Interface PairInterface<FIRST,SECOND>

All Known Subinterfaces:
DBIDPair, DistanceResultPair<D>
All Known Implementing Classes:
AggarwalYuEvolutionary.Individuum, CPair, DoubleDistanceResultPair, DoubleDoublePair, DoubleIntPair, DoubleMinMax, DoubleObjPair, FCPair, GenericDistanceResultPair, IntDoublePair, IntegerDBIDPair, IntegerPriorityObject, IntIntPair, MinMax, Pair, SCPair, SpatialPair

public interface PairInterface<FIRST,SECOND>

Pair interface. Note: this currently is empty by design. You should always decide explicitly whether to use boxing pairs Pair or primitive pairs such as IntIntPair

Method Summary
 FIRST getFirst()
          Get the first object - note: this may cause autoboxing, use pair.first for native pairs!
 SECOND getSecond()
          Get the second object - note: this may cause autoboxing, use pair.second for native pairs!

Method Detail


FIRST getFirst()
Get the first object - note: this may cause autoboxing, use pair.first for native pairs!

First object


SECOND getSecond()
Get the second object - note: this may cause autoboxing, use pair.second for native pairs!

Second object

Release 0.4.0 (2011-09-20_1324)