Interface Normalization<O>

Type Parameters:
O - object type
All Superinterfaces:
InspectionUtilFrequentlyScanned, ObjectFilter, Parameterizable
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractNormalization, AttributeWiseErfNormalization, AttributeWiseMinMaxNormalization, AttributeWiseVarianceNormalization, InverseDocumentFrequencyNormalization, TFIDFNormalization

public interface Normalization<O>
extends ObjectFilter, Parameterizable

Normalization performs a normalization on a set of feature vectors and is capable to transform a set of feature vectors to the original attribute ranges.

It can also transform a matrix describing an equation system of linear dependencies derived on the normalized space to describe linear dependencies quantitatively adapted to the original space.

Method Summary
 MultipleObjectsBundle normalizeObjects(MultipleObjectsBundle objects)
          Performs a normalization on a database object bundle.
 O restore(O featureVector)
          Transforms a feature vector to the original attribute ranges.
 LinearEquationSystem transform(LinearEquationSystem linearEquationSystem)
          Transforms a linear equation system describing linear dependencies derived on the normalized space into a linear equation system describing linear dependencies quantitatively adapted to the original space.
Methods inherited from interface de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.datasource.filter.ObjectFilter

Method Detail


MultipleObjectsBundle normalizeObjects(MultipleObjectsBundle objects)
                                       throws NonNumericFeaturesException
Performs a normalization on a database object bundle.

objects - the database objects package
modified object bundle
NonNumericFeaturesException - if feature vectors differ in length or values are not suitable to normalization


O restore(O featureVector)
          throws NonNumericFeaturesException
Transforms a feature vector to the original attribute ranges.

featureVector - a feature vector to be transformed into original space
a feature vector transformed into original space corresponding to the given feature vector
NonNumericFeaturesException - feature vector is not compatible with values initialized during normalization


LinearEquationSystem transform(LinearEquationSystem linearEquationSystem)
                               throws NonNumericFeaturesException
Transforms a linear equation system describing linear dependencies derived on the normalized space into a linear equation system describing linear dependencies quantitatively adapted to the original space.

linearEquationSystem - the linear equation system to be transformed
a linear equation system describing linear dependencies derived on the normalized space transformed into a linear equation system describing linear dependencies quantitatively adapted to the original space
NonNumericFeaturesException - if specified linear equation system is not compatible with values initialized during normalization

Release 0.4.0 (2011-09-20_1324)