Package | Description |
de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.algorithm |
Algorithms suitable as a task for the
KDDTask main routine. |
de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.algorithm.clustering |
Clustering algorithms
Clustering algorithms are supposed to implement the
Algorithm -Interface. |
de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.algorithm.clustering.correlation |
Correlation clustering algorithms
de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.algorithm.clustering.subspace |
Axis-parallel subspace clustering algorithms
The clustering algorithms in this package are instances of both, projected clustering algorithms or
subspace clustering algorithms according to the classical but somewhat obsolete classification schema
of clustering algorithms for axis-parallel subspaces.
de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.algorithm.clustering.trivial |
Trivial clustering algorithms: all in one, no clusters, label clusterings
These methods are mostly useful for providing a reference result in evaluation.
de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.algorithm.outlier |
Outlier detection algorithms
de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.algorithm.outlier.meta |
Meta outlier detection algorithms: external scores, score rescaling.
de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.algorithm.outlier.spatial |
Spatial outlier detection algorithms
de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.algorithm.outlier.spatial.neighborhood |
Spatial outlier neighborhood classes
de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.algorithm.outlier.spatial.neighborhood.weighted |
Weighted Neighborhood definitions.
de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.algorithm.outlier.trivial |
Trivial outlier detection algorithms: no outliers, all outliers, label outliers.
de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.algorithm.statistics |
Statistical analysis algorithms
The algorithms in this package perform statistical analysis of the data
(e.g. compute distributions, distance distributions etc.)
de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.application |
Base classes for stand alone applications.
de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.application.cache |
Utility applications for the persistence layer such as distance cache builders.
de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.application.internal |
Internal utilities for development.
de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.application.jsmap |
JavaScript based map client - server architecture.
de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.application.visualization |
Visualization applications in ELKI.
| |
Package for processing image data (e.g. compute color histograms)
de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.database |
ELKI database layer - loading, storing, indexing and accessing data
de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.datasource |
Data normalization (and reconstitution) of data sets.
de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.datasource.filter |
Data filtering, in particular for normalization and projection.
de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.datasource.parser |
Parsers for different file formats and data types.
de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.distance.distancefunction |
Distance functions for use within ELKI.
de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.distance.distancefunction.adapter |
Distance functions deriving distances from e.g. similarity measures
de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.distance.distancefunction.colorhistogram |
Distance functions using correlations.
de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.distance.distancefunction.correlation |
Distance functions using correlations.
de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.distance.distancefunction.external |
Distance functions using external data sources.
de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.distance.distancefunction.geo |
Geographic (earth) distance functions.
de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.distance.distancefunction.subspace |
Distance functions based on subspaces.
de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.distance.distancefunction.timeseries |
Distance functions designed for time series.
de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.distance.similarityfunction |
Similarity functions.
de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.distance.similarityfunction.kernel |
Kernel functions.
de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.evaluation.histogram |
Functionality for the evaluation of algorithms using histograms.
de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.evaluation.outlier |
Evaluate an outlier score using a misclassification based cost model.
de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.evaluation.paircounting |
Evaluation of clustering results via pair counting.
de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.evaluation.roc |
Evaluation of rankings using ROC AUC (Receiver Operation Characteristics - Area Under Curve)
de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.evaluation.similaritymatrix |
Render a distance matrix to visualize a clustering-distance-combination.
de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.gui.util |
Utility classes for GUIs (e.g. a class to display a logging panel)
de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.index.preprocessed.knn |
Indexes providing KNN and rKNN data.
de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.index.preprocessed.localpca |
Index using a preprocessed local PCA.
de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.index.preprocessed.preference |
Indexes storing preference vectors.
de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.index.preprocessed.snn |
Indexes providing nearest neighbor sets
de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.index.preprocessed.subspaceproj |
Index using a preprocessed local subspaces.
de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.index.tree |
Tree-based index structures
de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.index.tree.metrical.mtreevariants |
M-Tree and variants.
de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.index.tree.metrical.mtreevariants.mktrees |
Metrical index structures based on the concepts of the M-Tree
supporting processing of reverse k nearest neighbor queries by
using the k-nn distances of the entries.
de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.index.tree.metrical.mtreevariants.mktrees.mkapp | |
de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.index.tree.metrical.mtreevariants.mktrees.mkcop | |
de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.index.tree.spatial.rstarvariants |
R*-Tree and variants.
de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.index.tree.spatial.rstarvariants.util |
Utilities for R*-Tree and variants.
de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.math.linearalgebra.pca |
Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and Eigenvector processing.
de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.result |
Result types, representation and handling
de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.utilities.optionhandling |
Parameter handling and option descriptions.
de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.utilities.optionhandling.parameterization |
Configuration managers
See the
de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.utilities.optionhandling package for documentation! |
de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.utilities.optionhandling.parameters |
Classes for various typed parameters.
de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.utilities.referencepoints |
Package containing strategies to obtain reference points
Shared code for various algorithms that use reference points.
de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.utilities.scaling |
Scaling functions: linear, logarithmic, gamma, clipping, ...
de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.utilities.scaling.outlier |
Scaling of Outlier scores, that require a statistical analysis of the occurring values
de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.visualization |
Visualization package of ELKI.
de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.visualization.gui |
Package to provide a visualization GUI.
de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.visualization.projector |
Projectors are responsible for finding appropriate projections for data relations.
de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.visualization.visualizers.vis1d |
Visualizers based on 1D projections.
de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.visualization.visualizers.vis2d |
Visualizers based on 2D projections.
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
static OptionID |
Flag to use random sample (use knn query around centroid, if flag is not
static OptionID |
OptionID for
AbstractDistanceBasedAlgorithm.DISTANCE_FUNCTION_ID |
static OptionID |
Parameter that specifies the k-nearest neighbors to be assigned, must be an
integer greater than 0.
static OptionID |
Parameter to specify the distance of the k-distant object to be assessed,
must be an integer greater than 0.
static OptionID |
Optional parameter to specify the threshold for minimum frequency, must be
a double greater than or equal to 0 and less than or equal to 1.
static OptionID |
Parameter to specify the threshold for minimum support as minimally
required number of transactions, must be an integer equal to or greater
than 0.
static OptionID |
Parameter to specify the threshold for output accuracy fraction digits,
must be an integer equal to or greater than 0.
static OptionID |
Parameter to specify the average percentage of distances randomly chosen to
be provided in the result, must be a double greater than 0 and less than or
equal to 1.
static OptionID |
Optional parameter to specify the treshold for the size of the random
sample to use, must be an integer greater than 0.
