Uses of Interface

Packages that use ParameterConstraint
de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.utilities.optionhandling.constraints Constraints allow to restrict possible values for parameters. 
de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.utilities.optionhandling.parameters Classes for various typed parameters. 

Uses of ParameterConstraint in de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.utilities.optionhandling.constraints

Classes in de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.utilities.optionhandling.constraints that implement ParameterConstraint
 class AbstractNumberConstraint<P>
          Abstract super class for constraints dealing with a certain number value.
 class EqualStringConstraint
          Represents a parameter constraint for testing if the string value of the string parameter ( StringParameter ) to be tested is equal to the specified constraint-strings.
 class GreaterConstraint
          Represents a parameter constraint for testing if the value of the number parameter (NumberParameter) tested is greater than the specified constraint value.
 class GreaterEqualConstraint
          Represents a Greater-Equal-Than-Number parameter constraint.
 class IntervalConstraint
          Represents an interval parameter constraint testing if a given value lies within the specified interval.
 class LessConstraint
          Represents a Less-Than-Number parameter constraint.
 class LessEqualConstraint
          Represents a Less-Equal-Than-Number parameter constraint.
 class ListGreaterEqualConstraint<N extends Number>
          Represents a Greater-Equal-Than-Number parameter constraint for a list of number values.
 class ListSizeConstraint<T>
          Represents a list-size parameter constraint.
 class StringLengthConstraint
          Length constraint for a StringParameter .

Fields in de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.utilities.optionhandling.constraints with type parameters of type ParameterConstraint
private  List<ParameterConstraint<S>> ParameterFlagGlobalConstraint.cons
          List of parameter constraints.

Constructor parameters in de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.utilities.optionhandling.constraints with type arguments of type ParameterConstraint
ParameterFlagGlobalConstraint(Parameter<S,C> p, List<ParameterConstraint<S>> c, Flag f, boolean flagConstraint)
          Constructs a global parameter constraint specifying that the testing of the parameter given for keeping the parameter constraints given is dependent on the status of the flag given.

Uses of ParameterConstraint in de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.utilities.optionhandling.parameters

Fields in de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.utilities.optionhandling.parameters with type parameters of type ParameterConstraint
protected  List<ParameterConstraint<S>> Parameter.constraints
          Holds parameter constraints for this parameter.

Methods in de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.utilities.optionhandling.parameters that return types with arguments of type ParameterConstraint
private static
<S> List<ParameterConstraint<S>>
Parameter.makeConstraintsVector(ParameterConstraint<S> constraint)
          Wrap a single constraint into a vector of constraints.

Methods in de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.utilities.optionhandling.parameters with parameters of type ParameterConstraint
 void Parameter.addConstraint(ParameterConstraint<S> constraint)
          Add an additional constraint.
private static
<S> List<ParameterConstraint<S>>
Parameter.makeConstraintsVector(ParameterConstraint<S> constraint)
          Wrap a single constraint into a vector of constraints.

