Interface MTreeEntry<D extends Distance<D>>

Type Parameters:
D - the type of Distance used in the M-Tree
All Superinterfaces:
Entry, Externalizable, Serializable
All Known Subinterfaces:
MkAppEntry<D>, MkCoPEntry<D>, MkMaxEntry<D>, MkTabEntry<D>
All Known Implementing Classes:
MkAppDirectoryEntry, MkAppLeafEntry, MkCoPDirectoryEntry, MkCoPLeafEntry, MkMaxDirectoryEntry, MkMaxLeafEntry, MkTabDirectoryEntry, MkTabLeafEntry, MTreeDirectoryEntry, MTreeLeafEntry

public interface MTreeEntry<D extends Distance<D>>
extends Entry

Defines the requirements for an entry in an M-Tree node.

Method Summary
 D getCoveringRadius()
          Returns the covering radius if this entry is a directory entry, null otherwise.
 D getParentDistance()
          Returns the distance from the routing object of this entry to the routing object of its parent.
 DBID getRoutingObjectID()
          Returns the id of the underlying database object of this entry, if this entry is a leaf entry, the id of the routing object, otherwise.
 void setCoveringRadius(D coveringRadius)
          Sets the covering radius of this entry if this entry is a directory entry, throws an UnsupportedOperationException otherwise.
 void setParentDistance(D parentDistance)
          Sets the distance from the routing object to routing object of its parent.
 void setRoutingObjectID(DBID objectID)
          Sets the id of the underlying database object of this entry, if this entry is a leaf entry, the id of the routing object, otherwise.
Methods inherited from interface de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.index.tree.Entry
Methods inherited from interface
readExternal, writeExternal

Method Detail


DBID getRoutingObjectID()
Returns the id of the underlying database object of this entry, if this entry is a leaf entry, the id of the routing object, otherwise.

the id of the underlying database object of this entry, if this entry is a leaf entry, the id of the routing object, otherwise


void setRoutingObjectID(DBID objectID)
Sets the id of the underlying database object of this entry, if this entry is a leaf entry, the id of the routing object, otherwise.

objectID - the id to be set


D getParentDistance()
Returns the distance from the routing object of this entry to the routing object of its parent.

the distance from the object to its parent object


void setParentDistance(D parentDistance)
Sets the distance from the routing object to routing object of its parent.

parentDistance - the distance to be set


D getCoveringRadius()
Returns the covering radius if this entry is a directory entry, null otherwise.

the covering radius of this entry


void setCoveringRadius(D coveringRadius)
Sets the covering radius of this entry if this entry is a directory entry, throws an UnsupportedOperationException otherwise.

coveringRadius - the covering radius to be set

Release 0.4.0 (2011-09-20_1324)