRender(Vector v)
          Project a relative vector from scaled space to rendering space.
 Vector Projection.projectRelativeScaledToRender(Vector v)
          Project a relative vector from scaled space to rendering space.
 Vector AbstractSimpleProjection.projectRenderToScaled(Vector v)
 Vector AffineProjection.projectRenderToScaled(Vector v)
          Project a vector from rendering space to scaled space.
 Vector Projection.projectRenderToScaled(Vector v)
          Project a vector from rendering space to scaled space.
 Vector AbstractSimpleProjection.projectScaledToRender(Vector v)
 Vector AffineProjection.projectScaledToRender(Vector v)
          Project a vector from scaled space to rendering space.
 Vector Projection.projectScaledToRender(Vector v)
          Project a vector from scaled space to rendering space.
protected abstract  Vector AbstractSimpleProjection.rearrange(Vector v)
          Method to rearrange components
protected  Vector Simple1D.rearrange(Vector v)
protected  Vector Simple2D.rearrange(Vector v)

Methods in de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.visualization.projections with parameters of type Vector
protected abstract  Vector AbstractSimpleProjection.dearrange(Vector v)
          Undo the rearrangement of components
protected  Vector Simple1D.dearrange(Vector v)
protected  Vector Simple2D.dearrange(Vector v)
 double[] AffineProjection.fastProjectDataToRenderSpace(Vector data)
 double Simple1D.fastProjectDataToRenderSpace(Vector data)
 double Projection1D.fastProjectDataToRenderSpace(Vector data)
          Project a data vector from data space to rendering space.
 double[] Simple2D.fastProjectDataToRenderSpace(Vector data)
 double[] Projection2D.fastProjectDataToRenderSpace(Vector data)
          Project a data vector from data space to rendering space.
 double[] AffineProjection.fastProjectRelativeDataToRenderSpace(Vector data)
 double Simple1D.fastProjectRelativeDataToRenderSpace(Vector data)
 double Projection1D.fastProjectRelativeDataToRenderSpace(Vector data)
          Project a data vector from data space to rendering space.
 double[] Simple2D.fastProjectRelativeDataToRenderSpace(Vector data)
 double[] Projection2D.fastProjectRelativeDataToRenderSpace(Vector data)
          Project a data vector from data space to rendering space.
 double[] AffineProjection.fastProjectRelativeScaledToRender(Vector v)
 double Simple1D.fastProjectRelativeScaledToRender(Vector v)
 double Projection1D.fastProjectRelativeScaledToRender(Vector v)
          Project a vector from scaled space to rendering space.
 double[] Simple2D.fastProjectRelativeScaledToRender(Vector v)
 double[] Projection2D.fastProjectRelativeScaledToRender(Vector v)
          Project a vector from scaled space to rendering space.
 double[] AffineProjection.fastProjectScaledToRender(Vector v)
 double Simple1D.fastProjectScaledToRender(Vector v)
 double Projection1D.fastProjectScaledToRender(Vector v)
          Project a vector from scaled space to rendering space.
 double[] Simple2D.fastProjectScaledToRender(Vector v)
 double[] Projection2D.fastProjectScaledToRender(Vector v)
          Project a vector from scaled space to rendering space.
protected  Vector AbstractSimpleProjection.flipSecondEquals(Vector v)
          Flip the y axis.
 Vector AbstractProjection.projectDataToRenderSpace(Vector data)
          Project a data vector from data space to rendering space.
 Vector Projection.projectDataToRenderSpace(Vector data)
          Project a data vector from data space to rendering space.
 Vector AbstractProjection.projectDataToScaledSpace(Vector data)
          Project a data vector from data space to scaled space.
 Vector Projection.projectDataToScaledSpace(Vector data)
          Project a data vector from data space to scaled space.
 Vector AbstractProjection.projectRelativeDataToRenderSpace(Vector data)
          Project a relative data vector from data space to rendering space.
 Vector Projection.projectRelativeDataToRenderSpace(Vector data)
          Project a relative data vector from data space to rendering space.
 Vector AbstractProjection.projectRelativeDataToScaledSpace(Vector data)
          Project a relative data vector from data space to scaled space.
 Vector Projection.projectRelativeDataToScaledSpace(Vector data)
          Project a relative data vector from data space to scaled space.
<NV extends NumberVector<NV,?>>
AbstractProjection.projectRelativeRenderToDataSpace(Vector v, NV prototype)
          Project a relative vector from rendering space to data space.
<NV extends NumberVector<NV,?>>
Projection.projectRelativeRenderToDataSpace(Vector v, NV prototype)
          Project a relative vector from rendering space to data space.
 Vector AbstractSimpleProjection.projectRelativeRenderToScaled(Vector v)
 Vector AffineProjection.projectRelativeRenderToScaled(Vector v)
          Project a relative vector from rendering space to scaled space.
 Vector Projection.projectRelativeRenderToScaled(Vector v)
          Project a relative vector from rendering space to scaled space.
<NV extends NumberVector<NV,?>>
AbstractProjection.projectRelativeScaledToDataSpace(Vector v, NV prototype)
          Project a relative vector from scaled space to data space.
<NV extends NumberVector<NV,?>>
Projection.projectRelativeScaledToDataSpace(Vector v, NV prototype)
          Project a relative vector from scaled space to data space.
 Vector AbstractSimpleProjection.projectRelativeScaledToRender(Vector v)
 Vector AffineProjection.projectRelativeScaledToRender(Vector v)
          Project a relative vector from scaled space to rendering space.
 Vector Projection.projectRelativeScaledToRender(Vector v)
          Project a relative vector from scaled space to rendering space.
<NV extends NumberVector<NV,?>>
AbstractProjection.projectRenderToDataSpace(Vector v, NV prototype)
          Project a vector from rendering space to data space.
<NV extends NumberVector<NV,?>>
Projection.projectRenderToDataSpace(Vector v, NV prototype)
          Project a vector from rendering space to data space.
 Vector AbstractSimpleProjection.projectRenderToScaled(Vector v)
 Vector AffineProjection.projectRenderToScaled(Vector v)
          Project a vector from rendering space to scaled space.
 Vector Projection.projectRenderToScaled(Vector v)
          Project a vector from rendering space to scaled space.
<NV extends NumberVector<NV,?>>
AbstractProjection.projectScaledToDataSpace(Vector v, NV factory)
          Project a vector from scaled space to data space.
<NV extends NumberVector<NV,?>>
Projection.projectScaledToDataSpace(Vector v, NV factory)
          Project a vector from scaled space to data space.
 Vector AbstractSimpleProjection.projectScaledToRender(Vector v)
 Vector AffineProjection.projectScaledToRender(Vector v)
          Project a vector from scaled space to rendering space.
 Vector Projection.projectScaledToRender(Vector v)
          Project a vector from scaled space to rendering space.
protected abstract  Vector AbstractSimpleProjection.rearrange(Vector v)
          Method to rearrange components
protected  Vector Simple1D.rearrange(Vector v)
protected  Vector Simple2D.rearrange(Vector v)