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
static OptionID |
Parameter to specify the termination criterion for maximization of E(M):
E(M) - E(M') <, must be a double equal to or greater than 0.
static OptionID |
Parameter to specify the maximum radius of the neighborhood to be
considered, must be suitable to the distance function specified.
static OptionID |
Parameter to specify the minimum SNN density, must be an integer greater
than 0.
static OptionID |
Parameter to specify the maximum radius of the neighborhood to be
considered, must be suitable to the distance function specified.
static OptionID |
Parameter to specify the maximum radius of the neighborhood to be
considered, must be suitable to
LocallyWeightedDistanceFunction . |
static OptionID |
Parameter distance function
static OptionID |
Parameter to specify the multiplier for the initial number of seeds, must
be an integer greater than 0.
static OptionID |
Parameter to specify the number of clusters to find, must be an integer
greater than 0.
static OptionID |
Parameter to specify the number of clusters to find, must be an integer
greater than 0.
static OptionID |
Parameter to specify the number of clusters to find, must be an integer
greater than 0.
static OptionID |
Parameter to specify the dimensionality of the clusters to find, must be an
integer greater than 0.
static OptionID |
Parameter to specify the intrinsic dimensionality of the clusters to find,
must be an integer greater than 0.
static OptionID |
Parameter to specify the number of clusters to find, must be an integer
greater or equal to 0, where 0 means no limit.
static OptionID |
Parameter to specify the threshold for minimum number of points in the
epsilon-neighborhood of a point, must be an integer greater than 0.
static OptionID |
Parameter to specify the threshold for minimum number of points in the
epsilon-SNN-neighborhood of a point, must be an integer greater than 0.
static OptionID |
Parameter to specify the threshold for minimum number of points within a
cluster, must be an integer greater than 0.
static OptionID |
Parameter to specify the threshold for minimum number of points in the
epsilon-neighborhood of a point, must be an integer greater than 0.
static OptionID |
Parameter to specify the threshold for minimum number of points in the
epsilon-neighborhood of a point, must be an integer greater than 0.
static OptionID |
Parameter to specify the distance function to determine the distance
between database objects, must extend
. |
static OptionID |
Parameter to specify the random generator seed.
static OptionID |
Parameter to specify the random generator seed.
static OptionID |
The minimum number of clusters to extract
static OptionID |
Parameter to specify the steepness threshold.
static OptionID |
Parameter to specify the actual OPTICS algorithm to use.
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
static OptionID |
Flag to indicate that an adjustment of the applied heuristic for choosing
an interval is performed after an interval is selected.
static OptionID |
The threshold for 'strong' eigenvectors: the 'strong' eigenvectors explain
a portion of at least alpha of the total variance.
static OptionID |
Parameter to specify the factor for reducing the number of current clusters
in each iteration, must be an integer greater than 0 and less than 1.
static OptionID |
Parameter to specify the threshold of a distance between a vector q and a
given space that indicates that q adds a new dimension to the space, must
be a double equal to or greater than 0.
static OptionID |
Parameter to specify the maximum jitter for distance values, must be a
double greater than 0.
static OptionID |
Optional parameter to specify the number of nearest neighbors considered in
the PCA, must be an integer greater than 0.
static OptionID |
Parameter to specify the maximum level for splitting the hypercube, must be
an integer greater than 0.
static OptionID |
Parameter to specify the minimum dimensionality of the subspaces to be
found, must be an integer greater than 0.
static OptionID |
Parameter to specify the threshold for minimum number of points in a
cluster, must be an integer greater than 0.
static OptionID |
Parameter to specify the smoothing factor, must be an integer greater than
static OptionID |
Parameter to specify the clustering algorithm to apply to each partition,
must extend
ClusteringAlgorithm . |
static OptionID |
Parameter to specify the distance function to use inside the partitions
. |
static OptionID |
Parameter to specify the local PCA preprocessor to derive partition
criterion, must extend
AbstractFilteredPCAIndex . |
static OptionID |
Parameter to specify the random generator seed.
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
protected Collection<Pair<OptionID,Object>> |
COPAC.Parameterizer.algO |
private Collection<Pair<OptionID,Object>> |
Holds the parameters of the algorithm to run on each partition.
Constructor and Description |
COPAC(FilteredLocalPCABasedDistanceFunction<V,?,D> partitionDistanceFunction,
Class<? extends ClusteringAlgorithm<Clustering<Model>>> partitionAlgorithm,
Collection<Pair<OptionID,Object>> partitionAlgorithmParameters)
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
static OptionID |
The distance function to determine the distance between database objects.
static OptionID |
Parameter that specifies the maximum radius of the neighborhood to be
considered in each dimension for determination of the preference vector,
must be a double equal to or greater than 0.
static OptionID |
Parameter to specify the maximum radius of the neighborhood to be
considered, must be suitable to
AbstractDimensionsSelectingDoubleDistanceFunction . |
static OptionID |
Parameter to specify the multiplier for the initial number of medoids, must
be an integer greater than 0.
static OptionID |
Parameter to specify the threshold for minimum number of points in the
epsilon-neighborhood of a point, must be an integer greater than 0.
static OptionID |
Parameter that specifies the a minimum number of points as a smoothing
factor to avoid the single-link-effect, must be an integer greater than 0.
static OptionID |
Flag to indicate that only subspaces with large coverage (i.e. the fraction
of the database that is covered by the dense units) are selected, the rest
will be pruned.
static OptionID |
Parameter to specify the random generator seed.
static OptionID |
Parameter to specify the density threshold for the selectivity of a unit,
where the selectivity is the fraction of total feature vectors contained in
this unit, must be a double greater than 0 and less than 1.
static OptionID |
Parameter to specify the number of intervals (units) in each dimension,
must be an integer greater than 0.
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
private Collection<Pair<OptionID,Object>> |
Parameters that were given to OPTICS
protected Collection<Pair<OptionID,Object>> |
DiSH.Parameterizer.opticsO |
Constructor and Description |
DiSH(double epsilon,
DiSHDistanceFunction dishDistance,
Collection<Pair<OptionID,Object>> opticsAlgorithmParameters)
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
static OptionID |
Flag to indicate that multiple cluster assignment is possible.
static OptionID |
Flag to indicate that multiple cluster assignment is possible.