Constructors in de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.utilities.optionhandling.parameters with parameters of type ParameterConstraint
DistanceParameter(OptionID optionID, DistanceFunction<?,D> dist, ParameterConstraint<D> constraint)
          Constructs a double parameter with the given optionID, and parameter constraint.
DistanceParameter(OptionID optionID, DistanceFunction<?,D> dist, ParameterConstraint<D> constraint, boolean optional)
          Constructs a double parameter with the given optionID, parameter constraint, and optional flag.
DistanceParameter(OptionID optionID, DistanceFunction<?,D> dist, ParameterConstraint<D> constraint, D defaultValue)
          Constructs a double parameter with the given optionID, parameter constraint, and default value.
DistanceParameter(OptionID optionID, D dist, ParameterConstraint<D> constraint)
          Constructs a double parameter with the given optionID, and parameter constraint.
DistanceParameter(OptionID optionID, D dist, ParameterConstraint<D> constraint, boolean optional)
          Constructs a double parameter with the given optionID, parameter constraint, and optional flag.
DistanceParameter(OptionID optionID, D dist, ParameterConstraint<D> constraint, D defaultValue)
          Constructs a double parameter with the given optionID, parameter constraint, and default value.
DoubleListParameter(OptionID optionID, ParameterConstraint<List<Double>> constraint)
          Constructs a list parameter with the given optionID.
DoubleListParameter(OptionID optionID, ParameterConstraint<List<Double>> constraint, boolean optional)
          Constructs a list parameter with the given optionID.
DoubleListParameter(OptionID optionID, ParameterConstraint<List<Double>> constraint, List<Double> defaultValue)
          Constructs a list parameter with the given optionID.
DoubleParameter(OptionID optionID, ParameterConstraint<Number> constraint)
          Constructs a double parameter with the given optionID, and parameter constraint.
DoubleParameter(OptionID optionID, ParameterConstraint<Number> constraint, boolean optional)
          Constructs a double parameter with the given optionID, parameter constraint, and optional flag.
DoubleParameter(OptionID optionID, ParameterConstraint<Number> constraint, Double defaultValue)
          Constructs a double parameter with the given optionID, parameter constraint, and default value.
IntListParameter(OptionID optionID, ParameterConstraint<List<Integer>> constraint)
          Constructs an integer list parameter
IntListParameter(OptionID optionID, ParameterConstraint<List<Integer>> constraint, boolean optional)
          Constructs an integer list parameter
IntListParameter(OptionID optionID, ParameterConstraint<List<Integer>> constraint, List<Integer> defaultValue)
          Constructs an integer list parameter
IntParameter(OptionID optionID, ParameterConstraint<Number> constraint)
          Constructs an integer parameter with the given optionID, and parameter constraint.
IntParameter(OptionID optionID, ParameterConstraint<Number> constraint, boolean optional)
          Constructs an integer parameter with the given optionID, parameter constraint, and optional flag.
IntParameter(OptionID optionID, ParameterConstraint<Number> constraint, Integer defaultValue)
          Constructs an integer parameter with the given optionID, parameter constraint, and default value.
ListParameter(OptionID optionID, ParameterConstraint<List<T>> constraint)
          Constructs a list parameter with the given optionID.
ListParameter(OptionID optionID, ParameterConstraint<List<T>> constraint, boolean optional)
