
Package for processing image data (e.g. compute color histograms)


Interface Summary
ComputeColorHistogram Interface for color histogram implementations.

Class Summary
AbstractComputeColorHistogram Abstract class for color histogram computation.
BlendComposite Class to use in Graphics2D.setComposite(java.awt.Composite) that facilitates basic image blending such as lighten-only overlays.
ComputeHSBColorHistogram Compute color histograms in a Hue-Saturation-Brightness model.
ComputeHSBColorHistogram.Parameterizer Parameterization class.
ComputeNaiveHSBColorHistogram Compute color histograms in a Hue-Saturation-Brightness model.
ComputeNaiveHSBColorHistogram.Parameterizer Parameterization class.
ComputeNaiveRGBColorHistogram Compute a (rather naive) RGB color histogram.
ComputeNaiveRGBColorHistogram.Parameterizer Parameterization class.
ImageUtil Class with generic image handling utility functions.

Package Description

Package for processing image data (e.g. compute color histograms)

Release 0.4.0 (2011-09-20_1324)