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
static OptionID |
Parameter to specify the averaging neighborhood scaling.
static OptionID |
Parameter to indicate the multiplier for the discriminance value for
discerning small from large variances.
static OptionID |
Parameter to specify the cutoff.
static OptionID |
The distance function to determine the reachability distance between
database objects.
static OptionID |
Parameter to specify the size of the D-neighborhood
static OptionID |
Parameter for sample size to be used in fast mode.
static OptionID |
OptionID for inversion flag.
static OptionID |
Parameter to specify the number of nearest neighbors of an object to be
considered for computing its INFLO_SCORE. must be an integer greater than
static OptionID |
Parameter to specify the k nearest neighbor
static OptionID |
Parameter to specify the number of nearest neighbors of an object, to be
considered for computing its REFOD_SCORE, must be an integer greater than
static OptionID |
OptionID for the target dimensionality
static OptionID |
Parameter for k, the number of neighbors used in kNN queries.
static OptionID |
Parameter to specify the number of nearest neighbors of an object to be
considered for computing its LDOF_SCORE, must be an integer greater than 1.
static OptionID |
Parameter to specify the k nearest neighbor
static OptionID |
Parameter to specify the number of nearest neighbors of an object to be
considered for computing its LOF_SCORE, must be an integer greater than 1.
static OptionID |
Parameter to specify the number of nearest neighbors of an object to be
considered for computing its LOOP_SCORE, must be an integer greater than 1.
static OptionID |
Parameter for the kernel function.
static OptionID |
Parameter to specify the number of shared nearest neighbors to be
considered for learning the subspace properties., must be an integer
greater than 0.
static OptionID |
The kNN query used.
static OptionID |
Parameter to specify the number of nearest neighbors of an object to be
considered for computing its LOOP_SCORE, must be an integer greater than 1.
static OptionID |
Parameter to specify the fraction of expected outliers.
static OptionID |
Parameter to specify the number of nearest neighbors of an object to be
considered for computing its LOOP_SCORE, must be an integer greater than 1.
static OptionID |
Parameter to specify if any object is a Core Object must be a double
greater than 0.0
see paper "Two-way search method" 3.2
static OptionID |
Parameter to specify the number of solutions must be an integer greater
than 1.
static OptionID |
Parameter to specify the minimum neighborhood size
static OptionID |
Parameter to specify the minimum fraction of objects that must be outside
the D- neighborhood of an outlier
static OptionID |
OptionID for the grid size
static OptionID |
The preprocessor used to materialize the kNN neighborhoods.
static OptionID |
The distance function to determine the reachability distance between
database objects.
static OptionID |
The distance function to determine the reachability distance between
database objects.
static OptionID |
Parameter for the reference points heuristic.
static OptionID |
Parameter to specify the maximum radius of the neighborhood to be
considered, must be suitable to the distance function specified.
static OptionID |
Parameter to specify the random generator seed.
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
static OptionID |
The flag for using the breadth first approach
static OptionID |
Parameter that specifies the name of the file to be re-parsed.
static OptionID |
Parameter that specifies the object ID pattern
-externaloutlier.idpattern Default: ^ID= |
static OptionID |
Flag parameter for inverted scores.
static OptionID |
Parameter to specify the number of instances to use in the ensemble.
static OptionID |
Parameter to specify a scaling function to use.
static OptionID |
Parameter to specify a scaling function to use.
static OptionID |
Parameter that specifies the object score pattern
-externaloutlier.scorepattern |
static OptionID |
The parameter to specify the random seed
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
static OptionID |
Holds the alpha value - significance niveau
static OptionID |
Parameter to specify alpha
static OptionID |
Parameter to specify the c
static OptionID |
Parameter to specify the k nearest neighbors
static OptionID |
Parameter to specify the number of neighbors
static OptionID |
Parameter to specify the neighborhood predicate to use.
static OptionID |
Parameter to specify the non spatial distance function to use
static OptionID |
Parameter for the percentile value p
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
static OptionID |
Parameter to specify the distance function to use
static OptionID |
Parameter k
static OptionID |
Parameter to specify the neighborhood file
static OptionID |
Parameter to specify the neighborhood predicate to use.
static OptionID |
Parameter to specify the number of steps allowed
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
static OptionID |
The parameter to give the non-weighted neighborhood to use.
static OptionID |
Parameter to specify the neighborhood predicate to use.
static OptionID |
Parameter to specify the number of steps allowed
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
static OptionID |
The pattern to match outliers with.
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
static OptionID |
Flag to compute exact value range for binning.
static OptionID |
Option to configure the number of bins to use.
static OptionID |
Option to configure the number of bins to use.
static OptionID |
Option to configure the number of bins to use.
static OptionID |
Flag to enable sampling
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
static OptionID |
Class parameter for computing the color histogram.
static OptionID |
Parameter that specifies the name of the input file.
static OptionID |
Parameter that specifies the name of the input file.
static OptionID |
Parameter that specifies the name of the output file.
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
static OptionID |
Parameter that specifies the name of the directory to be re-parsed.
static OptionID |
Parameter that specifies the name of the directory to be re-parsed.
static OptionID |
Parameter that specifies the name of the directory to be re-parsed.
static OptionID |
Parameter that specifies the name of the directory to be re-parsed.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
int | o1,
OptionID o2) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
private static void |
DocumentParameters.buildParameterIndex(HashMapList<Class<?>,Parameter<?,?>> byclass,
HashMapList<OptionID,Pair<Parameter<?,?>,Class<?>>> byopt) |
private static Document |
DocumentParameters.makeByOptOverview(HashMapList<OptionID,Pair<Parameter<?,?>,Class<?>>> byopt) |
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
static OptionID |
Port to use for listening
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
static OptionID |
Parameter to specify the distance function to determine the distance
between database objects, must extend
DistanceFunction . |
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
static OptionID |
Parameter that specifies the number of bins (per plane) to use.
static OptionID |
Parameter that specifies the number of bins (per plane) to use.
static OptionID |
Parameter that specifies the number of bins (per plane) to use.
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
static OptionID |
Parameter to specify the indexes to use.