          Constructs a list parameter with the given optionID.
ListParameter(OptionID optionID, ParameterConstraint<List<T>> constraint, List<T> defaultValue)
          Constructs a list parameter with the given optionID.
LongParameter(OptionID optionID, ParameterConstraint<Number> constraint)
          Constructs a long parameter with the given optionID, and parameter constraint.
LongParameter(OptionID optionID, ParameterConstraint<Number> constraint, boolean optional)
          Constructs a long parameter with the given optionID, and parameter constraint.
LongParameter(OptionID optionID, ParameterConstraint<Number> constraint, long defaultValue)
          Constructs a long parameter with the given optionID, parameter constraint and default value.
NumberParameter(OptionID optionID, ParameterConstraint<Number> constraint)
          Constructs a number parameter with the given optionID, and constraint.
NumberParameter(OptionID optionID, ParameterConstraint<Number> constraint, boolean optional)
          Constructs a number parameter with the given optionID, constraint, and optional flag.
NumberParameter(OptionID optionID, ParameterConstraint<Number> constraint, T defaultValue)
          Constructs a number parameter with the given optionID, constraint, and optional flag.
Parameter(OptionID optionID, ParameterConstraint<S> constraint)
          Constructs a parameter with the given optionID, and constraint.
Parameter(OptionID optionID, ParameterConstraint<S> constraint, boolean optional)
          Constructs a parameter with the given optionID, constraint, and optional flag.
Parameter(OptionID optionID, ParameterConstraint<S> constraint, T defaultValue)
          Constructs a parameter with the given optionID, constraint, and default value.
PatternParameter(OptionID optionID, ParameterConstraint<Pattern> constraint)
          Constructs a pattern parameter with the given optionID, constraints and default value.
PatternParameter(OptionID optionID, ParameterConstraint<Pattern> constraint, boolean optional)
          Constructs a pattern parameter with the given optionID, constraints and default value.
PatternParameter(OptionID optionID, ParameterConstraint<Pattern> constraint, Pattern defaultValue)
          Constructs a pattern parameter with the given optionID, constraints and default value.
PatternParameter(OptionID optionID, ParameterConstraint<Pattern> constraint, String defaultValue)
          Constructs a pattern parameter with the given optionID, constraints and default value.
StringParameter(OptionID optionID, ParameterConstraint<String> constraint)
          Constructs a string parameter with the given optionID, constraints and default value.
StringParameter(OptionID optionID, ParameterConstraint<String> constraint, boolean optional)
          Constructs a string parameter with the given optionID, constraints and default value.
StringParameter(OptionID optionID, ParameterConstraint<String> constraint, String defaultValue)
          Constructs a string parameter with the given optionID, constraints and default value.
VectorListParameter(OptionID optionID, ParameterConstraint<List<List<Double>>> constraint)
          Constructs a vector list parameter with the given name and description.
VectorListParameter(OptionID optionID, ParameterConstraint<List<List<Double>>> constraint, boolean optional)
          Constructs a vector list parameter with the given name and description.
VectorListParameter(OptionID optionID, ParameterConstraint<List<List<Double>>> constraint, List<List<Double>> defaultValue)
          Constructs a vector list parameter with the given name and description.

