Package de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.result

Result types, representation and handling


Interface Summary
HierarchicalResult Result with an internal hierarchy.
IterableResult<O> Interface of an "iterable" result (e.g. a list, table) that can be printed one-by-one.
OrderingResult Interface for a result providing an object ordering.
PixmapResult Result encapsulating a single image.
Result Interface for arbitrary result objects.
ResultAdapter Marker interface for trivial "adapter" type of results.
ResultHandler Interface for any class that can handle results
ResultListener Listener interface invoked when new results are added to the result tree.
ResultProcessor Interface for any class that can handle results

Class Summary
AbstractHierarchicalResult Abstract class for a result object with hierarchy
AprioriResult Result class for Apriori Algorithm.
BasicResult Basic class for a result.
CollectionResult<O> Simple 'collection' type of result.
DBIDSelection Class representing selected Database-IDs and/or a selection range.
DiscardResultHandler A dummy result handler that discards the actual result, for use in benchmarks.
HistogramResult<O> Histogram result.
KMLOutputHandler Class to handle KML output.
KMLOutputHandler.Parameterizer Parameterization class
KNNDistanceOrderResult<D extends Distance<D>> Wraps a list containing the knn distances.
OrderingFromDataStore<T extends Comparable<T>> Result class providing an ordering backed by a hashmap.
RangeSelection Class representing selected Database-IDs and/or a selection range.
ReferencePointsResult<O> Result used in passing the reference points to the visualizers.
ResultHierarchy Class to store a hierarchy of result objects.
ResultUtil Utilities for handling result objects
ResultWriter Result handler that feeds the data into a TextWriter
ResultWriter.Parameterizer Parameterization class.
SelectionResult Selection result wrapper.
SettingsResult Result that keeps track of settings that were used in generating this particular result.

Package de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.result Description

Result types, representation and handling

Release 0.4.0 (2011-09-20_1324)