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
static OptionID |
Parameter to give the configuration file
static OptionID |
Database to specify the random vector dimensionality
static OptionID |
Filters to apply to the input data.
static OptionID |
Parameter that specifies the name of the input file to be parsed.
static OptionID |
Parameter to specify the parser to provide a database.
static OptionID |
Parameter to give the configuration file
static OptionID |
Random generator seed.
static OptionID |
Parameter to specify the database size to generate.
static OptionID |
Parameter to give the configuration file
static OptionID |
The static option ID
static OptionID |
The static option ID
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
static OptionID |
Parameter to specify the class of occurring class labels.
static OptionID |
Optional parameter that specifies the index of the label to be used as
class label, must be an integer equal to or greater than 0.
static OptionID |
Optional parameter that specifies the index of the label to be used as
external Id, must be an integer equal to or greater than 0.
static OptionID |
Optional parameter to specify the first object ID to use.
static OptionID |
Parameter that specifies the filter pattern (regular expression).
static OptionID |
Flag to use the pattern in inverted mode
static OptionID |
Parameter for maximum.
static OptionID |
Parameter for means.
static OptionID |
Parameter for minimum.
static OptionID |
Parameter for the desired cardinality of the subset of attributes selected
for projection.
static OptionID |
Optional parameter to specify a seed for randomly shuffling the rows of the
static OptionID |
The parameter listing the split dimensions.
static OptionID |
Selected attributes parameter.
static OptionID |
Parameter for stddevs.
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
static OptionID |
OptionID for the column separator parameter (defaults to whitespace as in
static OptionID |
Parameter for distance function.
static OptionID |
A comma separated list of the indices of labels (may be numeric), counting
whitespace separated entries in a line starting with 0.
static OptionID |
Pattern for recognizing class label attributes.
static OptionID |
Pattern for recognizing external ID attributes.
static OptionID |
OptionID for the quote character parameter (defaults to a double quotation
mark as in
AbstractParser.QUOTE_CHAR . |
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
static OptionID |
OptionID for the base distance used to compute reachability
static OptionID |
OptionID for the index parameter
static OptionID |
OptionID for the "k" parameter.
static OptionID |
OptionID for the KNN query class to use (preprocessor, approximation, ...)
static OptionID |
OptionID for the "p" parameter
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
static OptionID |
Parameter to specify the similarity function to derive the distance between
database objects from.
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
static OptionID |
Parameter for the kernel dimensionality.
static OptionID |
Parameter for the kernel dimensionality.
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
static OptionID |
Parameter to specify the threshold of a distance between a vector q and a
given space that indicates that q adds a new dimension to the space, must
be a double equal to or greater than 0.
static OptionID |
Parameter to specify the threshold for approximate linear dependency: the
strong eigenvectors of q are approximately linear dependent from the strong
eigenvectors p if the following condition holds for all strong eigenvectors
q_i of q (lambda_q < lambda_p): q_i' * M^check_p * q_i <= delta^2, must be
a double equal to or greater than 0.
static OptionID |
Parameter to specify the threshold for the maximum distance between two
approximately linear dependent subspaces of two objects p and q (lambda_q <
lambda_p) before considering them as parallel, must be a double equal to or
greater than 0.
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
static OptionID |
Parameter that specifies the name of the distance matrix file.
static OptionID |
Parameter that specifies the name of the distance matrix file.
static OptionID |
Parameter that specifies the name of the distance matrix file.
static OptionID |
Parameter that specifies the name of the distance matrix file.
static OptionID |
Optional parameter to specify the parsers to provide a database, must
DistanceParser . |
static OptionID |
Optional parameter to specify the parsers to provide a database, must
DistanceParser . |
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
static OptionID |
Latitude dimension parameter.
static OptionID |
Longitude dimension parameter.
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
static OptionID |
Parameter for dimensionality.
static OptionID |
Dimensions parameter.
static OptionID |
Parameter to specify the maximum distance between two vectors with equal
preference vectors before considering them as parallel, must be a double
equal to or greater than 0.
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
static OptionID |
BANDSIZE parameter
static OptionID |
DELTA parameter
static OptionID |
G parameter
static OptionID |
PDELTA parameter
static OptionID |
PEPSILON parameter
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
static OptionID |
Parameter to specify the preprocessor to be used.
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
static OptionID |
Degree parameter
static OptionID |
Parameter for the maximum degree
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
static OptionID |
number of bins for the histogram
Default value:
Key: -comphist.bins
static OptionID |
The object pattern to identify positive classes
static OptionID |
Parameter to specify a scaling function to use.
static OptionID |
Flag to count frequencies of outliers and non-outliers separately
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
static OptionID |
The distance function to determine the reachability distance between
database objects.
static OptionID |
Parameter to specify a scaling function to use.
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
static OptionID |
Parameter flag for special noise handling.
static OptionID |
Parameter to obtain the reference clustering.
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
static OptionID |
The pattern to identify positive classes.
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
static OptionID |
OptionID for the scaling function to use
static OptionID |
OptionID to skip zero values when plotting to increase contrast.
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
protected static OptionID |
OptionID for unrecognized options.
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
static OptionID |
Parameter to indicate the distance function to be used to ascertain the
nearest neighbors.
static OptionID |
Parameter to specify the number of nearest neighbors of an object to be
materialized. must be an integer greater than 1.
static OptionID |
Parameter to specify the number of partitions to use for materializing
the kNN.
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
static OptionID |
Parameter to specify the maximum radius of the neighborhood to be
considered in the PCA, must be suitable to the distance function
static OptionID |
Optional parameter to specify the number of nearest neighbors considered
in the PCA, must be an integer greater than 0.
static OptionID |
Parameter to specify the distance function used for running PCA.
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
static OptionID |
The maximum absolute variance along a coordinate axis.
static OptionID |
A comma separated list of positive doubles specifying the maximum radius
of the neighborhood to be considered in each dimension for determination
of the preference vector (default is
DiSHPreferenceVectorIndex.Factory.DEFAULT_EPSILON in each
dimension). |
static OptionID |
The number of nearest neighbors considered to determine the preference
static OptionID |
Positive threshold for minimum numbers of points in the
epsilon-neighborhood of a point, must satisfy following
DiSHPreferenceVectorIndex.Factory.CONDITION . |
static OptionID |
The strategy for determination of the preference vector, available
strategies are:
DiSHPreferenceVectorIndex.Strategy.APRIORI and
DiSHPreferenceVectorIndex.Strategy.MAX_INTERSECTION . |
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
static OptionID |
Parameter to indicate the distance function to be used to ascertain the
nearest neighbors.
static OptionID |
Parameter to indicate the number of neighbors to be taken into account
for the shared-nearest-neighbor similarity.