Constructor parameters in de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.utilities.optionhandling.parameters with type arguments of type ParameterConstraint
DistanceParameter(OptionID optionID, DistanceFunction<?,D> dist, List<ParameterConstraint<D>> constraints)
          Constructs a double parameter with the given optionID, and parameter constraints.
DistanceParameter(OptionID optionID, DistanceFunction<?,D> dist, List<ParameterConstraint<D>> cons, boolean optional)
          Constructs a double parameter with the given optionID, parameter constraints, and optional flag.
DistanceParameter(OptionID optionID, DistanceFunction<?,D> dist, List<ParameterConstraint<D>> cons, D defaultValue)
          Constructs a double parameter with the given optionID, parameter constraints, and default value.
DistanceParameter(OptionID optionID, D dist, List<ParameterConstraint<D>> constraints)
          Constructs a double parameter with the given optionID, and parameter constraints.
DistanceParameter(OptionID optionID, D dist, List<ParameterConstraint<D>> cons, boolean optional)
          Constructs a double parameter with the given optionID, parameter constraints, and optional flag.
DistanceParameter(OptionID optionID, D dist, List<ParameterConstraint<D>> cons, D defaultValue)
          Constructs a double parameter with the given optionID, parameter constraints, and default value.
DoubleListParameter(OptionID optionID, List<ParameterConstraint<List<Double>>> constraints, boolean optional)
          Constructs a list parameter with the given optionID.
DoubleListParameter(OptionID optionID, List<ParameterConstraint<List<Double>>> constraints, List<Double> defaultValue)
          Constructs a list parameter with the given optionID.
DoubleParameter(OptionID optionID, List<ParameterConstraint<Number>> constraints)
          Constructs a double parameter with the given optionID, and parameter constraints.
DoubleParameter(OptionID optionID, List<ParameterConstraint<Number>> cons, boolean optional)
          Constructs a double parameter with the given optionID, parameter constraints, and optional flag.
DoubleParameter(OptionID optionID, List<ParameterConstraint<Number>> cons, Double defaultValue)
          Constructs a double parameter with the given optionID, parameter constraints, and default value.
IntListParameter(OptionID optionID, List<ParameterConstraint<List<Integer>>> constraints, boolean optional)
          Constructs an integer list parameter
IntListParameter(OptionID optionID, List<ParameterConstraint<List<Integer>>> constraints, List<Integer> defaultValue)
          Constructs an integer list parameter
IntParameter(OptionID optionID, List<ParameterConstraint<Number>> constraints)
          Constructs an integer parameter with the given optionID, and parameter constraint.
IntParameter(OptionID optionID, List<ParameterConstraint<Number>> constraints, boolean optional)
          Constructs an integer parameter with the given optionID, parameter constraint, and optional flag.
IntParameter(OptionID optionID, List<ParameterConstraint<Number>> constraints, Integer defaultValue)
          Constructs an integer parameter with the given optionID, parameter constraint, and default value.
ListParameter(OptionID optionID, List<ParameterConstraint<List<T>>> constraints, boolean optional)
          Constructs a list parameter with the given optionID.
ListParameter(OptionID optionID, List<ParameterConstraint<List<T>>> constraints, List<T> defaultValue)
          Constructs a list parameter with the given optionID.
LongParameter(OptionID optionID, List<ParameterConstraint<Number>> constraints)
          Constructs a long parameter with the given optionID, and parameter constraint.
LongParameter(OptionID optionID, List<ParameterConstraint<Number>> constraints, boolean optional)
          Constructs a long parameter with the given optionID, and parameter constraint.
LongParameter(OptionID optionID, List<ParameterConstraint<Number>> constraints, long defaultValue)
          Constructs a long parameter with the given optionID, parameter constraint and default value.
NumberParameter(OptionID optionID, List<ParameterConstraint<Number>> constraints)
          Constructs a number parameter with the given optionID, and constraint.
NumberParameter(OptionID optionID, List<ParameterConstraint<Number>> constraints, boolean optional)
          Constructs a number parameter with the given optionID, constraint, and optional flag.
NumberParameter(OptionID optionID, List<ParameterConstraint<Number>> constraints, T defaultValue)
          Constructs a number parameter with the given optionID, constraint, and optional flag.
Parameter(OptionID optionID, List<ParameterConstraint<S>> constraints)
          Constructs a parameter with the given optionID, and constraints.
Parameter(OptionID optionID, List<ParameterConstraint<S>> constraints, boolean optional)
          Constructs a parameter with the given optionID, constraints, and optional flag.
Parameter(OptionID optionID, List<ParameterConstraint<S>> constraints, T defaultValue)
          Constructs a parameter with the given optionID, constraints, and default value.
PatternParameter(OptionID optionID, List<ParameterConstraint<Pattern>> constraints)
          Constructs a pattern parameter with the given optionID, constraints and default value.
PatternParameter(OptionID optionID, List<ParameterConstraint<Pattern>> constraints, boolean optional)
          Constructs a pattern parameter with the given optionID, constraints and default value.
PatternParameter(OptionID optionID, List<ParameterConstraint<Pattern>> constraint, Pattern defaultValue)
          Constructs a pattern parameter with the given optionID, constraints and default value.
PatternParameter(OptionID optionID, List<ParameterConstraint<Pattern>> constraint, String defaultValue)
          Constructs a pattern parameter with the given optionID, constraints and default value.
StringParameter(OptionID optionID, List<ParameterConstraint<String>> constraints)
          Constructs a string parameter with the given optionID, constraints and default value.
StringParameter(OptionID optionID, List<ParameterConstraint<String>> constraints, boolean optional)
          Constructs a string parameter with the given optionID, constraints and default value.
StringParameter(OptionID optionID, List<ParameterConstraint<String>> constraint, String defaultValue)
          Constructs a string parameter with the given optionID, constraints and default value.
VectorListParameter(OptionID optionID, List<ParameterConstraint<List<List<Double>>>> constraints, boolean optional)
          Constructs a vector list parameter with the given name and description.
VectorListParameter(OptionID optionID, List<ParameterConstraint<List<List<Double>>>> constraints, List<List<Double>> defaultValue)
          Constructs a vector list parameter with the given name and description.

Release 0.4.0 (2011-09-20_1324)