Methods in de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.algorithm.outlier with parameters of type StepProgress |
protected LOF.LOFResult<O,D> |
LOF.doRunInTime(KNNQuery<O,D> kNNRefer,
KNNQuery<O,D> kNNReach,
StepProgress stepprog)
Performs the Generalized LOF_SCORE algorithm on the given database and
returns a LOF.LOFResult encapsulating information that may be
needed by an OnlineLOF algorithm. |
private Pair<Pair<KNNQuery<O,D>,KNNQuery<O,D>>,Pair<RKNNQuery<O,D>,RKNNQuery<O,D>>> |
OnlineLOF.getKNNAndRkNNQueries(Relation<O> relation,
StepProgress stepprog)
Get the kNN and rkNN queries for the algorithm. |
protected Pair<KNNQuery<O,D>,KNNQuery<O,D>> |
LoOP.getKNNQueries(Database database,
Relation<O> relation,
StepProgress stepprog)
Get the kNN queries for the algorithm. |
private Pair<KNNQuery<O,D>,KNNQuery<O,D>> |
LOF.getKNNQueries(Relation<O> relation,
StepProgress stepprog)
Get the kNN queries for the algorithm. |