See: Description
Interface | Description |
GlobalParameterConstraint |
Interface for specifying global parameter constraints, i.e. constraints addressing
several parameters.
ParameterConstraint<T> |
Interface for specifying parameter constraints.
Class | Description |
AbstractNumberConstraint<P> |
Abstract super class for constraints dealing with a certain number value.
AllOrNoneMustBeSetGlobalConstraint |
Global parameter constraint specifying that either all elements of a list of
parameters (
Parameter ) must be set, or none of them. |
EqualSizeGlobalConstraint |
Global parameter constraint defining that a number of list parameters (
) must have equal list sizes. |
EqualStringConstraint |
Represents a parameter constraint for testing if the string value of the
string parameter (
) to be tested is equal to the specified constraint-strings. |
GlobalListSizeConstraint |
Represents a global parameter constraint for testing if the size of the list
parameter (
ListParameter ) given is equal to the constraint size
specified by the integer parameter (IntParameter ) given. |
GlobalVectorListElementSizeConstraint |
Global parameter constraint for testing if the dimensions of each vector
specified by a given vector list parameter (
VectorListParameter )
correspond to the value of a integer parameter (IntParameter ) given. |
GreaterConstraint |
Represents a parameter constraint for testing if the value of the number
parameter (
NumberParameter ) tested is greater than the specified
constraint value. |
GreaterEqualConstraint |
Represents a Greater-Equal-Than-Number parameter constraint.
IntervalConstraint | Deprecated
Use two constraints instead.
LessConstraint |
Represents a Less-Than-Number parameter constraint.
LessEqualConstraint |
Represents a Less-Equal-Than-Number parameter constraint.
LessEqualGlobalConstraint<T extends Number> |
Represents a Less-Equal-Than global parameter constraint.
LessGlobalConstraint<T extends Number> |
Represents a Less-Than global parameter constraint.
ListEachConstraint<T> |
Applies constraints to all elements of a list.
ListParameterNoDuplicateValueConstraint<T> |
Parameter constraint specifying that a parameter list
is not allowed to have duplicate values.
ListSizeConstraint |
Represents a list-size parameter constraint.
NoDuplicateValueGlobalConstraint |
Global parameter constraint specifying that parameters of a list of number
parameters (
NumberParameter ) are not allowed to have the same value. |
OneMustBeSetGlobalConstraint |
Represents a global parameter constraint specifying that at least one
parameter value of a given list of parameters (
Parameter ) has to be
set. |
OnlyOneIsAllowedToBeSetGlobalConstraint |
Global parameter constraint specifying that only one parameter of a list of
parameters (
Parameter ) is allowed to be set. |
ParameterFlagGlobalConstraint<S> |
Global parameter constraint describing the dependency of a parameter (
AbstractParameter ) on a given flag (Flag ). |
StringLengthConstraint |
Length constraint for a
. |
Enum | Description |
IntervalConstraint.IntervalBoundary |
Available interval boundary types types:
IntervalConstraint.IntervalBoundary.OPEN denotes an open interval,
i.e. less than (or greater than) comparison
IntervalConstraint.IntervalBoundary.CLOSE denotes a closed
interval, i.e. an equal to or less than (or equal to or greater than)
comparison |
Constraints allow to restrict possible values for parameters.