Package de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.algorithm

Algorithms suitable as a task for the KDDTask main routine.


Interface Summary
Algorithm Specifies the requirements for any algorithm that is to be executable by the main class.

Class Summary
AbstractAlgorithm<R extends Result> This class serves also as a model of implementing an algorithm within this framework.
AbstractDistanceBasedAlgorithm<O,D extends Distance<D>,R extends Result> Provides an abstract algorithm already setting the distance function.
AbstractDistanceBasedAlgorithm.Parameterizer<O,D extends Distance<D>> Parameterization helper class.
AbstractPrimitiveDistanceBasedAlgorithm<O,D extends Distance<D>,R extends Result> Provides an abstract algorithm already setting the distance function.
AbstractPrimitiveDistanceBasedAlgorithm.Parameterizer<O,D extends Distance<D>> Parameterization helper class.
APRIORI Provides the APRIORI algorithm for Mining Association Rules.
APRIORI.Parameterizer Parameterization class.
DependencyDerivator<V extends NumberVector<V,?>,D extends Distance<D>> Dependency derivator computes quantitatively linear dependencies among attributes of a given dataset based on a linear correlation PCA.
DependencyDerivator.Parameterizer<V extends NumberVector<V,?>,D extends Distance<D>> Parameterization class.
DummyAlgorithm<O extends NumberVector<?,?>> Dummy Algorithm, which just iterates over all points once, doing a 10NN query each.
KNNDistanceOrder<O,D extends Distance<D>> Provides an order of the kNN-distances for all objects within the database.
KNNDistanceOrder.Parameterizer<O,D extends Distance<D>> Parameterization class.
KNNJoin<V extends NumberVector<V,?>,D extends Distance<D>,N extends SpatialNode<N,E>,E extends SpatialEntry> Joins in a given spatial database to each object its k-nearest neighbors.
KNNJoin.Parameterizer<V extends NumberVector<V,?>,D extends Distance<D>,N extends SpatialNode<N,E>,E extends SpatialEntry> Parameterization class.
MaterializeDistances<O,D extends NumberDistance<D,?>> Algorithm to materialize all the distances in a data set.
MaterializeDistances.Parameterizer<O,D extends NumberDistance<D,?>> Parameterization class.
NullAlgorithm Null Algorithm, which does nothing.

Package de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.algorithm Description

Algorithms suitable as a task for the KDDTask main routine.

The KDDTask main routine expects an algorithm to implement the Algorithm-Interface. Basic functions are already provided within AbstractAlgorithm, see there for basic instructions of how to implement an algorithm suitable to the framework.

Release 0.4.0 (2011-09-20_1324)