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
static OptionID |
Parameter for Delta
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
static OptionID |
Parameter to specify the size of the cache in bytes, must be an integer
equal to or greater than 0.
static OptionID |
Optional parameter that specifies the name of the file storing the index.
static OptionID |
Parameter to specify the size of a page in bytes, must be an integer
greater than 0.
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
static OptionID |
Parameter to specify the distance function to determine the distance
between database objects, must extend
DistanceFunction . |
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
static OptionID |
Parameter specifying the maximal number k of reverse k nearest neighbors to
be supported, must be an integer greater than 0.
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
static OptionID |
Parameter for k
static OptionID |
Parameter for nolog
static OptionID |
Parameter for p
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
static OptionID |
Parameter for k
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
static OptionID |
Parameter for bulk strategy
static OptionID |
Fast-insertion parameter.
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
static OptionID |
Fast-insertion parameter.
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
static OptionID |
The threshold for 'strong' eigenvectors: the 'strong' eigenvectors explain
a portion of at least alpha of the total variance.
static OptionID |
Parameter to specify a constant big value to reset high eigenvalues, must
be a double greater than 0.
static OptionID |
"absolute" Flag
static OptionID |
The list of filters to use.
static OptionID |
Parameter delta
static OptionID |
Paremeter n
static OptionID |
Parameter progressive alpha.
static OptionID |
Parameter relative alpha.
static OptionID |
OptionID for the weak alpha value of
WeakEigenPairFilter ,
SignificantEigenPairFilter |
static OptionID |
Parameter to specify the class to compute the covariance matrix, must be a
subclass of
CovarianceMatrixBuilder . |
static OptionID |
Parameter to specify the filter for determination of the strong and weak
eigenvectors, must be a subclass of
EigenPairFilter . |
static OptionID |
Parameter to specify a constant small value to reset low eigenvalues, must
be a double greater than 0.
static OptionID |
Parameter to specify the weight function to use in weighted PCA, must
. |
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
static OptionID |
Parameter for automatically opening the output file.
static OptionID |
Parameter for compatibility mode.
static OptionID |
Flag to control GZIP compression.
static OptionID |
Flag to suppress overwrite warning.
static OptionID |
Parameter for scaling functions
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
static OptionID |
OptionID for
AlgorithmStep |
static OptionID |
OptionID for
InputStep |
static OptionID |
OptionID for
InputStep |
static OptionID |
Optional Parameter to specify a class to enable debugging for.
static OptionID |
Optional Parameter to specify a class to obtain a description for.
static OptionID |
OptionID for
EvaluationStep |
static OptionID |
Flag to obtain help-message.
static OptionID |
Flag to obtain help-message.
static OptionID |
OptionID for the application output file/folder
static OptionID |
OptionID for
OutputStep |
static OptionID |
Flag to allow verbose messages while running the application.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static OptionID |
OptionID.getOptionID(String name)
Returns the OptionID for the given name if it exists, null otherwise.
static OptionID |
OptionID.getOrCreateOptionID(String name,
String description)
Gets or creates the OptionID for the given class and given name.
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
(package private) LinkedList<Pair<OptionID,Object>> |
The actual parameters, for storage
private Vector<Pair<OptionID,Object>> |
Parameters to rewind.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Collection<Pair<OptionID,Object>> |
Get the tracked parameters that were actually set.
List<Pair<OptionID,Object>> |
Return the yet unused parameters.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
ListParameterization.addFlag(OptionID optionid)
Add a flag to the parameter list
void |
ListParameterization.addParameter(OptionID optionid,
Object value)
Add a parameter to the parameter list
Constructor and Description |
ListParameterization(Collection<Pair<OptionID,Object>> dbParameters)
Constructor with an existing collection.
MergedParameterization(Parameterization inner,
ListParameterization current,
Vector<Pair<OptionID,Object>> used)
Constructor for descending
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
protected OptionID |
The option name.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
OptionID |
Return the OptionID of this option.
Constructor and Description |
ClassListParameter(OptionID optionID,
Class<?> restrictionClass)
Constructs a class list parameter with the given optionID and restriction
ClassListParameter(OptionID optionID,
Class<?> restrictionClass,
boolean optional)
Constructs a class list parameter with the given optionID and restriction
ClassParameter(OptionID optionID,
Class<?> restrictionClass)
Constructs a class parameter with the given optionID, and restriction
ClassParameter(OptionID optionID,
Class<?> restrictionClass,
boolean optional)
Constructs a class parameter with the given optionID, restriction class,
and optional flag.
ClassParameter(OptionID optionID,
Class<?> restrictionClass,
Class<?> defaultValue)
Constructs a class parameter with the given optionID, restriction class,
and default value.
DistanceParameter(OptionID optionID,
D dist)
Constructs a double parameter with the given optionID.
DistanceParameter(OptionID optionID,
D dist,
boolean optional)
Constructs a double parameter with the given optionID and optional flag.
DistanceParameter(OptionID optionID,
D dist,
D defaultValue)
Constructs a double parameter with the given optionID and default value.
DistanceParameter(OptionID optionID,
DistanceFunction<?,D> dist)
Constructs a double parameter with the given optionID.
DistanceParameter(OptionID optionID,
DistanceFunction<?,D> dist,
boolean optional)
Constructs a double parameter with the given optionID and optional flag.
DistanceParameter(OptionID optionID,
DistanceFunction<?,D> dist,
D defaultValue)
Constructs a double parameter with the given optionID and default value.
DistanceParameter(OptionID optionID,
DistanceFunction<?,D> dist,
List<ParameterConstraint<D>> constraints)
Constructs a double parameter with the given optionID, and parameter
DistanceParameter(OptionID optionID,
DistanceFunction<?,D> dist,
List<ParameterConstraint<D>> cons,
boolean optional)
Constructs a double parameter with the given optionID, parameter
constraints, and optional flag.
DistanceParameter(OptionID optionID,
DistanceFunction<?,D> dist,
List<ParameterConstraint<D>> cons,
D defaultValue)
Constructs a double parameter with the given optionID, parameter
constraints, and default value.
