Package de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.utilities.optionhandling.constraints

Constraints allow to restrict possible values for parameters.


Interface Summary
GlobalParameterConstraint Interface for specifying global parameter constraints, i.e. constraints addressing several parameters.

Interface for specifying parameter constraints.


Class Summary
AbstractNumberConstraint<P> Abstract super class for constraints dealing with a certain number value.
AllOrNoneMustBeSetGlobalConstraint Global parameter constraint specifying that either all elements of a list of parameters ( Parameter) must be set, or none of them.
EqualSizeGlobalConstraint Global parameter constraint defining that a number of list parameters ( ListParameter ) must have equal list sizes.
EqualStringConstraint Represents a parameter constraint for testing if the string value of the string parameter ( StringParameter ) to be tested is equal to the specified constraint-strings.
GlobalListSizeConstraint Represents a global parameter constraint for testing if the size of the list parameter (ListParameter) given is equal to the constraint size specified by the integer parameter (IntParameter) given.
GlobalVectorListElementSizeConstraint Global parameter constraint for testing if the dimensions of each vector specified by a given vector list parameter (VectorListParameter) correspond to the value of a integer parameter (IntParameter) given.
GreaterConstraint Represents a parameter constraint for testing if the value of the number parameter (NumberParameter) tested is greater than the specified constraint value.
GreaterEqualConstraint Represents a Greater-Equal-Than-Number parameter constraint.
IntervalConstraint Represents an interval parameter constraint testing if a given value lies within the specified interval.
LessConstraint Represents a Less-Than-Number parameter constraint.
LessEqualConstraint Represents a Less-Equal-Than-Number parameter constraint.
LessEqualGlobalConstraint<T extends Number> Represents a Less-Equal-Than global parameter constraint.
LessGlobalConstraint<T extends Number> Represents a Less-Than global parameter constraint.
ListGreaterEqualConstraint<N extends Number> Represents a Greater-Equal-Than-Number parameter constraint for a list of number values.
ListSizeConstraint<T> Represents a list-size parameter constraint.
NoDuplicateValueGlobalConstraint Global parameter constraint specifying that parameters of a list of number parameters (NumberParameter) are not allowed to have the same value.
OneMustBeSetGlobalConstraint Represents a global parameter constraint specifying that at least one parameter value of a given list of parameters (Parameter) has to be set.
OnlyOneIsAllowedToBeSetGlobalConstraint Global parameter constraint specifying that only one parameter of a list of parameters (Parameter) is allowed to be set.
ParameterFlagGlobalConstraint<S,C extends S> Global parameter constraint describing the dependency of a parameter ( Parameter) on a given flag (Flag).
StringLengthConstraint Length constraint for a StringParameter .

Enum Summary
IntervalConstraint.IntervalBoundary Available interval boundary types types: IntervalConstraint.IntervalBoundary.OPEN denotes an opend interval, i.e. less than (or greater than) comparison IntervalConstraint.IntervalBoundary.CLOSE denotes a closed interval, i.e. an equal to or less than (or equal to or greater than) comparison

Package de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.utilities.optionhandling.constraints Description

Constraints allow to restrict possible values for parameters.

Release 0.4.0 (2011-09-20_1324)