Interface Summary | |
Normalization<O> | Normalization performs a normalization on a set of feature vectors and is capable to transform a set of feature vectors to the original attribute ranges. |
ObjectFilter | Object filters as part of the input step. |
Class Summary | |
AbstractConversionFilter<I,O> | Abstract base class for simple conversion filters such as normalizations and projections. |
AbstractFeatureSelectionFilter<V extends FeatureVector<?,?>> | A ProjectionParser projects the objects of its base parser onto a subspace specified by a BitSet. |
AbstractFeatureSelectionFilter.Parameterizer<V extends NumberVector<V,?>> | Parameterization class. |
AbstractNormalization<O> | Abstract super class for all normalizations. |
AbstractRandomFeatureSelectionFilter<V extends FeatureVector<?,?>> | A RandomProjectionParser selects a subset of attributes randomly for projection of a ParsingResult. |
AbstractRandomFeatureSelectionFilter.Parameterizer<V extends NumberVector<V,?>> | Parameterization class. |
AttributeWiseErfNormalization<O extends NumberVector<O,?>> | Attribute-wise Normalization using the error function. |
AttributeWiseMinMaxNormalization<V extends NumberVector<V,?>> | Class to perform and undo a normalization on real vectors with respect to given minimum and maximum in each dimension. |
AttributeWiseMinMaxNormalization.Parameterizer<V extends NumberVector<V,?>> | Parameterization class. |
AttributeWiseVarianceNormalization<V extends NumberVector<V,?>> | Class to perform and undo a normalization on real vectors with respect to given mean and standard deviation in each dimension. |
AttributeWiseVarianceNormalization.Parameterizer<V extends NumberVector<V,?>> | Parameterization class. |
ClassLabelFilter | Class that turns a label column into a class label column. |
ClassLabelFilter.Parameterizer | Parameterization class. |
DoubleVectorProjectionFilter | Parser to project the ParsingResult obtained by a suitable base parser onto a selected subset of attributes. |
DoubleVectorProjectionFilter.Parameterizer | Parameterization class. |
DoubleVectorRandomProjectionFilter | Parser to project the ParsingResult obtained by a suitable base parser onto a randomly selected subset of attributes. |
DoubleVectorRandomProjectionFilter.Parameterizer | Parameterization class. |
ExternalIDFilter | Class that turns a label column into an external ID column. |
ExternalIDFilter.Parameterizer | Parameterization class. |
FilterByLabelFilter | A filter to sort the data set by some label. |
FilterByLabelFilter.Parameterizer | Parameterization class. |
FilterNoMissingValuesFilter | A filter to remove entries that have missing values. |
FilterNoMissingValuesFilter.Parameterizer | Parameterization class. |
FixedDBIDsFilter | This filter assigns static DBIDs, based on the sequence the objects appear in the bundle by adding a column of DBID type to the bundle. |
FixedDBIDsFilter.Parameterizer | Parameterization class. |
InverseDocumentFrequencyNormalization | Normalization for text frequency vectors, using the inverse document frequency. |
NoOpFilter | Dummy filter that doesn't do any filtering. |
ShuffleObjectsFilter | A filter to shuffle the dataset. |
ShuffleObjectsFilter.Parameterizer | Parameterization class. |
SortByLabelFilter | A filter to sort the data set by some label. |
SparseFloatVectorProjectionFilter | Parser to project the ParsingResult obtained by a suitable base parser onto a selected subset of attributes. |
SparseFloatVectorProjectionFilter.Parameterizer | Parameterization class. |
SparseFloatVectorRandomProjectionFilter | Parser to project the ParsingResult obtained by a suitable base parser onto a randomly selected subset of attributes. |
SparseFloatVectorRandomProjectionFilter.Parameterizer | Parameterization class. |
SplitNumberVectorFilter<V extends NumberVector<V,?>> | Split an existing column into two types. |
SplitNumberVectorFilter.Parameterizer<V extends NumberVector<V,?>> | Parameterization class. |
TFIDFNormalization | Perform full TF-IDF Normalization as commonly used in text mining. |
Exception Summary | |
NonNumericFeaturesException | An exception to signal the encounter of non numeric features where numeric features have been expected. |
Data filtering, in particular for normalization and projection.