Class AbstractMTreeNode<O,D extends Distance<D>,N extends AbstractMTreeNode<O,D,N,E>,E extends MTreeEntry<D>>

  extended by de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.persistent.AbstractPage
      extended by de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.index.tree.AbstractNode<E>
          extended by de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.index.tree.metrical.mtreevariants.AbstractMTreeNode<O,D,N,E>
Type Parameters:
O - the type of DatabaseObject to be stored in the M-Tree
D - the type of Distance used in the M-Tree
N - the type of AbstractMTreeNode used in the M-Tree
E - the type of MetricalEntry used in the M-Tree
All Implemented Interfaces:
Node<E>, Page, Externalizable, Serializable
Direct Known Subclasses:
MkAppTreeNode, MkCoPTreeNode, MkMaxTreeNode, MkTabTreeNode, MTreeNode

public abstract class AbstractMTreeNode<O,D extends Distance<D>,N extends AbstractMTreeNode<O,D,N,E>,E extends MTreeEntry<D>>
extends AbstractNode<E>

Abstract super class for nodes in M-Tree variants.

See Also:
Serialized Form

Field Summary
Fields inherited from class de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.index.tree.AbstractNode
entries, isLeaf, numEntries
Constructor Summary
          Empty constructor for Externalizable interface.
AbstractMTreeNode(int capacity, boolean isLeaf, Class<? super E> eclass)
          Creates a new MTreeNode with the specified parameters.
Method Summary
 void adjustEntry(E entry, DBID routingObjectID, D parentDistance, AbstractMTree<O,D,N,E> mTree)
          Adjusts the parameters of the entry representing this node (e.g. after insertion of new objects).
 D coveringRadius(DBID routingObjectID, AbstractMTree<O,D,N,E> mTree)
          Determines and returns the covering radius of this node.
 void integrityCheck(AbstractMTree<O,D,N,E> mTree, E entry)
          Tests this node (for debugging purposes).
protected  void integrityCheckParameters(E parentEntry, N parent, int index, AbstractMTree<O,D,N,E> mTree)
          Tests, if the parameters of the entry representing this node, are correctly set.
Methods inherited from class de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.index.tree.AbstractNode
addDirectoryEntry, addLeafEntry, children, deleteAllEntries, deleteEntry, equals, getCapacity, getEntries, getEntry, getNumEntries, isLeaf, readExternal, splitTo, splitTo, toString, writeExternal
Methods inherited from class de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.persistent.AbstractPage
getPageID, hashCode, isDirty, setDirty, setPageID
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.persistent.Page
getPageID, isDirty, setDirty, setPageID

Constructor Detail


public AbstractMTreeNode()
Empty constructor for Externalizable interface.


public AbstractMTreeNode(int capacity,
                         boolean isLeaf,
                         Class<? super E> eclass)
Creates a new MTreeNode with the specified parameters.

capacity - the capacity (maximum number of entries plus 1 for overflow) of this node
isLeaf - indicates whether this node is a leaf node
eclass - Entry class, to initialize array storage
Method Detail


public void adjustEntry(E entry,
                        DBID routingObjectID,
                        D parentDistance,
                        AbstractMTree<O,D,N,E> mTree)
Adjusts the parameters of the entry representing this node (e.g. after insertion of new objects). Subclasses may need to overwrite this method.

entry - the entry representing this node
routingObjectID - the id of the (new) routing object of this node
parentDistance - the distance from the routing object of this node to the routing object of the parent node
mTree - the M-Tree object holding this node


public D coveringRadius(DBID routingObjectID,
                        AbstractMTree<O,D,N,E> mTree)
Determines and returns the covering radius of this node.

routingObjectID - the object id of the routing object of this node
mTree - the M-Tree
the covering radius of this node


public final void integrityCheck(AbstractMTree<O,D,N,E> mTree,
                                 E entry)
Tests this node (for debugging purposes).

mTree - the M-Tree holding this node
entry - the entry representing this node


protected void integrityCheckParameters(E parentEntry,
                                        N parent,
                                        int index,
                                        AbstractMTree<O,D,N,E> mTree)
Tests, if the parameters of the entry representing this node, are correctly set. Subclasses may need to overwrite this method.

parentEntry - the entry representing the parent
parent - the parent holding the entry representing this node
index - the index of the entry in the parents child arry
mTree - the M-Tree holding this node

Release 0.4.0 (2011-09-20_1324)