DistanceParameter(OptionID optionID,
DistanceFunction<?,D> dist,
ParameterConstraint<D> constraint)
Constructs a double parameter with the given optionID, and parameter
DistanceParameter(OptionID optionID,
DistanceFunction<?,D> dist,
ParameterConstraint<D> constraint,
boolean optional)
Constructs a double parameter with the given optionID, parameter
constraint, and optional flag.
DistanceParameter(OptionID optionID,
DistanceFunction<?,D> dist,
ParameterConstraint<D> constraint,
D defaultValue)
Constructs a double parameter with the given optionID, parameter
constraint, and default value.
DistanceParameter(OptionID optionID,
D dist,
List<ParameterConstraint<D>> constraints)
Constructs a double parameter with the given optionID, and parameter
DistanceParameter(OptionID optionID,
D dist,
List<ParameterConstraint<D>> cons,
boolean optional)
Constructs a double parameter with the given optionID, parameter
constraints, and optional flag.
DistanceParameter(OptionID optionID,
D dist,
List<ParameterConstraint<D>> cons,
D defaultValue)
Constructs a double parameter with the given optionID, parameter
constraints, and default value.
DistanceParameter(OptionID optionID,
D dist,
ParameterConstraint<D> constraint)
Constructs a double parameter with the given optionID, and parameter
DistanceParameter(OptionID optionID,
D dist,
ParameterConstraint<D> constraint,
boolean optional)
Constructs a double parameter with the given optionID, parameter
constraint, and optional flag.
DistanceParameter(OptionID optionID,
D dist,
ParameterConstraint<D> constraint,
D defaultValue)
Constructs a double parameter with the given optionID, parameter
constraint, and default value.
DoubleListParameter(OptionID optionID)
Constructs a list parameter with the given optionID.
DoubleListParameter(OptionID optionID,
boolean optional)
Constructs a list parameter with the given optionID and optional flag.
DoubleListParameter(OptionID optionID,
List<ParameterConstraint<List<Double>>> constraints,
boolean optional)
Constructs a list parameter with the given optionID.
DoubleListParameter(OptionID optionID,
List<ParameterConstraint<List<Double>>> constraints,
List<Double> defaultValue)
Constructs a list parameter with the given optionID.
DoubleListParameter(OptionID optionID,
ParameterConstraint<List<Double>> constraint)
Constructs a list parameter with the given optionID.
DoubleListParameter(OptionID optionID,
ParameterConstraint<List<Double>> constraint,
boolean optional)
Constructs a list parameter with the given optionID.
DoubleListParameter(OptionID optionID,
ParameterConstraint<List<Double>> constraint,
List<Double> defaultValue)
Constructs a list parameter with the given optionID.
DoubleParameter(OptionID optionID)
Constructs a double parameter with the given optionID.
DoubleParameter(OptionID optionID,
boolean optional)
Constructs a double parameter with the given optionID and optional flag.
DoubleParameter(OptionID optionID,
Double defaultValue)
Constructs a double parameter with the given optionID and default value.
DoubleParameter(OptionID optionID,
List<ParameterConstraint<Number>> constraints)
Constructs a double parameter with the given optionID, and parameter
DoubleParameter(OptionID optionID,
List<ParameterConstraint<Number>> cons,
boolean optional)
Constructs a double parameter with the given optionID, parameter
constraints, and optional flag.
DoubleParameter(OptionID optionID,
List<ParameterConstraint<Number>> cons,
Double defaultValue)
Constructs a double parameter with the given optionID, parameter
constraints, and default value.
DoubleParameter(OptionID optionID,
ParameterConstraint<Number> constraint)
Constructs a double parameter with the given optionID, and parameter
DoubleParameter(OptionID optionID,
ParameterConstraint<Number> constraint,
boolean optional)
Constructs a double parameter with the given optionID, parameter
constraint, and optional flag.
DoubleParameter(OptionID optionID,
ParameterConstraint<Number> constraint,
Double defaultValue)
Constructs a double parameter with the given optionID, parameter
constraint, and default value.
EnumParameter(OptionID optionID,
Class<E> enumClass)
Constructs an enum parameter with the given optionID, constraints and
default value.
EnumParameter(OptionID optionID,
Class<E> enumClass,
boolean optional)
Constructs an enum parameter with the given optionID, constraints and
default value.
EnumParameter(OptionID optionID,
Class<E> enumClass,
E defaultValue)
Constructs an enum parameter with the given optionID, constraints and
default value.
FileListParameter(OptionID optionID,
FileListParameter.FilesType filesType)
Constructs a file list parameter with the given optionID, and file type.
FileParameter(OptionID optionID,
FileParameter.FileType fileType)
Constructs a file parameter with the given optionID, and file type.
FileParameter(OptionID optionID,
FileParameter.FileType fileType,
boolean optional)
Constructs a file parameter with the given optionID, file type, and
optional flag.
Flag(OptionID optionID)
Constructs a flag object with the given optionID.
IntListParameter(OptionID optionID)
Constructs an integer list parameter
IntListParameter(OptionID optionID,
boolean optional)
Constructs an integer list parameter
IntListParameter(OptionID optionID,
List<ParameterConstraint<List<Integer>>> constraints,
boolean optional)
Constructs an integer list parameter
IntListParameter(OptionID optionID,
List<ParameterConstraint<List<Integer>>> constraints,
List<Integer> defaultValue)
Constructs an integer list parameter
IntListParameter(OptionID optionID,
ParameterConstraint<List<Integer>> constraint)
Constructs an integer list parameter
IntListParameter(OptionID optionID,
ParameterConstraint<List<Integer>> constraint,
boolean optional)
Constructs an integer list parameter
IntListParameter(OptionID optionID,
ParameterConstraint<List<Integer>> constraint,
List<Integer> defaultValue)
Constructs an integer list parameter
IntParameter(OptionID optionID)
Constructs an integer parameter with the given optionID.
IntParameter(OptionID optionID,
boolean optional)
Constructs an integer parameter with the given optionID.
IntParameter(OptionID optionID,
Integer defaultValue)
Constructs an integer parameter with the given optionID.
IntParameter(OptionID optionID,
List<ParameterConstraint<Number>> constraints)
Constructs an integer parameter with the given optionID, and parameter
IntParameter(OptionID optionID,
List<ParameterConstraint<Number>> constraints,
boolean optional)
Constructs an integer parameter with the given optionID, parameter
constraint, and optional flag.