Uses of Vector in de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.visualization.svg

Methods in de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.visualization.svg with parameters of type Vector
 SVGPath SVGPath.cubicTo(Vector c1xy, Vector c2xy, Vector xy)
          Cubic Bezier line to the given coordinates.
static Element SVGHyperCube.drawFilled(SVGPlot svgp, String cls, Projection2D proj, Vector min, Vector max)
          Filled hypercube.
static Element SVGHyperCube.drawFrame(SVGPlot svgp, Projection2D proj, Vector min, Vector max)
          Wireframe hypercube.
 SVGPath SVGPath.drawTo(Vector xy)
          Draw a line given a series of coordinates.
 SVGPath SVGPath.ellipticalArc(Vector rxy, double ar, double la, double sp, Vector xy)
          Elliptical arc curve to the given coordinates.
private static ArrayList<double[]> SVGHyperCube.getVisibleEdges(Projection2D proj, Vector s_min, Vector s_max)
          Get the visible (non-0) edges of a hypercube
 SVGPath SVGPath.lineTo(Vector xy)
          Draw a line to the given coordinates.
 SVGPath SVGPath.moveTo(Vector xy)
          Move to the given coordinates.
 SVGPath SVGPath.quadTo(Vector c1xy, Vector xy)
          Quadratic Bezier line to the given coordinates.
 SVGPath SVGPath.relativeCubicTo(Vector c1xy, Vector c2xy, Vector xy)
          Cubic Bezier line to the given relative coordinates.
 SVGPath SVGPath.relativeEllipticalArc(Vector rxy, double ar, double la, double sp, Vector xy)
          Elliptical arc curve to the given relative coordinates.
 SVGPath SVGPath.relativeLineTo(Vector xy)
          Draw a line to the given relative coordinates.
 SVGPath SVGPath.relativeMoveTo(Vector xy)
          Move to the given relative coordinates.
 SVGPath SVGPath.relativeQuadTo(Vector c1xy, Vector xy)
          Quadratic Bezier line to the given relative coordinates.
 SVGPath SVGPath.relativeSmoothCubicTo(Vector c2xy, Vector xy)
          Smooth Cubic Bezier line to the given relative coordinates.
 SVGPath SVGPath.relativeSmoothQuadTo(Vector xy)
          Smooth quadratic Bezier line to the given relative coordinates.
 SVGPath SVGPath.smoothCubicTo(Vector c2xy, Vector xy)
          Smooth Cubic Bezier line to the given coordinates.
 SVGPath SVGPath.smoothQuadTo(Vector xy)
          Smooth quadratic Bezier line to the given coordinates.

Constructor parameters in de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.visualization.svg with type arguments of type Vector
SVGPath(Iterable<Vector> vectors)
          Constructor from a vector collection (e.g. a polygon)

Uses of Vector in de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.visualization.visualizers.vis2d

Methods in de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.visualization.visualizers.vis2d with parameters of type Vector
private  void EMClusterVisualization.drawArc(SVGPath path, Vector cent, Vector pre, Vector nex, Vector oPrev, Vector oNext, double scale)
          Draw an arc to simulate the hyper ellipse.
protected  void EMClusterVisualization.drawHullArc(int cnum, Vector cent, Polygon chres)
protected  void EMClusterVisualization.drawHullLines(int cnum, Vector cent, Polygon chres)
protected  void EMClusterVisualization.drawSphere2D(int cnum, Vector cent, Vector[] pc)
protected  void EMClusterVisualization.drawSphere2D(int cnum, Vector cent, Vector[] pc)
protected  Polygon EMClusterVisualization.makeHull(Vector[] pc)
protected  Polygon EMClusterVisualization.makeHullComplex(Vector[] pc)
private  void MoveObjectsToolVisualization.updateDB(DBIDs dbids, Vector movingVector)
          Updates the objects with the given DBIDs It will be moved depending on the given Vector

Release 0.4.0 (2011-09-20_1324)