IntParameter(OptionID optionID,
List<ParameterConstraint<Number>> constraints,
Integer defaultValue)
Constructs an integer parameter with the given optionID, parameter
constraint, and default value.
IntParameter(OptionID optionID,
ParameterConstraint<Number> constraint)
Constructs an integer parameter with the given optionID, and parameter
IntParameter(OptionID optionID,
ParameterConstraint<Number> constraint,
boolean optional)
Constructs an integer parameter with the given optionID, parameter
constraint, and optional flag.
IntParameter(OptionID optionID,
ParameterConstraint<Number> constraint,
Integer defaultValue)
Constructs an integer parameter with the given optionID, parameter
constraint, and default value.
ListParameter(OptionID optionID)
Constructs a list parameter with the given optionID.
ListParameter(OptionID optionID,
boolean optional)
Constructs a list parameter with the given optionID and optional flag.
ListParameter(OptionID optionID,
List<ParameterConstraint<List<T>>> constraints,
boolean optional)
Constructs a list parameter with the given optionID.
ListParameter(OptionID optionID,
List<ParameterConstraint<List<T>>> constraints,
List<T> defaultValue)
Constructs a list parameter with the given optionID.
ListParameter(OptionID optionID,
ParameterConstraint<List<T>> constraint)
Constructs a list parameter with the given optionID.
ListParameter(OptionID optionID,
ParameterConstraint<List<T>> constraint,
boolean optional)
Constructs a list parameter with the given optionID.
ListParameter(OptionID optionID,
ParameterConstraint<List<T>> constraint,
List<T> defaultValue)
Constructs a list parameter with the given optionID.
LongParameter(OptionID optionID)
Constructs a long parameter with the given optionID.
LongParameter(OptionID optionID,
boolean optional)
Constructs a long parameter with the given optionID.
LongParameter(OptionID optionID,
List<ParameterConstraint<Number>> constraints)
Constructs a long parameter with the given optionID, and parameter
LongParameter(OptionID optionID,
List<ParameterConstraint<Number>> constraints,
boolean optional)
Constructs a long parameter with the given optionID, and parameter
LongParameter(OptionID optionID,
List<ParameterConstraint<Number>> constraints,
long defaultValue)
Constructs a long parameter with the given optionID, parameter constraint
and default value.
LongParameter(OptionID optionID,
long defaultValue)
Constructs a long parameter with the given optionID and default value.
LongParameter(OptionID optionID,
ParameterConstraint<Number> constraint)
Constructs a long parameter with the given optionID, and parameter
LongParameter(OptionID optionID,
ParameterConstraint<Number> constraint,
boolean optional)
Constructs a long parameter with the given optionID, and parameter
LongParameter(OptionID optionID,
ParameterConstraint<Number> constraint,
long defaultValue)
Constructs a long parameter with the given optionID, parameter constraint
and default value.
NumberParameter(OptionID optionID)
Constructs a number parameter with the given optionID.
NumberParameter(OptionID optionID,
boolean optional)
Constructs a number parameter with the given optionID and optional flag.
NumberParameter(OptionID optionID,
List<ParameterConstraint<Number>> constraints)
Constructs a number parameter with the given optionID, and constraint.
NumberParameter(OptionID optionID,
List<ParameterConstraint<Number>> constraints,
boolean optional)
Constructs a number parameter with the given optionID, constraint, and
optional flag.
NumberParameter(OptionID optionID,
List<ParameterConstraint<Number>> constraints,
T defaultValue)
Constructs a number parameter with the given optionID, constraint, and
optional flag.
NumberParameter(OptionID optionID,
ParameterConstraint<Number> constraint)
Constructs a number parameter with the given optionID, and constraint.
NumberParameter(OptionID optionID,
ParameterConstraint<Number> constraint,
boolean optional)
Constructs a number parameter with the given optionID, constraint, and
optional flag.
NumberParameter(OptionID optionID,
ParameterConstraint<Number> constraint,
T defaultValue)
Constructs a number parameter with the given optionID, constraint, and
optional flag.
NumberParameter(OptionID optionID,
T defaultValue)
Constructs a number parameter with the given optionID and default Value.
ObjectListParameter(OptionID optionID,
Class<?> restrictionClass)
Constructor for non-optional.
ObjectListParameter(OptionID optionID,
Class<?> restrictionClass,
boolean optional)
Constructor with optional flag.
ObjectParameter(OptionID optionID,
Class<?> restrictionClass)
Constructs a class parameter with the given optionID, and restriction
ObjectParameter(OptionID optionID,
Class<?> restrictionClass,
boolean optional)
Constructs a class parameter with the given optionID, restriction class,
and optional flag.
ObjectParameter(OptionID optionID,
Class<?> restrictionClass,
Class<?> defaultValue)
Constructs a class parameter with the given optionID, restriction class,
and default value.
ObjectParameter(OptionID optionID,
Class<?> restrictionClass,
T defaultValue)
Constructs a class parameter with the given optionID, restriction class,
and default value.
Parameter(OptionID optionID)
Constructs a parameter with the given optionID.
Parameter(OptionID optionID,
boolean optional)
Constructs a parameter with the given optionID and optional flag.
Parameter(OptionID optionID,
List<ParameterConstraint<S>> constraints)
Constructs a parameter with the given optionID, and constraints.
Parameter(OptionID optionID,
List<ParameterConstraint<S>> constraints,
boolean optional)
Constructs a parameter with the given optionID, constraints, and optional
Parameter(OptionID optionID,
List<ParameterConstraint<S>> constraints,
T defaultValue)
Constructs a parameter with the given optionID, constraints, and default
Parameter(OptionID optionID,
ParameterConstraint<S> constraint)
Constructs a parameter with the given optionID, and constraint.
Parameter(OptionID optionID,
ParameterConstraint<S> constraint,
boolean optional)
Constructs a parameter with the given optionID, constraint, and optional
Parameter(OptionID optionID,
ParameterConstraint<S> constraint,
T defaultValue)
Constructs a parameter with the given optionID, constraint, and default
Parameter(OptionID optionID,
T defaultValue)
Constructs a parameter with the given optionID and default value.
PatternParameter(OptionID optionID)
Constructs a pattern parameter with the given optionID.
PatternParameter(OptionID optionID,
boolean optional)
Constructs a pattern parameter with the given optionID.
PatternParameter(OptionID optionID,
List<ParameterConstraint<Pattern>> constraints)
Constructs a pattern parameter with the given optionID, constraints and
default value.
PatternParameter(OptionID optionID,
List<ParameterConstraint<Pattern>> constraints,
boolean optional)
Constructs a pattern parameter with the given optionID, constraints and
default value.
PatternParameter(OptionID optionID,
List<ParameterConstraint<Pattern>> constraint,
Pattern defaultValue)
Constructs a pattern parameter with the given optionID, constraints and
default value.
PatternParameter(OptionID optionID,
List<ParameterConstraint<Pattern>> constraint,
String defaultValue)
Constructs a pattern parameter with the given optionID, constraints and
default value.
PatternParameter(OptionID optionID,
ParameterConstraint<Pattern> constraint)
Constructs a pattern parameter with the given optionID, constraints and
default value.
PatternParameter(OptionID optionID,
ParameterConstraint<Pattern> constraint,
boolean optional)
Constructs a pattern parameter with the given optionID, constraints and
default value.
PatternParameter(OptionID optionID,
ParameterConstraint<Pattern> constraint,
Pattern defaultValue)
Constructs a pattern parameter with the given optionID, constraints and
default value.
PatternParameter(OptionID optionID,
ParameterConstraint<Pattern> constraint,
String defaultValue)
Constructs a pattern parameter with the given optionID, constraints and
default value.
PatternParameter(OptionID optionID,
Pattern defaultValue)
Constructs a pattern parameter with the given optionID, and default value.
PatternParameter(OptionID optionID,
String defaultValue)
Constructs a pattern parameter with the given optionID, and default value.
StringParameter(OptionID optionID)
Constructs a string parameter with the given optionID.
StringParameter(OptionID optionID,
boolean optional)
Constructs a string parameter with the given optionID.
StringParameter(OptionID optionID,
List<ParameterConstraint<String>> constraints)
Constructs a string parameter with the given optionID, constraints and
default value.
StringParameter(OptionID optionID,
List<ParameterConstraint<String>> constraints,
boolean optional)
Constructs a string parameter with the given optionID, constraints and
default value.
StringParameter(OptionID optionID,
List<ParameterConstraint<String>> constraint,
String defaultValue)
Constructs a string parameter with the given optionID, constraints and
default value.
StringParameter(OptionID optionID,
ParameterConstraint<String> constraint)
Constructs a string parameter with the given optionID, constraints and
default value.
StringParameter(OptionID optionID,
ParameterConstraint<String> constraint,
boolean optional)
Constructs a string parameter with the given optionID, constraints and
default value.
StringParameter(OptionID optionID,
ParameterConstraint<String> constraint,
String defaultValue)
Constructs a string parameter with the given optionID, constraints and
default value.
StringParameter(OptionID optionID,
String defaultValue)
Constructs a string parameter with the given optionID, and default value.
VectorListParameter(OptionID optionID)
Constructs a vector list parameter with the given name and description.
VectorListParameter(OptionID optionID,
boolean optional)
Constructs a vector list parameter with the given name and description.
VectorListParameter(OptionID optionID,
List<ParameterConstraint<List<List<Double>>>> constraints,
boolean optional)
Constructs a vector list parameter with the given name and description.
VectorListParameter(OptionID optionID,
List<ParameterConstraint<List<List<Double>>>> constraints,
List<List<Double>> defaultValue)
Constructs a vector list parameter with the given name and description.
VectorListParameter(OptionID optionID,
ParameterConstraint<List<List<Double>>> constraint)
Constructs a vector list parameter with the given name and description.
VectorListParameter(OptionID optionID,
ParameterConstraint<List<List<Double>>> constraint,
boolean optional)
Constructs a vector list parameter with the given name and description.
VectorListParameter(OptionID optionID,
ParameterConstraint<List<List<Double>>> constraint,
List<List<Double>> defaultValue)
Constructs a vector list parameter with the given name and description.
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
static OptionID |
Parameter to specify the grid resolution.
static OptionID |
Parameter to specify the extra scaling of the space, to allow
out-of-data-space reference points.
static OptionID |
Parameter to specify the sample size.
static OptionID |
Parameter to specify the number of requested reference points.
static OptionID |
Parameter to specify the grid resolution.
static OptionID |
Parameter for additional scaling of the space, to allow out-of-space
reference points.
static OptionID |
Parameter to specify the extra scaling of the space, to allow
out-of-data-space reference points.
static OptionID |
Parameter to specify the extra scaling of the space, to allow
out-of-data-space reference points.
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
static OptionID |
OptionID for the gamma value.
static OptionID |
Parameter to specify the maximum value
static OptionID |
Parameter to specify a fixed minimum to use.
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
static OptionID |
Parameter to specify the lambda value
static OptionID |
Parameter to specify the number of outliers to keep
static OptionID |
Parameter to specify the lambda value
static OptionID |
Parameter to specify the lambda value
static OptionID |
Parameter to specify the maximum value
static OptionID |
Parameter to specify the fixed maximum to use.
static OptionID |
Flag to use the mean as minimum for scaling.
static OptionID |
Parameter to specify a fixed mean to use.
static OptionID |
Parameter to specify a fixed mean to use.
static OptionID |
Parameter to specify a fixed minimum to use.
static OptionID |
Parameter to specify the fixed minimum to use.
static OptionID |
Parameter to specify the fixed minimum to use.
static OptionID |
Normalization flag.
static OptionID |
Flag to use ignore zeros when computing the min and max.
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
static OptionID |
Parameter to disable visualizers
Key: -vis.hide
Default: default properties file
static OptionID |
Parameter to get the style properties file.
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
static OptionID |
Parameter to specify the window title
Default value: "ELKI Result Visualization"
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
static OptionID |
Parameter for the maximum number of dimensions,
Code: -vis.maxdim
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
static OptionID |
Parameter to specify the number of bins to use in histogram.
static OptionID |
Flag to specify the "curves" rendering style.
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
static OptionID |
Parameter for the gamma-correction.
static OptionID |
Flag for half-transparent filling of bubbles.
static OptionID |
Flag for half-transparent filling of bubbles.
static OptionID |
Flag for half-transparent filling of selection cubes.
static OptionID |
Parameter for scaling functions